89-91 - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Biomateriałów

89-91 - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Biomateriałów

89-91 - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Biomateriałów


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2 weeks designed hernia mesh Dallop® M compared to<br />

polypropylene hernia mesh Duramesh TM presented slight irritation;<br />

after 4,12, 26 and 52 weeks designed polypropylene<br />

hernia mesh Dallop® compared to polypropylene mesh<br />

Duramesh TM presented no irritation.<br />

- In histological evaluation in muscle tissue in all test<br />

terms (after 2,4,12,26 and 52 weeks) designed hernia mesh<br />

Dallop® M compared to polypropylene mesh Duramesh TM<br />

presented no irritation.<br />

- The process of Dallop® M integration caused the formation<br />

of thin layer of connective tissue with fat infiltration<br />

around the mesh fibers both in subcutaneous and muscle<br />

tissue.<br />

- Reaction of subcutaneous and muscle tissues in test<br />

terms 2,4,12,26 and 52 weeks against implanted samples<br />

of designed hernia mesh Dallop® M allows to recognize it<br />

as fully biocompatible material i range of ISO 10993-6:2005<br />

and PN-EN ISO 10993-6:2007.<br />

fIg.17. microscopic view 52 weeks after implantation<br />

of control hernia mesh duramesh tm into muscles<br />

tissue. In the centre the round sample of mesh surrounded<br />

by the band of fibre connective tissue, The richcell<br />

connective tissue in the straight neighbourhood<br />

of the fibre the rich-cell connective tissue is visible .<br />

Stain vg. magn.560x.<br />

References<br />

The tests were planned and conducted in accordance with the<br />

following standards:<br />

- PN-EN ISO 10993-1: 2003 ‘’Biological evaluation of medical<br />

devices- Part 1.: Evaluation and test’’;<br />

- PN-EN ISO 10993-2: 2002 ‘’Biological evaluation of medical devices-<br />

Part 2.: Requirements as for animal management’’;<br />

- PN-EN ISO 30993-6:2000 ‘’ Biological evaluation of medical<br />

devices- Part 6.: Test for local effects after implantation’’;<br />

- ISO/DIS 10993-6, 2004-2005, Biological evaluation of medical<br />

devices- Part 6: Test for local effects after implantation, Annex E<br />

- PN-EN ISO 10993-6:2007 ‘’ Biological evaluation of medical<br />

devices- Part 6.: Test for local effects after implantation’’<br />

EffECT of TITanIum<br />

on the sinteRing anD<br />

mICRoSTRuCTuRE of Ti-DopeD<br />

hyDRoxyapatite<br />


AGh–uniVerSity oF Science And technoloGy, Al. MicKiewi-<br />

czA 30, 30-059 crAcow, PolAnd<br />

[Engineering of Biomaterials, <strong>89</strong>-<strong>91</strong>, (2009), 37]<br />

Introduction<br />

Calcium phosphates (CaPs): hydroxyapatite (HA<br />

– Ca 10(PO 4) 6(OH) 2) and βTCP (βCa 3(PO 4) 2) are widely used<br />

in hard tissue replacement in orthopaedic, maxillofacial<br />

surgery and dentistry. Despite of very high biocompatibility<br />

and bioactivity, due to poor mechanical strength and low<br />

fracture toughness their medical applications are limited<br />

to unloaded or low-loaded implants and coatings. One approach<br />

in the design of the next generation of CaPs implants<br />

is to dope synthetic HAp with small amounts of different<br />

elements which affect properties of the obtained materials.<br />

In this study we report the influence of titanium additives on<br />

sinterability, phase composition, microstructure and flexural<br />

strength of the Ti-modified hydroxyapatite ceramics.<br />

materials and methods<br />

Hydroxyapatite powders doped with various concentrations<br />

of Ti (0.5; 1.0 and 2.0wt%) were produced by a wet<br />

method. In such synthesis CaO, H 3PO 4 and TiCl 3 were applied<br />

as reactants. The initial powders were pressed under<br />

the pressure of 100 MPa to rectangular samples 8×40mm.<br />

Samples of undoped HA were prepared for reference. All<br />

the samples were sintered at 1250°C for 2h. The apparent<br />

density and open porosity of the materials were measured<br />

by Archimedes method. Phase composition of the initial<br />

powders and sintered materials was examined by X-ray<br />

diffraction (Philips diffractometer). The phase quantification<br />

was made by the Rietveld method using the program<br />

X’pert Pro Plus. The unit cell parameters for HA and αTCP<br />

were determined. Fracture surfaces of the specimens were<br />

studied by SEM (Hitachi S4700). Flexural strength was<br />

measured by Instron 3345.<br />

Results<br />

All the CaPs materials based on Ti modified HA exhibited<br />

lower apparent density and higher porosity (Po~9%,<br />

Pt~10% for HA with 2 wt.% of Ti) in comparison to reference<br />

(not-doped HA) samples (P o~4%, P t~8%). Ti negatively influenced<br />

the densification and sinterability of the initial powders.<br />

XRD studies showed that Ti-doped HA decomposed<br />

partially to αTCP and a new crystalline phase, perovskite<br />

(CaTiO 3) was formed. Ti ions partially substituted Ca ions<br />

in HA structure which resulted in changes of HA unit cells.<br />

SEM studies confirmed the presence of CaTiO 3 homogeneously<br />

distributed on the surfaces and the grain boundaries of<br />

calcium phosphate. The flexural strength of doped ceramics<br />

decreased with increasing titanium amount from 88MPa<br />

(undoped hydroxyapatite) to 53MPa for materials with 2wt%<br />

addition of titanium.<br />

Conclusions<br />

Sintering of Ti-doped HA results in threephasic materials<br />

composed of modified HA (with Ti in the structure), αTCP and<br />

perovskite – CaTiO 3 (5.9wt% for the material with 2wt% of<br />

Ti). The formation of a solid solution in the HA-TiO 2 system<br />

was observed. Titanium additives influence phase composition,<br />

sinterability and microstructure of HA ceramics.<br />

acknowledgments<br />

This work has been supported by the Polish Ministry of<br />

Science and Higher Education. Project No R 15 003 03.

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