05.02.2013 Aufrufe

Firewall Handbuch für LINUX 2.0 und 2.2 - zurück

Firewall Handbuch für LINUX 2.0 und 2.2 - zurück

Firewall Handbuch für LINUX 2.0 und 2.2 - zurück


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Where directory is the new root directory and command is the command to run<br />

<strong>und</strong>er that directory.<br />

For example:<br />

chroot /www httpd<br />

In this example, /www will become the new / directory, and anything not<br />

<strong>und</strong>er /www will not be accessible.<br />

There are some difficulties associated with this, however. Anything you want<br />

to server/run/etc. needs to be in /www. This also means that if HTTPd is<br />

linked with shared libraries, the shared libraries have to be available<br />

<strong>und</strong>er /www. Any cgi Skripts must be <strong>und</strong>er /www, as well as the interpreters<br />

(sh,perl,etc) needed to run them. Any shared libraries for the cgi Skripts<br />

need to be in /www. The document tree, the server root, the logfiles, the<br />

user directories (and a copy of /etc/passwd in /www/etc/passwd if you want<br />

to have /~username/ paths). You don't want to have the passwords in the<br />

/www/etc/passwd file, and you could fake a different user directory in it<br />

for /~username/ paths that is <strong>und</strong>er the /www directory.<br />

Denice Deatrich of CERN set his server up in a chroot environment. He wrote<br />

a step by step guide available here<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

This is a non-trivial thing to setup, and it is unlikely to be necessary.<br />

We will provide only minimal support for setting up a chroot server, as we<br />

don't use this locally.<br />

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Example<br />

Using the following directory tree:<br />

/www<br />

/www/etc<br />

/www/docs<br />

/www/logs<br />

/www/conf<br />

/www/home<br />

/www/home/blong<br />

/www/home/httpd<br />

/www/cgi-bin<br />

/www/icons<br />

/www/lib<br />

/www/bin<br />

Where /www will be the new root directory.<br />

Into /www/lib you will need to copy at least the shared c library (libc.so,<br />

libc.sa, libc.a, libc.sl, or ..., depending on the system). Other libraries<br />

may be necessary depending on the system and what other binaries you want to<br />

run.<br />

In /www/bin, you will need copies of sh, perl, tclsh, etc. If you have any<br />

gateways such as archie, uptime, date, finger, ph, copies of these programs<br />

will also have to be in in /www/bin.<br />

/www/docs is your document root, but in the srm.conf file, it will be set to<br />

/docs (which is the directory after the chroot command).<br />

/www/etc might need a copy of /etc/passwd and /etc/group. Make sure there<br />

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