Kongressheft 2012 - Medizinkongresse.org

Kongressheft 2012 - Medizinkongresse.org Kongressheft 2012 - Medizinkongresse.org

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13.01.2013 Aufrufe

The 1 st German – Turkish Medical Congress takes place on Monday, January 9 th , 2012 (09:00 – 14:00) in the University Clinic of the Near East University in Nicosia in North Cyprus. Encouraged by the excellent support of the sponsors and the Near East University, the organiser Deniz Uyak hopes to arrange two medical congresses in the field of gastroenterology in Turkey (Istanbul and Nicosia) in the future. Beside the gastroenterological side of the congress (endoscopy, radiology) every one hopes that relationships between the northern (Turkish) and the southern (Greek) parts of the island can be extended. Cyprus is still divided politically, economically and culturally. "We hope that the new medical congress in Cyprus will help to improve relations between the North and South of the Island so that the wall (including the mental one) disappears and the island can grow together again." mentioning Uyak. In addition to the congress in Cyprus, the 24 th German – Turkish Gastroenterological Congress will take place in Istanbul on 11 th & 12 th June 2012. The congress for gastroenterology, surgery and oncology has been organised for more than twenty years as a non – profit – making event (all organizers involved are not paid). Each year about 15 speakers (well-known all over Europe) and several hundred visitors take part in the congress. There are also sponsoring firms and special guests from the world of politics, business and the media. There will be a workshop for Endosonography and a special exhibition put on by the companies. Beside the scientific program, there is also a tourist-program in Istanbul and a travel-tour programs in Central Asia. (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan). The German-Turkish Gastroenterological Congress has developed into the biggest (yearly running) event in the field of gastro intestinal disease in Turkey. The 23 rd German – Turkish Congress for Gastroenterology got 18 points credit from the Academy for Advanced medical Training (Medical Association of Lower Saxony) as part of the voluntary certification programs. As well as the written material (general information, synopsis, congress brochure etc.), further information is available on our homepage www.uyak.eu. Interested journalists can contact me for further information. Besides research talks and interviews, news coverage of both the 1 st German –Turkish Medical Congress on January 9 th , 2012 in Cyprus (Nicosia) and the 24 th German – Turkish Gastroenterological Congress in Istanbul from June 11 th – 12 th , 2012 is possible (or on other medical topics such as the gastric balloon intervention etc.). Wilhelmshaven, 3. 1. 2012 Dr. med. Deniz Uyak Klaus Uyak M. A. 46

Chronologie (Geschichte des Kongresses) Zum 24. Deutsch-Türkischen Gastroenterologischen Kongress (Istanbul) Was mir beim „ Blick in die Gastro-Vergangenheit“ zuerst aufgefallen ist: Der Name (Definition) für die medizinischen Kongresse im Magen- und Darmbereich hat sich während der zwanzig Jahre nie geändert: Deutsch-Türkischer Kongress für Gastroenterologie, Chirurgie und Onkologie. Die interdisziplinäre (fachübergreifende) Idee, Gastroenterologen, Chirurgen und Onkologen an einen Tisch zu bekommen ist bis heute wegweisend. Auch die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Deutsch-Türkischen Beziehungen im medizinischen und kulturellen Bereich ist interessant (siehe auch Fachartikel von Herrn Prof. Dr. Winfried Kurtz). Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts wird am 30. März 1924 ein Deutsch-Türkisches Freundschaftsabkommen unterzeichnet. Inhalt des bilateralen Vertrags zwischen der Republik Türkei und dem Deutschen Reich waren die Stärkung der politischen und diplomatischen Beziehungen. In Berlin und Ankara gab es das erste Mal Botschaften und der reguläre diplomatische Dienst wurde aufgenommen. 1933 immigrierten dann als Reaktion auf die Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten mehr als 200 deutsche Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen (darunter auch Ärzte) in die junge türkische Republik. Höhepunkt im medizinisch-politischen Bereich war die Behandlung des schwer erkrankten Republik-Gründers Mustafa Kemal Atatürk im Jahre 1938 durch den deutschen Mediziner Prof. Dr. Bergmann. Am 8. Mai 1957 wurde von deutscher und türkischer Seite ein Kulturabkommen abgeschlossen. Und auch ich habe während meines Medizin-Studiums in Istanbul Anfang 1957 ganz persönliche Erfahrungen mit deutschen Immigranten im medizinischen Bereich gemacht. So hatte ich an der Universität Istanbul ein Jahr lang Professor Dr. Zauber in Physik und Professor Dr. Breusch in Chemie. Die Vorlesungen waren fachlich sehr gut (aber immer sehr ernst) und wurden simultan übersetzt. Die Geschichte der Deutsch-Türkischen Gastroenterologischen Kongresse fängt im April 1989 an. Mein Vater Ali Uyak war zu einer medizinischen Behandlung (Leukämie) im Uni-Klinikum Cerrahpasa. Nur durch Zufall habe ich dort ehemalige Studenten getroffen, die mit mir in Cerrahpasa zusammen ausgebildet wurden. Die ehemaligen Uni-Kollegen beschwerten sich darüber, dass viele türkische Mediziner auswandern, und dann nichts mehr für die Wissenschaft in der Türkei machen. Motiviert durch diese Kritik an türkischen Medizinern im Ausland, nahm ich Kontakt zu Prof. Dr. Ismail Dinc auf, der Gastroenterologe in Cerrahpasa war. Zusammen organisierten wir den ersten 47

The 1 st German – Turkish Medical Congress takes place on Monday, January 9 th , <strong>2012</strong><br />

(09:00 – 14:00) in the University Clinic of the Near East University in Nicosia in North Cyprus.<br />

Encouraged by the excellent support of the sponsors and the Near East University, the <strong>org</strong>aniser<br />

Deniz Uyak hopes to arrange two medical congresses in the field of gastroenterology in Turkey<br />

(Istanbul and Nicosia) in the future.<br />

Beside the gastroenterological side of the congress (endoscopy, radiology) every one hopes that<br />

relationships between the northern (Turkish) and the southern (Greek) parts of the island can be<br />

extended. Cyprus is still divided politically, economically and culturally. "We hope that the new<br />

medical congress in Cyprus will help to improve relations between the North and South of the<br />

Island so that the wall (including the mental one) disappears and the island can grow together<br />

again." mentioning Uyak.<br />

In addition to the congress in Cyprus, the 24 th German – Turkish Gastroenterological Congress<br />

will take place in Istanbul on 11 th & 12 th June <strong>2012</strong>. The congress for gastroenterology, surgery<br />

and oncology has been <strong>org</strong>anised for more than twenty years as a non – profit – making event<br />

(all <strong>org</strong>anizers involved are not paid). Each year about 15 speakers (well-known all over Europe)<br />

and several hundred visitors take part in the congress. There are also sponsoring firms and special<br />

guests from the world of politics, business and the media. There will be a workshop for<br />

Endosonography and a special exhibition put on by the companies. Beside the scientific<br />

program, there is also a tourist-program in Istanbul and a travel-tour programs in Central<br />

Asia. (Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan). The German-Turkish<br />

Gastroenterological Congress has developed into the biggest (yearly running) event in the<br />

field of gastro intestinal disease in Turkey. The 23 rd German – Turkish Congress for<br />

Gastroenterology got 18 points credit from the Academy for Advanced medical Training<br />

(Medical Association of Lower Saxony) as part of the voluntary certification programs.<br />

As well as the written material (general information, synopsis, congress brochure etc.), further<br />

information is available on our homepage www.uyak.eu.<br />

Interested journalists can contact me for further information. Besides research talks and<br />

interviews, news coverage of both the 1 st German –Turkish Medical Congress on January<br />

9 th , <strong>2012</strong> in Cyprus (Nicosia) and the 24 th German – Turkish Gastroenterological Congress<br />

in Istanbul from June 11 th – 12 th , <strong>2012</strong> is possible (or on other medical topics such as the<br />

gastric balloon intervention etc.).<br />

Wilhelmshaven, 3. 1. <strong>2012</strong><br />

Dr. med. Deniz Uyak<br />

Klaus Uyak M. A.<br />


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