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Table 3<br />

Screening chickpea lines for tolerance to cold at Hymana, Turkey, during 1979-80.<br />

Rating No. of entries % of entries<br />

I 4 0.13<br />

2 2 0.06<br />

3 23 0.73<br />

4 283 8.96<br />

5 2846 90.12<br />

Total 3158 100.00<br />

ate elevations in the continental Mediterranean environment. The results of<br />

screening at Hymana have been published earlier (Singh et al. 1981).<br />

The results of cold tolerance screening at Tel Hadya and Terbol, which represent<br />

a fairly wide range of thermal regimes for the lowland zone are very<br />

interesting. They reveal that the cold conditions of winter months in the lowland<br />

zone can be tolerated by "he majority of the accessions, and therefore these cold<br />

conditions of the region are no b. -rier to the introduction of chickpeas as winterplanted<br />

crop.<br />

At the intermediate elevations, i.e. towards the plateau zone, where the cold is<br />

more scvere, the tolerance of most of the lines was rather poor. Only four lines<br />

could tolrate the severe winter conditions at Hymana, and even those showed<br />

death of some tissues and other symptoms of cold injury. However, the fact that<br />

there were lines, albeit few, that did survive indiates that chickpea cultivars<br />

could be developed for winter planting in Turkey, Iran, northern Iraq and similar<br />

areas of intermediate to high elevation in the region.<br />

Of the 24 genotypes that showed 1,2 and 3 ratings in the evaluation at Hymana,<br />

15 originated from India (Tab. 4). The tolerance to severe cold in lines<br />

originating from India is rather difficult to explain, as the winters in these<br />

chickpea growing areas are seldom severe. However, since desi types are predominately<br />

grown in India, there is a possibility that more sources of tolerance to<br />

cold might be available in desi germplasm. It would, therefore, be worthwhile to<br />

evaluate the desi germplasm maintained at ICRISAT for tolerance to cold.<br />

The cold-tolerant lines were again sown at Hymana during 1980-81 season for<br />

confirmation of their toierance. These lines are also being simultaneously used in<br />

the crossing program. Physiological studies on the mechanism of tolerance will<br />

be taken up in lines in which the tolerance is confirmed.<br />


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