30.01.2013 Aufrufe





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finable in many ways. Especially with<br />

words… to describe something like<br />

beauty is ridiculous.<br />

You are working with many different<br />

kinds of materials. Are there subjects<br />

predestined for collages and others for<br />

being paintings?<br />

Predestined…no. Maybe. I don’t really<br />

know. I think the way that I work is less<br />

determined. I don’t usually start with<br />

a clear ‘theme’, but the physical act of<br />

moving things around, either collaging<br />

or collecting or drawing, and then<br />

making reactions to those actions. And<br />

then as the work develops, the content<br />

also develops and becomes something.<br />

A lot of work I have been doing the last<br />

months has just been note-taking, and<br />

the notes have taken the form of drawings<br />

which maybe then become something<br />

else later. Most times when I have<br />

set out to make a work- like seeing a vision<br />

of a painting or something and trying<br />

to execute it- it is a complete failure.<br />

My work is better when it presents itself.<br />

When I am just working and… there it<br />

is. It’s the act of recognizing something,<br />

when it is starting to work. Sometimes<br />

the visual content and the intellectual<br />

or emotional content are married and<br />

when they are, it’s magical.<br />

What is your favorite piece of art and<br />

why?<br />

I would say I have 4 or 5 thousand favorites.<br />

It just depends on where I am.<br />

For instance, if I am in London I go<br />

straight to the national gallery. There is<br />

this painting from Hans Holbein, ‘The<br />

Ambassadors’, this very large painting.<br />

It is a painting I cannot look at without<br />

saying to myself: “What the fuck!”. It is<br />

perfect in everyway…and then there<br />

is this strange skull coming out of nowhere<br />

in the foreground. It is one of the<br />

strangest anomalies in the history of<br />

painting up to a certain point.<br />

And right now there are a few of Goya’s<br />

etching from ‘Los Capricios”. They have<br />

maybe 14 of the 80 total etchings from<br />

that series in the Gemäldegalerie right<br />

now. They are very stunning pieces. I<br />

have been looking at those every week<br />

or so since they have been up. They are<br />

a perfect mix between their factual existence<br />

and their content. Every single<br />

one is funny and strange and technically<br />

perfect for what they are talking<br />

about. Sometimes the visual content<br />

and the intellectual or emotional content<br />

are married and when they are, it’s<br />

magical. And because I have been doing<br />

these rough prints, it has been helpful<br />

thinking through the process.<br />

Do you have a favorite from your own<br />

work?<br />

There are certain pieces that signify a<br />

way of thinking very clearly, and those<br />

are the best for me. Usually they are<br />

not the “best” works, but they are somehow<br />

more personal and honest. I make<br />

a lot of work and sometimes it is less<br />

personal than what I would want. But<br />

then you so see those examples and it<br />

really feels honest. Yes, I like looking at<br />

those works. That is why I love painting,<br />

and why it persists- it lives in the same<br />

time that we live…<br />

Do they change? Your favorites?<br />

For sure. All the work that I am making<br />

now is too close to judge or have a relation<br />

to. I can’t really see what it is. Five<br />

years from now I’ll be able to. You realize<br />

only after time what you learned<br />

in certain periods or with certain works<br />

and how you are using that knowledge<br />

now- that changes the opinion of earlier<br />

work. I am able to respect some<br />

things I have done in past, where I was<br />

never able to do that before. That is<br />

why I love painting, and why it persistsit<br />

lives in the same time that we live, it<br />

can always grow. And the understanding<br />

of a painting and of work can grow.<br />

Picasso once described art as rebellion.<br />

Is there art without a message?<br />

I think not- it is impossible to have a<br />

work with nothing. There are many interesting<br />

artists and writers who have<br />

tried to make work about nothing, but<br />

it seems proven by their work that it is<br />

impossible. To be as flat as possible, flat<br />

in the sense of humor, or to make really<br />

boring work or really passive work is<br />

extremely difficult. But this is even still<br />

about something. I do think, however,<br />

that you can make work that thinks<br />

through the concept of nothing- or<br />

nothingness. But the question of message<br />

here is maybe more about intent,<br />

and in that case, again, it is impossible,<br />

somehow.<br />

When does a painter become famous?<br />

I think it can happen when a painter<br />

creates something that really teaches<br />

someone something- it could be as banal<br />

as to appreciate this thing (zeigt auf<br />

einen Stift) better, to see it differently.<br />

But especially when the painting made<br />

can be seen in a way that clarifies it’s<br />

own existence. It is some form of solid<br />

communication. And if it turns the<br />

mind then you at least have the potential<br />

to become famous… No, I guess<br />

that the potential as I am describing it<br />

is more to be known and respected and<br />

used. And that is the important thing<br />

because that is really the history of<br />

mankind, learning from everyone else.<br />

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