14.02.2013 Aufrufe

unterwasser-metalldetektoren uwex® erobern den tauchsport - Secon

unterwasser-metalldetektoren uwex® erobern den tauchsport - Secon

unterwasser-metalldetektoren uwex® erobern den tauchsport - Secon


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occur when – as a result of magnetic rock, stronger<br />

than usual remanent magnetism and/or the fact that<br />

an unexploded ordnance device is located unfavourably<br />

– the latter cannot be detected by purely magnetic<br />

detection methods so that active electromagnetic probing<br />

represents an appropriate alternative.<br />

These interrelationships are also made clear taking<br />

as an example again the survey of the landfill. Fig. 5<br />

shows on the left the result of the frequency electromagnetism<br />

survey with the twin coil frequency electromagnetism<br />

device shown in Fig. 2 over a central part of<br />

the landfill and – on the right – the data from the magnetic<br />

field survey of the same area. It is easy to see that<br />

numerous FEM-detected anomalies correspond with<br />

magnetically-detected anomalies and thus are likely to<br />

represent ferrous metal bodies. However there are also<br />

significant differences and the electromagnetic signature<br />

is overall clearer than the magnetic one. This results<br />

from the very different measurement parameters<br />

(magnetization and electrical conductivity) and could<br />

be interpreted in the sense of differentiation between<br />

materials.<br />

The perhaps most impressive images from the geophysical<br />

survey of the landfill are those obtained with the<br />

transient or pulsed electromagnetic method (TEM, Fig. 6).<br />

However this method is also the most expensive one<br />

in terms of equipment. For better understanding but<br />

expressed in very simplified terms one can say that<br />

the electromagnetic signal transmitted with the pulses<br />

Abb. 6. Aktive Impulssondierung (TEM) in drei ausgewählten Zeit-<br />

fenstern mit der oberen Schleife im Array der Abb. 4. Fläche<br />

wie in Abb. 5. Das Messsystem erlaubt die Registrierung in<br />

insgesamt sechs Zeitfenstern synchron in bei<strong>den</strong> Schleifen<br />

(unten, schematisch).<br />

Fig. 6. Active pulsed probing (TEM) in three selected time frames with<br />

the upper loop shown in the array in Fig. 4. The area surveyed is<br />

the same as the one surveyed in Fig. 5. The measuring system<br />

permits registering in a total of six time frames synchronously<br />

in both loops (at the bottom, schematically).<br />

wanders downwards (and also laterally) with time so that it gives its „answer“ in the<br />

form of a signal to the reception coil in a continuous manner. Thus in a certain way<br />

the substrate is imaged in respect of a time period of the order of microseconds and<br />

milliseconds. The measurements at two different distances above the surface of the<br />

ground mean that surface factors of influence and deeper areas can be addressed<br />

and the differentiation between the signals from the upper and lower loops (similar<br />

to the differentiation with the Fluxgate gradiometers) comes close to the so-called<br />

vertical gradient which is characterized by a higher resolution. The selection shown<br />

here for just three channels (Fig. 6) makes very clear how much the field structure<br />

changes in successive time frames.<br />

Time-bombs: The problem of historic wastes, that is becoming ever more urgent,<br />

forced geophysicists 20 – 30 years ago to adjust their measurement systems, which<br />

up to this time had been used primarily to look down to much greater depths, to the<br />

new situations requiring investigation. Explosive ordnance disposal methods have<br />

followed this trend only in a very dilatory manner or not at all. This article is intended<br />

to indicate that different procedures are also possible.<br />

Abb. 4. Ausschnitt aus der Deponievermessung mit der Magnetik.<br />

Originaldaten und berechnete Felder spezieller Bearbeitungsprozeduren.<br />

Fig. 4. Section from the landfill survey by magnetic field measurements.<br />

Original data and the fields calculated with special processing methods.<br />

Abb. 5. Ausschnitt aus der Deponievermessung mit der aktiven Frequenz-Elektromagnetik (links) und<br />

ein Vergleich mit der passiven Magnetik auf derselben Fläche.<br />

Hier ist im Vergleich mit <strong>den</strong> Feldern in Abb. 5 eine nochmals veränderte Filterung und Farbskalierung<br />

gewählt wor<strong>den</strong>, um bestimmte Merkmale dem Auge besser sichtbar zu machen.<br />

Fig. 5. Section from the landfill survey data with the active frequency electromagnetism data (on the<br />

left) and for comparison the passive magnetism data obtained from the same area (on the right).<br />

Here, in contrast to the fields in Fig. 5, the filtering has been changed again and colour-scaling<br />

has been selected in order to make particular characteristics more visible to the human eye.<br />

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