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Wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit:<br />

Prof. F. D. Fischer<br />

Institut für Mechanik, <strong>Montanuniversität</strong> <strong>Leoben</strong>.<br />

Prof. M. Militzer<br />

Dofasco Chair in Advanced Steel Processing,<br />

The University of British Columbia, Canada.<br />

Prof. M. Rettenmayr<br />

Professur für Metallische Werkstoffe, IWT,<br />

Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, Deutschland.<br />

Schmelz- und Erstarrungskinetik<br />

in binären Systemen<br />

Dr. J. Svoboda<br />

IPM, Brno, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.<br />

Referenzen:<br />

[1] M. Rettenmayr, O. Warkentin, M. Rappaz, H. E.<br />

Exner: Acta mater 2001;49:2499-510.<br />

[2] J. Svoboda, E. Gamsjäger, FD. Fischer, P. Fratzl: Acta<br />

mater 2004;52:959-67.<br />

Literatur zum Poster:<br />

E. Gamsjäger, J. Svoboda, F. D. Fischer, M.Rettenmayr:<br />

„Kinetics of solute driven melting and solidification“<br />

submitted to Acta mater.<br />

Ernst Gamsjäger<br />

Institut für Mechanik<br />

an der MUL seit: 1998<br />

Zur Person:<br />

Technische Physik (TU Graz), Dissertation am Institut für<br />

Mechanik (MU <strong>Leoben</strong>).<br />

Universitätslehrerverband der<br />

<strong>Montanuniversität</strong> <strong>Leoben</strong> (<strong>ULV</strong>)<br />

Abstract:<br />

Rettenmayr et al. [1] investigated solute driven<br />

melting in the Al-Mg-system experimentally. The<br />

assumption of local equilibrium at the moving solid/<br />

liquid interface predicted melting rates that are significantly<br />

lower than those determined experimentally.<br />

A recently developed thermodynamic model [2] has<br />

been applied to describe the kinetics of the melting<br />

process. By means of this sharp interface model,<br />

which is based on the principle of maximum Gibbs<br />

energy dissipation, additional insight into the underlying<br />

physics is provided. The features of the melting<br />

and resolidification process can be described by<br />

considering both diffusion processes in the bulk and<br />

inter facial reactions. It is shown that, except for a<br />

short initial transient stage where the kinetics of melting<br />

is controlled by interfacial reactions, the process<br />

is diffusion and convection controlled.<br />

Forschungsschwerpunkte:<br />

Diffusion in Mehrkomponentensystemen<br />

Phasenumwandlungen in Festkörpern<br />

Fest / flüssig - Phasenumwandlungen

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