25.01.2013 Aufrufe

katalog-overlapping voices - Ritesinstitute

katalog-overlapping voices - Ritesinstitute

katalog-overlapping voices - Ritesinstitute


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Shantipi 2000<br />

For the past ten years I have been visiting and participating in tribal festivals<br />

in Israel.<br />

The first one called “shantipi”, in 1997, planted the seeds of the new-old<br />

jewish tribalism.<br />

True to the new age spirit, young people who travel to India and come back<br />

to Israel deal with identity problems after intense experiences. They did not<br />

make do with a trip to the exotic east as mere relief from their hard life in<br />

the military, before going to study or work. These young people interested<br />

me first as objects of a photographic anthropological study. These groups<br />

who were joined by older people seek a new way, in an authentic local garb.<br />

With oriental elements of dressing, food and music, along with jewish aspects,<br />

they indeed show a profound, though marginal, culture emerging in<br />

its full tribal splendour. Thousands of celebrants dancing ecstatically, climbing<br />

ladders of spirituality towards a jewish-buddhist enlightment. Hundreds<br />

of campfires, beating of drums resonating throughout the entire body, jewish<br />

mantras said over and over again. The deeper my contemplation probed the<br />

anthropological phenomenon, the more I felt part of it.<br />

Documentary photography has always attracted me with its scholarly aspects,<br />

with the latter’s wondering and curious gaze aimed at the world’s state<br />

of affairs. This gaze can be ingenuous and devoid of preconceived ideologies,<br />

or conceptual and critical, imposing political or philosophical questions<br />

and seeking both certainty and doubt.<br />

The photographic portrait is one of the most magnificent and difficult themes.<br />

Already in the 19th century the photographer Felix Nadar defined the portrait<br />

as an “intimate likeness”, as a kind of touch. I can recall the work of<br />

the North American Indian by Edward Curtis and the portraits August Sander<br />

made of German people as 20th century man. And later the work Irving<br />

Penn devoted to the American hippie flower power movement in the sixties,<br />

and the big west people by Richard Avedon.<br />

As a teacher of the history of photography, I feel deep love for this enchanting<br />


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