05.02.2013 Aufrufe

Firewall Handbuch für LINUX 2.0 und 2.2 - zurück

Firewall Handbuch für LINUX 2.0 und 2.2 - zurück

Firewall Handbuch für LINUX 2.0 und 2.2 - zurück


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This might be important if you cannot live without your tree. Don't laugh<br />

--if all of your colleagues' documentation lives there, then, well, you<br />

can't live without it. Sometimes documentation really IS important.<br />

Before you start you have to decide if this is a do-able task. If your<br />

entire tree can live on one file system, then this may be for you. But if<br />

links and cgi-Skripts reach out across filesystems and nodes and people's<br />

home directories (in this 'automounted' or 'afs-ed' world), then this<br />

probably isn't your cup of tea. You have to know your web tree really well<br />

first. In particular, take a close look at your cgi-Skripts and all Skripts<br />

and utilities called by your cgi-Skripts before you start.<br />

We use the CERN http daemon, and our web site is served by an HP running<br />

9.05 HP-UX and NIS (but it is not an NIS server). This information is<br />

necessarily HP-specific, but it should generalize. It took me a couple of<br />

afternoons of work to produce a working web tree.<br />

So these are the steps I followed to chroot a LIVE web tree. It wasn't as<br />

painful as I thought it would be, but it requires a bit of work if you want<br />

to provide a high level of functionality.<br />

In the following steps I have assumed:<br />

the web tree owner is: www<br />

living in group: webgroup<br />

I have also assumed that the new web root is at: /wtree<br />

Create a tree in a NEW web root and give it the appropriate ownership. If<br />

only one account edits files in the web tree, then your are set. If multiple<br />

user accounts update files, then presumably you could have a special group<br />

for web updating, and have people 'newgrp' to this group. Thus:<br />

chown -R www:webgroup /wtree<br />

chmod -R 755 /wtree (or 775 if 'webgroup' needs write permission)<br />

You might also choose to create some kind of a 'home' directory structure<br />

(see http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/docs/tutorials/chroot.html)<br />

**From this point you work as user 'www'<br />

Create the skeleton tree in the new web root. You will probably need:<br />

bin, etc, tmp, dev, lib<br />

You have to decide whether you are going to put sharable libraries in your<br />

web tree. I decided to NOT do this (though in the end I put one library<br />

there). If I was to do this all over again, I probably wouldn't have opted<br />

for only staticly-linked versions. At the time I was worried about<br />

'duplicating' my file system in the web tree.<br />

If you decide to put sharable libraries in the tree, then you have to figure<br />

out which ones. This might not be easy! Anyway, you should copy a useful set<br />

of utilities to your /wtree/bin directory, and copy any necessary libraries<br />

to /wtree/lib or /wtree/usr/lib.<br />

Note: the 'useful set of utilities' is necessary if you use cgi Skripts in<br />

your web tree. Therefore which ones you need will depend on which utilities<br />

are referenced by your cgi-Skripts.<br />

If you do as I did and opt for staticly-linked versions, then the easiest<br />

thing is to get a bunch of GNU file utilities and compile them staticly, so<br />

that you don't need shared libraries. These utilities are available in these<br />

GNU files sets:<br />

(bash, binutils, diffutils, find, gawk, grep, sed, textutils)<br />

Only install what you will use; for example, don't install 'df' unless you<br />

want to try to provide it with the 'mount table'. This is an example set of<br />

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