08.02.2013 Aufrufe

Götter und Lararien aus Augusta Raurica

Götter und Lararien aus Augusta Raurica

Götter und Lararien aus Augusta Raurica


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votive statuettes comes from the provinces outside<br />

Italy. However, it is only in exceptional cases that<br />

public shrines survive with their contents in situ.<br />

Precious votive offerings such as statuettes and tableware<br />

are fo<strong>und</strong> in so-called sacred hoards («Sakralhorten»),<br />

that is in caches for safe-keeping in a particular<br />

sacred place or hidden away bec<strong>aus</strong>e of troubled<br />

circumstances. Besides statuettes and vessels, votive<br />

plaques and cult objects can be fo<strong>und</strong> here. Often the<br />

votive offerings have inscriptions identifying them as<br />

gifts of individuals. In comparison with the contents of<br />

lararia, the statuettes in sacred hoards show a greater<br />

thematic variety. Native deities and other images<br />

which cannot with certainty be identified appear in<br />

considerable numbers. Apparently in the provinces the<br />

new cult of domestic deities, which was unknown before<br />

Romanisation, was taken over largely unchanged<br />

from Italy, while native representations of gods lived<br />

on in public shrines which sometimes had their origins<br />

in the pre-Roman period.<br />

Translation: Catherine Ait ken and Christoph Maier

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