25.01.2013 Aufrufe

katalog-overlapping voices - Ritesinstitute

katalog-overlapping voices - Ritesinstitute

katalog-overlapping voices - Ritesinstitute


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1 See my article in the book “merkaz veShulayim” (“Center and margins”) published by the mendel<br />

Institute.<br />

2 See my article in the book “merkaz uFeriferya” (“Center and Periphery”) published by The mendel<br />

Institute.<br />

3 See David Sorotzkin’s various articles dealing with reciprocal marking between jews and Christians<br />

in Europe and the appearance that reciprocal definition among identity groups in jewry works also in<br />

connection to self-definition in relation to processes in Christian society. In my opinion, it may be<br />

said that the trend of assimilation he describes is also a form of self-disgust that was aided by rejection<br />

of the other type of jew. See also the work of Aziza Kazoom, “Western Culture, Ethnic Labeling,<br />

etc.”, “Sotsiologya Yisreelit” A (2) 1999; A. Raz Karkotzkin. “Teoria uViqoret” 4, 1993, 23-55, 5,<br />

1994, 113-132; Sh. Hinski, “Eyes Wide Shut: Concerning the Acquired Albino Syndrome in the Field<br />

of Israeli Art”, Teoria uViqoret 20, 2002.<br />

4 G. Shalom ‘on Cogitations about jewish Wisdom’, in :Devarim beGo, Tel Aviv 1990, pp. 389-391.<br />

5 Now see the book “Hafrada”.<br />

6 I enlarge upon this in my paper ‘Place and Expanse: judaism and Israeliness’ (in the Scriptures).<br />

7 Timna Rosenheimer documented this in her book “Home: Spaces, Dwellings, People, objects”, or<br />

Yehuda 2001, matters first became known to me through this book.<br />

8 Concerning the foundations of this vision of redemption, see Pedaya: ‘Changes in the Holy of Holies:<br />

From the margins to the Center’, “mad’ei haYahadut 37”, 5757, pp. 53-110.<br />

9 See also: Talia Rapaport, “Going Backwards about the ‘Dead Sea Project of Pinhas Cohen-Gan’<br />

(1972-1984)”, (2) muzot 2, 1984, pp. 10-11.<br />

10 In other terminology: the artist shaped and structured by class-related social contexts that does not<br />

admit them and their analysis can reveal its location. This deals not necessarily or not only with the<br />

content of the work, but rather its esthetic aspects that are prima facie devoid of a political nuance.<br />

There is no intention of reading every artistic act in a solely social fashion.<br />

11 orna oryan quotes miriam Sharon in her doctoral thesis (1980).<br />

12 In her doctoral thesis, orna oryan insists that the jew is also perceived as bleeding.<br />


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