katalog-overlapping voices - Ritesinstitute

katalog-overlapping voices - Ritesinstitute katalog-overlapping voices - Ritesinstitute

von ritesinstitute.org Mehr von diesem Publisher
25.01.2013 Aufrufe

yoaV Weiss 1968 born in jerusalem, israel Lives and works in tel aviv, israel eduCation and aWards: 2004 – 2005 artist in the Community award, ministry of Education and Culture, israel 2003 Bezalel art academy / Hebrew university, israel, master of Fine arts 2000 universita delle idée, Biella, i 1989 Bachelor of Fine arts, rhode island School of Design, uSa seLeCted exhibitions and ProjeCts: 2008 “overlapping voices – israeli and palestinian artists”, Essl museum, Klosterneuburg / Wien, a (Group) 2006 “mini israel”, israel museum, Jerusalem, israel (Group) 2005 “Neighbourhood Work”, street performance, Jerusalem, israel (Group) 2001 “art.comm”, The Jerusalem Science museum, Jerusalem, israel (Group) 1999 “Eser Etzbaot in the Kibbutz”, Nachshon Gallery, Kibbutz Nachshon, israel (Solo) 1997 “Home”, anadiel Gallery, Jerusalem, israel (Group) 176 OVERLAPPING VOICES artist stateMent buytheWaLL.CoM buythewall.com freut sich, ausgewählte Stücke der Barriere anbieten zu können, die zwischen israel und dem besetzten Westjordanland (auch unter der Bezeichnung Judäa und Samaria bekannt) gebaut wird. Zunächst ein paar historische Fakten: im Jahr 1961 errichtete das kommunistische Ostdeutschland eine mauer zwischen dem eigenen Staatsgebiet und Westberlin, um seine Staatsbürger davon abzuhalten, sich abzusetzen. Diese mauer wurde zu einem Symbol der von kommunistischen regimes in Osteuropa ergriffenen verfolgungsmaßnahmen. 1989 wurde die mauer von Tausenden protestierenden menschen niedergerissen. Trotz jahrelanger sozialistischer indoktrination besaßen einige von ihnen genügend unternehmergeist, um Stücke dieser mauer als Souvenirs an Touristen zu verkaufen. Winzige Stücke erzielen heute preise von zwei bis fünf Dollar. Die mauer zwischen israel und den besetzten Gebieten ist bereits zum Symbol des palästinensischen ringens um Befreiung von der Besetzung durch israel geworden, aber auch zum Symbol für israels Kampf gegen den Terrorismus. Die Stücke werden nach dem abbau der mauer – sie wurde ja von israel bereits als temporäre maßnahme bezeichnet – sicherlich zu hoch begehrten Sammlerstücken. außerdem ist die mauer ebenso wie die Berliner mauer bereits mit Graffiti übersät, einige davon von anerkannten Künstlern. man sollte bedenken, dass in dieser Weise verzierte Teile der Berliner mauer als erste weggingen und die höchsten preise erzielten. Die mauer besteht aus acht meter hohen Fertigbetonteilen, die dafür ausgelegt sind, einer panzerabwehrrakete standzuhalten. Sie eignen sich für den Gebrauch als Tischplatte, Skulptur, Briefbeschwerer, Sitzbank oder ganz allgemein als Genrebild. Erhältlich bei buythewall.com zu nur 15 Euro das Stück in Größen von 0,5 bis zwei Quadratmetern. Besuchen Sie buythewall.com und erwerben Sie ihr eigenes mauerstück!

YOAV WEISS al aZaria, 2007 buytheWaLL.CoM buytheWall.com is pleased to offer choice pieces of the barrier being built between israel and the occupied West Bank (a.k.a. Judea and Samaria). First, a little history: in 1961 Communist East Germany erected a wall between itself and West Berlin to keep its citizens from defecting. This wall became a symbol of the persecution inflicted by the Communist regimes of Eastern Europe. in 1989, thousands of protestors tore that wall down. Despite years of socialist indoctrination, a few of them were entrepreneurial enough to market pieces of the wall to tourists as souvenirs. Tiny chunks sell today for 2-5 Dollars apiece. The separation barrier between israel and the occupied-territories has already become a symbol of the palestinians’ struggle for freedom from israeli occu- pation as well as of israel’s battle to prevent terrorism. pieces of the wall are sure to become highly desirable souvenirs when israel, which has acknowledged that the wall is temporary, eventually dismantles it. moreover, like the Berlin wall, it is already covered with graffiti, some of them by established artists. it is worth noting that those sections of the Berlin wall that were so decorated were the first to sell and fetched the highest prices. The wall consists of pre-cast concrete sections 8 meters high designed to withstand an anti-tank missile. They are suitable for use as tabletops, sculptures, paperweights, benches, and generally as conversation pieces. They can be yours from buythewall.com at only 15 Euros a piece in sizes ranging from half a square meter to two square meters. So enter buythewall.com and buy your piece of The Wall! 177

YOAV WEISS al aZaria, 2007<br />

buytheWaLL.CoM<br />

buytheWall.com is pleased to offer choice pieces of the barrier being built<br />

between israel and the occupied West Bank (a.k.a. Judea and Samaria).<br />

First, a little history: in 1961 Communist East Germany erected a wall between<br />

itself and West Berlin to keep its citizens from defecting. This wall became a<br />

symbol of the persecution inflicted by the Communist regimes of Eastern<br />

Europe.<br />

in 1989, thousands of protestors tore that wall down. Despite years of socialist<br />

indoctrination, a few of them were entrepreneurial enough to market pieces of<br />

the wall to tourists as souvenirs. Tiny chunks sell today for 2-5 Dollars apiece.<br />

The separation barrier between israel and the occupied-territories has already<br />

become a symbol of the palestinians’ struggle for freedom from israeli occu-<br />

pation as well as of israel’s battle to prevent terrorism. pieces of the wall are<br />

sure to become highly desirable souvenirs when israel, which has acknowledged<br />

that the wall is temporary, eventually dismantles it. moreover, like the<br />

Berlin wall, it is already covered with graffiti, some of them by established artists.<br />

it is worth noting that those sections of the Berlin wall that were so decorated<br />

were the first to sell and fetched the highest prices.<br />

The wall consists of pre-cast concrete sections 8 meters high designed to<br />

withstand an anti-tank missile. They are suitable for use as tabletops, sculptures,<br />

paperweights, benches, and generally as conversation pieces. They<br />

can be yours from buythewall.com at only 15 Euros a piece in sizes ranging<br />

from half a square meter to two square meters.<br />

So enter buythewall.com and buy your piece of The Wall!<br />


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