02.02.2013 Aufrufe

Sonderausgabe - 96. Lions Clubs International Convention Hamburg

Sonderausgabe - 96. Lions Clubs International Convention Hamburg

Sonderausgabe - 96. Lions Clubs International Convention Hamburg


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Leo – Die Zukunft ist<br />

jung und international<br />

Von Stefanie Tang Leo-Club <strong>Hamburg</strong><br />

Vor einigen Wochen wurde in Oslo eine ganz<br />

besondere Idee ausgezeichnet. Ein Konzept,<br />

dass vor nicht einmal hundert Jahren undenkbar<br />

gewesen wäre – die europäische Union. Der<br />

Plan war es, aus verfeindeten Nachbarn Freunde<br />

zu machen. Der Plan ging auf, Europa wuchs<br />

zusammen. Heutzutage ist es für mich, Jahrgang<br />

1985, inzwischen undenkbar, dass es jemals<br />

anders gewesen sein könnte.<br />

Dass ich persönlich erfahren durfte, was es<br />

heißt, Freunde aus Europa und der ganzen Welt<br />

kennenzulernen, verdanke ich jedoch der Tatsache,<br />

dass ich Leo bin. Leos sind eben ein ganz<br />

besonderer Menschenschlag. Menschen, die<br />

sich nicht nur um ihren eigenen Nutzen kümmern.<br />

Leos schauen nach rechts und links, wie<br />

es ihren Mitmenschen geht und helfen, wo Hilfe<br />

nötig ist. Diese Sicht auf die Welt verbindet.<br />

Wo wir uns auch international treffen, kann<br />

man es beobachten: Innerhalb von kürzester<br />

Zeit entstehen neue Freundschaften und alte<br />

Freunde freuen sich über ein Wiedersehen. Deswegen<br />

dürfen auch unsere internationalen<br />

Freunde in diesem Artikel nicht fehlen. Wir haben<br />

sie einmal gebeten aufzuschreiben, was sie<br />

an den internationalen Zusammentreffen mit<br />

Leos schätzen. Lesen Sie die Antworten selber.<br />

Die LCIC 2013 ist für uns die Gelegenheit,<br />

unseren Freunden unser Land zu zeigen und<br />

Ihnen gute Gastgeber zu sein. Live European<br />

Friendship – Meet friends in <strong>Hamburg</strong>. Wir<br />

freuen uns darauf!<br />

Sille Sarap – Estland (jetzt Niederlande)<br />

For me Leo is not only Leaderhip, Experience,<br />

Opportunity. It is also Live European<br />

Friendship, Love Each Other, Let’s Enjoy<br />

Ourselves, etc.<br />

And all that especially in an international level<br />

– I cannot count, how many times I have<br />

been staying with Leos all over the Europe during<br />

my travelings. Even less I can describe,<br />

how many new friends I have gained in recent<br />

years. And not only ... three years ago I fell in<br />

love with a foreign Leo, a year later moved to<br />

his country and now in two months two of us<br />

becomes three.<br />

I have grown as a person thanks to Leo, the<br />

once realy naive girl is now self-confident<br />

young woman – and that’s what LEO is also<br />

about – growing the Leaderhip skills thanks to<br />

the Experience and Opportunities, what it has<br />

to offer. And all that thanks to the international<br />

Leo events and friendship without borders.<br />

Melissa Hassini – Frankreich<br />

First, I was afraid... I didn‘t know anyone, I<br />

asked myself a lot of questions about the Leo<br />

Europe Forum: what, who, how... and then, after<br />

one day, I realized that even if you don‘t<br />

know the other Leo, you have something in<br />

common, and something strong : We are Leo,<br />

so, we are friends!<br />

Back to France, I had a lot of new friends who<br />

add me on Facebook. Now, some of them asked<br />

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Foto: privat<br />

Gelebte Völkerverständigung – Leos haben zusammen überall Spaß!<br />

me to help them to find a Leo Club in France<br />

for their Leo who are travelling!<br />

I met again some Leos at the <strong>Lions</strong> EF, and it<br />

was like old friends meeting! This is <strong>International</strong><br />

Leo-friendship!<br />

Natalia Miroshnikova – Russland<br />

Leo Europe Forum 2007 was my first international<br />

event. I was a bit afraid, but after I met<br />

my first international friends I felt real LEO spirit.<br />

And than I was very proud to welcome our<br />

friends from Italy, Belgium, Hungary and Austria<br />

in Moscow at our National <strong>Convention</strong>.<br />

Now, I know that I can counting on this people<br />

and they can counting on me. Friends are the<br />

best treasures, which stays with you after all<br />

events. It’s great positive energy which our<br />

world is need.<br />

Philip Morger – Schweiz<br />

What is the biggest benefit of an international<br />

organization like Leo <strong>Clubs</strong>? It is the chance to<br />

meet people from all over the world. And not<br />

just for a small talk. You work together on global<br />

projects, you learn how Leos in other countries<br />

are helping the community and you experience<br />

the best friendship.<br />

Because we all have the same motivation for<br />

spending our free time with helping others.<br />

We packed Christmas presents for orphans in<br />

Hungary, we planted trees in Romania, we<br />

gave blood in Belgium and everywhere we celebrated<br />

all night long. All those moments together<br />

with my international Leo friends are<br />

priceless. There is only one sad thing among<br />

being a Leo: your time is limited – no matter<br />

how much you feel like a Leo – with 30 you<br />

have to give it up.<br />

Orsi Jenei – Ungarn<br />

It was very easy to get addicted to the international<br />

Leo Meetings. There you have many<br />

young people who are all your friends from the<br />

first moment. We have common interests; we<br />

can have fun and do something good for people<br />

in need at the same time.<br />

On my birthday I got around one hundred<br />

of gratulations, and more than the half of<br />

them were from another country! It is really<br />

nice to know that I have good friends in all<br />

over Europe. It is a wonderful feeling that I<br />

belong to a huge community, I have a „second<br />

family“. I am sure, wherever I would be, I<br />

could count on the Leos.

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