14.01.2013 Aufrufe

Krieg! AIDS! Katastrophen! - Berliner Institut für kritische Theorie eV

Krieg! AIDS! Katastrophen! - Berliner Institut für kritische Theorie eV

Krieg! AIDS! Katastrophen! - Berliner Institut für kritische Theorie eV


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Summaries<br />

Andrzej Malkiewicz und Jerzy Palys: Passages and Pitfalls in the Construction of<br />

Capitalism in Poland<br />

U sing Poland as a case study, the authors examine the various stages and consequences of<br />

»shock therapy«, the monetarist formula for the transition to capitalism. They demonstrate that<br />

Poland has been forced to accept a transformation into a Third World economy.<br />

Yuri Krasin: After the Failure of »Shock Therapy« in Russia<br />

The author, director of a Gorbachev Foundation research program in Moscow, gives an account<br />

of the eeonomic policies of the Gajdar government. He shows that »shock therapy« in<br />

Russia was half-hearted, applied without the monetarist condition of »hard« currency. He<br />

argues for the regulation of eeonomic and social policies during the transition to a »mixed«<br />

market economy.<br />

Joachim Hirsch: International Regulation<br />

Given the failure of the two main theories of development, modernization and dependency<br />

theories, the author sketches out an alternative cancept for the analysis of global capitalism that<br />

is based on the »Theory of Regulation«. To do this, the author applies the regulation approach<br />

to a level beyond the limits ofthe nation-state. The development ofworld capitalism is examined<br />

in the wake of the »Fordism«-crisis of the mid '70s, characterized by the decline of US<br />

hegemony and the strong differentiation among the »newly industrializing countries«. A central<br />

thesis is that international relationships of dominance and dependency are not fixed by<br />

means of a structural economic logic, but essentially by social power relations and institutional<br />

political forms particular to the individual countries. The processes of democratization in the<br />

countries of the periphery are, therefore, of central importance; they are also characterized by<br />

special contradictions.<br />

Paul M. Sweezy and Harry Magdoff: On Understanding the History of Capitalism<br />

The authors examine the historical development of capitalism to explain the causes of the current<br />

recession. Their main thesis is that the basic problem of a mature capitalist society is the<br />

absence of a strong and reliable demand for capital.<br />

Ingrid ArbeitIang: How Iiberating was the »Supportive Development« of Women in the<br />

GDR?<br />

Proceeding from an analysis of the legal and socio-economic regulations of the employment<br />

policies of the GDR, the author reveals structural discriminatory mechanisms that harmed<br />

women in the workplace. The on-going market economic transformation in the new east German<br />

states has negative consequences for women, in part because this transformation has been<br />

based on the patriarchal structures that were dominant in the GDR.<br />

Thomas Weber: Unhappy Angels - Heiner Müller and WaIter Benjamin<br />

Comparative readings of three metaphors as signatures of distinct epochs: Walter Benjamin's<br />

»Engel der Geschichte« (1940) for the fascist epoch of capitalism, Heiner Müller's »Der<br />

Glücklose Engek (1958) for GDR-socialism after Stalin's death, and Müller's »Glückloser<br />

Engel 2« (1991) for the post-communist situation after the fall of the Wall.<br />

Jost Hermand: Questions to Heiner Müller's Autobiography<br />

The author identifies three contradictory text strategies in the autobiography of the East German<br />

writer Heiner Müller: an »existential« one, in which Müller attempts to display himself<br />

as an author untouched by historical and political events; second, a struggle for a »better, more<br />

radical socialism«; and finally an "assassinationistic anarchism« in which he seeks 10 confront<br />

the horrors of the world with the methods of horror.<br />

IX<br />

DAS ARGUMENT 19811993 ©

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