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anniversary<br />

20 imdc03 2012<br />

Professor Max Delbrück<br />

the naming of the new<br />

center<br />

The proposal was to name the new<br />

research center after the German-<br />

American Nobel laureate, Max Delbrück,<br />

who from 1934 to 1939 collaborated<br />

and published jointly with colleagues<br />

in Buch. In the spring of 1992, Ganten<br />

visited the widow Manny Delbrück in<br />

her house in Pasadena, California,<br />

where she had lived together with her<br />

husband until his death. She immediately<br />

agreed to the naming of the<br />

new institute after her husband and<br />

gave Ganten Delbrück’s original Nobel<br />

Prize diploma to take back to Berlin. In<br />

Ganten’s view, Max Delbrück is a role<br />

model as scientist and human being in<br />

every respect. Together with Nikolai W.<br />

Timoféeff-Ressovsky and Karl Günter<br />

Zimmer – Delbrück laid the foundation<br />

for molecular genetics. He embodied<br />

the best tradition of science and<br />

never allowed anything, not even any<br />

political system to dissuade him from<br />

his convictions. He maintained the<br />

connection to Berlin-Buch even during<br />

the period of the GDR. During the war<br />

and the post-war period, he promoted<br />

and supported the Berlin artist<br />

Jeanne Mammen. Her pictures are now<br />

exhibited in the Jeanne Mammen Hall.<br />

strength through<br />

tradition<br />

Detlev Ganten is an internationally<br />

oriented scientist who has lived and<br />

worked in several countries. He and<br />

his wife emigrated from Germany<br />

to Canada, and his two sons have<br />

Canadian citizenship. He lived for a<br />

long time in the U.S. and France. His<br />

view of Germany is influenced by the<br />

great upheavals in German history: the<br />

many small states, the collapse of the<br />

German Empire in 1918, the turbulent<br />

twenties, the totalitarian and undemocratic<br />

periods and the disasters of the<br />

First and Second World Wars. It was not<br />

until reunification that he was able to<br />

build an inner emotional connection<br />

to Germany. The time after the fall of<br />

the Wall was an exciting time. What<br />

reconciled him with Germany was<br />

the renewed reflection on the great<br />

traditions of intellectual history, the<br />

Detlev Ganten and Manny Delbrück, widow of Max Delbrück, at the MDC,<br />

May 24th, 1994 / from left / Photo: Uwe Eising © MDC<br />

common culture and science. These<br />

traditions had not been lost during<br />

the division of Germany in East and<br />

West and exhibited their unifying force<br />

during this time in a very special way.<br />

The joint endeavor of rebuilding the<br />

reunified Germany as land of science<br />

and culture, with peaceful relations<br />

to its eastern and western neighbors<br />

– this was for him an incredible<br />

motivation. With many Buch colleagues<br />

such as Heinz Bielka, Jens Reich, Erhard<br />

Geißler, Peter Langen, Georg Krause,<br />

Klaus Ruckpaul, Volker Wunderlich and<br />

many others, who for him embodied the<br />

scientific tradition at Buch, he learned<br />

the importance tradition can have for<br />

the future. In this period, the staff<br />

council under the leadership of Marion<br />

Bimmler also played an important<br />

role in keeping us on track toward our<br />

ultimate goal with the institute. All of<br />

the staff at Buch, both new and old,<br />

had preserved or gained a common<br />

ethos – the awareness of a tradition<br />

of great science in Buch, in Berlin, in<br />

Germany.<br />

the mDc is created<br />

Research at the new Max Delbrück<br />

Center meant: high standards,<br />

personal responsibility, small groups<br />

and flat hierarchies. A management<br />

group was formed, coordinators were<br />

appointed, the Extended Management<br />

Committee (ELK) and the Executive<br />

Management Committee (GLK) were<br />

constituted. The MDC developed into a<br />

modern research institution. When the<br />

hospitals of the old Academy institutes<br />

were transformed into university<br />

hospitals (belonging first to the Free<br />

University, and then to the Charité),<br />

the hospital budgets were renegotiated<br />

and increased. Many old employees<br />

were taken over into the new system,<br />

and new employees were hired. New<br />

scientists were appointed – Rainer<br />

Dietz, Peter M. Schlag, Bernd Dörken<br />

and Friedrich C. Luft – who came to<br />

Berlin-Buch to bring together clinical

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