01.02.2013 Aufrufe

MiCaDo Projektbericht - artecLab - Universität Bremen

MiCaDo Projektbericht - artecLab - Universität Bremen

MiCaDo Projektbericht - artecLab - Universität Bremen


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152<br />

Anhang Pathfinding<br />

Translation File demo.trans<br />

Das folgende Listing zeigt das Translation File zu dem in Abschnitt 7.3.4 besprochenen pathtool-<br />

Beispielszenario (vgl. Abb. 7.6).<br />

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

// This is an example translation file for pathtool. Feel free to edit.<br />

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

prefs {<br />

// -= settings for terrain-scanning: =-<br />

stepsize = 1.0 // scanning resolution (units per step)<br />

maxfall = 32.0 // the maximum distance a creature may fall<br />

heightofs = 10.0 // collision detection offset from floor<br />

radius = 8.0 // collision detection sphere radius<br />

// -= settings for shortest-path calculation: =-<br />

maxdepth = 512 // maximum allowed path length (#transitions)<br />

penalty = 66.6 // will be added to each transition’s cost<br />

// (to allow ’believable’ creature behaviour)<br />

}<br />

group {<br />

classname = ammo_bullets // the name of the goodie to be translated<br />

group = 3 // the group number to translate to<br />

requires = cook_chinese wok // capabilities this group requires<br />

provides = food // capabilities this group provides<br />


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