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Es x (1 - a) x Eo<br />

t<br />

where t is the number of days since it last rained, E. is the evaporative demand<br />

and a is the fraction of ground cover. This formula demonstrates the importance,<br />

not only of frequency of rainfall, but also the fraction of ground cover in determining<br />

how much moisture loss in the evapotranspiration term is due to Soil<br />

evaporation. We have previously noted the much greater greeni areas that were<br />

obtained at the wetter sites (i.e. maximum values of 4.7, 2.6 and 1.7 for ILC 482<br />

at Jindiress, Tel Hadya and Brida, respectively), and the implications that this<br />

has on ground cover and radiant energy interception. Thus a progressively greater<br />

proportion of the evapotranspiration loss occurred as soil evaporation as one<br />

moved to the drier sites. Such moisture loss in not associated with assimilate<br />

production and would result in lower WUE values.<br />

Depth of Moisture Extraction by Chickpea<br />

In traditional chickpea-growing areas chickpea crops usually follow wheat in the<br />

local three course rotation system of wheat-grain legume (lentil or chickpea)summer<br />

crop. At Jindiress and Tel Hadya, the trial was planted within this<br />

rotation, but at Brida, the land was fallowed in the previous season. Previous<br />

studies have shown that by the time the wheat crop reaches maturity, it has taken<br />

up all the "extractable" soil 'moisture within the rooting profile, and that at<br />

harvest very little moisture remains available for uptake. Further, slow loss of<br />

moisture occurs by upward movement and surface evaporative loss during the<br />

summer months. Thus during the next season only soil depth intervals which<br />

become recharged by current rainfall will contain moisture which is available for<br />

uptake by the chickpea. crop.<br />

The distribution of soil moisture during profile recharge and discharge is given<br />

in Figure IA, B, C, D, E, F for winter-sown ILC 482 at the three sites as an<br />

example. It isclear that the chickpea crop was only able to extract moisture from<br />

the soil profile from depth intervals which had been recharged by the current<br />

season's rainfall. The results in Figure 1 are the mean of four replicates, but<br />

examination of individual replicates indicated that there was a large betweenreplicate<br />

variation in depth of profile recharge (Table 4) which resulted in<br />

parallel variations in the maximum depth of observed moisture extraction. This<br />

variation in depth of profile recharge is caused by large differences in the initial<br />

moisture status of the profile. This within-treatment variation in depth of moisture<br />

extraction was greatest at Jindiress, but also occurred to a lesser extent at<br />

Tel Hadya and Brida. It is interesting to note that at Brida, where the chickpea<br />

crop followed a fallow, much the same picture occurs (Figs. 1E and F). This<br />

indicates that there was very little additional moisture stored in the fallow which<br />

was available for the chickpea crop. In Figure IF, the dotted line represents the<br />


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