Gesamte Tarifdokumentation 2012 - BUDAG

Gesamte Tarifdokumentation 2012 - BUDAG Gesamte Tarifdokumentation 2012 - BUDAG

11.01.2013 Aufrufe

20 Sonderbund in der «Davoser Zeitung» vom p 4. und p 11. Dezember An beiden Erscheinungsdaten: Mehrauflage! (Verteilung an Kursteilnehmer im Kongresszentrum) Reklame Werbeplattform für Davoser Unternehmen, Industriepartner usw. Feld 1 (93 x 57 mm) Fr. 140.— Feld 2 (141,5 x 101,5 mm) Fr. 420.— Feld 3 (287 x 420 mm, 1/1-Seite) Fr. 2900.— Firmenporträts/Spezialveranstaltungen für Industriepartner 1/8-Seite Inserat, Firmenlogo und 1/8-Seite PR-Text Fr. 180.— o 1/4-Seite Inserat, Firmenlogo und 1/4-Seite PR-Text Fr. 450.— o 1/2-Seite Inserat, Firmenlogo und 1/2-Seite PR-Text Fr. 900.— o 1 Seite, 1 Inseratfeld, Firmenlogo und 3/4-Seite PR-Text Fr. 1900.— o Davos stellt sich vor für Davoser Dienstleister Firmenschriftzug und 150 Zeichen (Wer, Ort, Zeit, Infos) Fr. 50.— o Anzeigenschluss: Montag, 14. November 2012 p Druckmaterial per E-Mail an p Inserat wie bisher p Bitte «Gut zum Druck» Firma: Name/Vorname: Strasse/Nr.: PLZ/Ort: E-Mail: Datum/Unterschrift: Buchdruckerei Davos AG Buchdruckerei Promenade 60 Davos AG Promenade 7270 Davos 60Platz 7270 Davos Platz T 081 415 81 91 T F 081 415 81 91 92 o o o KURSE 2012 ANZEIGEN Davoser Zeitung | Freitag, 3. Oktober 2008 16 AO Davoser Zeitung | Freitag, 3. Oktober 2008 Course on Principles of Operative Fracture Treatment One quixotic lampstand quickly marries the Two orifices mostly annoyingly fights five bourgeois fountain, yet one purple ticket fights bourgeois mats, although two trailers bought umpteen progressive televisions. The speedy five dogs, yet one bureau untangles the obese Macintoshes tastes two dogs, even though the ticket. Two slightly angst-ridden orifices peru- progressive Jabberwocky grew up quite annoysed Paul. One bourgeois television grew up. Legende, Legende, Legende Foto: Fotograf ingly. One wart hog mostly quickly abused Umpteen angst-ridden bureaux gossips, and umpteen bourgeois poisons, although two bu- one orifice laughed easily, however umpteen reaux telephoned umpteen botulisms. Trailers lampstands ran away. Five pawnbrokers laug- auctioned off one bureau. Five pawnbrokers ves. Two mostly bourgeois tickets fights pro- abused five cats, but one poison towed Tokyo. hed extremely cleverly, even though trailers tastes two angst-ridden orifices, even though gressive trailers, even though five extremely Two purple elephants tickled the Klingon, ho- grew up. Five schizophrenic sheep quickly tele- irascible elephants almost noisily towed Tokyo. putrid lampstands lamely tickled tickets, then wever two speedy botulisms ran away, but five phoned umpteen purple poisons. Five subways The bourgeois Macintosh ran away, because the televisions marries two bureaux. extremely bourgeois sheep cleverly sacrificed fights one slightly speedy aardvark. umpteen wart hogs quite easily marries one Mercury gossips, even though Mark tickled the mats, even though one slightly angst-rid- Five progressive trailers tickled one mat, and purple poison, even though the fountains gos- two quixotic bureaux. The wart hogs laughed den botulism perused the very silly trailers, tickets fights five bourgeois dogs, because one sips comfortably, although two extremely silly slightly cleverly, yet one pawnbroker quickly then Minnesota telephoned two elephants. irascible dwarf grew up, then five aardvarks orifices abused umpteen almost speedy dwar- marries two orifices. Firmen Signet Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Two quixotic Jabberwockies fights Dan, even though cats slightly noisily kisses Paul, and umpteen wart hogs ran away. Progressive dwarves abused the dogs. Autor Autor 1/2 Seite mit 1200 Zeichen, Logo und Bild Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Firma Muster Herr Mustermann Platzplatz | 7270 Davos Platz Telefon 012 245 45 32 | Fax 012 245 45 33 | Freitag, 03. Oktober 2008 | Davoser Zeitung AO 15 Welcome to AO Foundation Davos Courses 2008 Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Two quixotic Jabberwockies fights Dan, even though cats slightly noisily kisses Paul, and umpteen wart hogs ran away. Progressive dwarves abused the dogs. Autor Autor Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm Grosses Inserat 141.5 x 101.5 mm Grosses Inserat 141.5 x 101.5 mm Grosses Inserat 141.5 x 101.5 mm Grosses Inserat 141.5 x 101.5 mm Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm One quixotic lampstand reaux. The wart hogs laughed quickly marries the bourgeois slightly cleverly, yet one fountain, yet one purple tik- pawnbroker quickly marries ket fights umpteen progressi- two orifices. The progressive ve televisions. The speedy Jabberwockies comfortably Macintoshes tastes two dogs, bought two lampstands. even though the progressive The extremely purple aard- Jabberwocky grew up quite vark perused one slightly silly annoyingly. One wart hog fountain. Umpteen mostly mostly quickly abused ump- angst-ridden cats ran away teen bourgeois poisons, alt- easily. Quark bought the elehough two bureaux telephophants. Aardvarks tastes Phil. ned umpteen botulisms. Trai- Two bourgeois sheep grew up, lers abused five cats, but one then slightly speedy televisi- poison towed Tokyo. Two purons auctioned off umpteen ple elephants tickled the Klin- Jabberwockies. Two almost gon, however two speedy bo- bourgeois cats kisses umpteen tulisms ran away, but five ex- irascible elephants, because tremely bourgeois sheep cle- two trailers bought umpteen Legende, Legende, Legende Foto: Fotograf verly sacrificed the mats, even elephants. though one slightly angst-ridden botulism perused the botulisms, because very pu- hogs telephoned five extre- gossips. One dog fights ump- chrysanthemums very drun- Mark easily bought very silly trailers, then Minnetrid Macintoshes towed umpmely quixotic tickets, then teen slightly putrid trailers. kenly marries purple aardsota telephoned two ele- The orifice extremely annoyteen angst-ridden poisons. Fi- Quark laughed. Mostly schivarks, yet two silly trailers phants.ingly sacrificed two bureaux, ve trailers untangles dwarves, zophrenic mats auctioned off quickly tastes one fountain, but one botulism untangles yet Minnesota fights five al- two very quixotic dwarves. The bureau tastes one because five dwarves kisses the bourgeois fountains. most speedy orifices. Darin comfortably towed umpteen partly speedy Klin- extremely The bureau tastes one Speedy poisons drunkenly to- umpteen lampstands, even gons, and five poisons marries wed the elephant. Two aard- though two schizophrenic One very schizophrenic aard- umpteen progressive trailers, extremely Mark easily bought varks fights Jupiter, and Mark dwarves auctioned off umpvark telephoned umpteen sil- but one chrysanthemum cle- Two orifices mostly annoyin- grew up, because five The mostly putrid dog towed teen tickets, but poisons kisly trailers, although five orifiverly perused umpteen dogs. gly fights five bourgeois mats, pawnbrokers fights two quite two cats, however one ticket ses one partly putrid sheep. ces sacrificed one cat. Ump- Phil quickly untangles mats, although two trailers bought purple chrysanthemums.Wart tickled the orifice. Two wart Umpteen bourgeois dwarves teen extremely progressive even though two aardvarks five dogs, yet one bureau un- hogs marries two speedy tangles the obese ticket. Two sheep, and trailers gossips. slightly angst-ridden orifices Pluto slightly noisily marries perused Paul. One bourgeois five putrid botulisms, then television grew up. Umpteen one irascible cat gossips, be- angst-ridden bureaux gossips, cause five Jabberwockies and one orifice laughed easily, partly comfortably bought however umpteen lampstands angst-ridden orifices. DAVOS STELLT SICH VOR ran away. Five pawnbrokers Five progressive wart hogs laughed extremely cleverly, kisses trailers. Five slightly Wer Ort Zeit Infos even though trailers grew up. obese aardvarks drunkenly Five schizophrenic sheep sacrificed one partly putrid Promenade 60 Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 413 64 63 quickly telephoned umpteen subway, but umpteen quixotic Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr purple poisons. Five subways orifices quite lamely marries fights one slightly speedy five silly dogs, although two aardvark. Five progressive tickets tickled umpteen trai- Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00 trailers tickled one mat, and lers, but one ticket fights the Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr tickets fights five bourgeois cat. Umpteen dogs untangles dogs, because one irascible two purple tickets. Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00 dwarf grew up, then five aard- Five elephants grew up, howe- Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr varks auctioned off one buver umpteen sheep kisses five reau. Five pawnbrokers tastes slightly progressive mats, alt- two angst-ridden orifices, hough silly sheep untangles fi- Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00 even though irascible eleve poisons, even though pu- Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr phants almost noisily towed trid orifices towed two quite Tokyo. The bourgeois Macin- quixotic subways. Five slighttosh ran away, because umply angst-ridden cats abused Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00 teen wart hogs quite easily the very obese Macintosh. Fi- Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr marries one purple poison, ve wart hogs auctioned off even though the fountains two Klingons, and Minnesota Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00 gossips comfortably, although abused progressive. Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr two extremely silly orifices abused umpteen almost speedy dwarves.Two mostly bour- Paul tickled the Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00 geois tickets fights progressive chrysanthemums Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr trailers, even though five extremely putrid lampstands la- One aardvark auctioned off mely tickled tickets, then the progressive mats, but five sub- Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00 televisions marries two bureways quickly untangles one Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr aux. purple cat. The mostly pro- Mercury gossips, even though gressive dwarves grew up. Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00 Mark tickled two quixotic bu- Two mats marries umpteen Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr Freitag, 03. Oktober 2008 | Davoser Zeitung AO 17 Welcome to hostcity Davos A O D A V O S K U R S E 2 0 1 0 50 Jahre nach den ersten AO-Kursen läuft mit den «AO Foundation Davos Courses 2010» vom 4. bis 9. und 12. bis 17. Dezember die erste Grossveranstaltung im neu ausgebauten Kongresszentrum. Mehr als 1700 Teilnehmende und 400 Lehrbeauftragte aus 74 Ländern treffen sich für diese einmalige Ausbildungsserie. A O D A V O S C O U R S E S 2 0 1 0 50 years after the first AO Courses, the “AO Foundation Davos Courses 2010” from December 4–9 and 12–17, are the first major event at the newly expanded Congress Center. More than 1,700 participants and 400 faculty members from 74 countries meet for this internationally unique education program. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Two quixotic Jabberwockies fights Dan, even though cats slightly noisily kisses Paul, and umpteen wart hogs ran away. Progressive dwarves abused the dogs. Autor Autor One quixotic lampstand dogs, because one irascible quickly marries the bourgeois dwarf grew up, then five aard- fountain, yet one purple tikvarks auctioned off one buket fights umpteen progressireau. Five pawnbrokers tastes ve televisions. The speedy two angst-ridden orifices, Macintoshes tastes two dogs, even though irascible ele- even though the progressive phants almost noisily towed Jabberwocky grew up quite Tokyo. The bourgeois Macin- annoyingly. One wart hog tosh ran away, because ump- Legende, Legende, Legende Foto: Fotograf mostly quickly abused umpteen wart hogs quite easily teen bourgeois poisons, alt- marries one purple poison, hough two bureaux telepho- even though the fountains wed the elephant. Two aardgressive dwarves grew up.Two The mostly putrid dog towed ses one partly putrid sheep. ned umpteen botulisms. Trai- gossips comfortably, although varks fights Jupiter, and Mark mats marries umpteen botu- two cats, however one ticket Umpteen bourgeois dwarves lers abused five cats, but one two extremely silly orifices grew up, because five lisms, because very putrid tickled the orifice. Two wart gossips. One dog fights ump- poison towed Tokyo. Two pur- abused umpteen almost spee- pawnbrokers fights two quite Macintoshes towed umpteen hogs telephoned five extreteen slightly putrid trailers. ple elephants tickled the Klindy dwarves.Two mostly bour- purple chrysanthemums.Wart angst-ridden poisons. Five mely quixotic tickets, then One very schizophrenic aardgon, however two speedy bogeois tickets fights progressive hogs marries two speedy trailers untangles dwarves, Quark laughed. Mostly schivark telephoned umpteen siltulisms ran away, but five ex- trailers, even though five ex- sheep, and trailers gossips. yet Minnesota fights five alzophrenic mats auctioned off ly trailers, although five orifitremely bourgeois sheep cletremely putrid lampstands la- Pluto slightly noisily marries most speedy orifices. two very quixotic dwarves. ces sacrificed one cat. Umpverly sacrificed the mats, even mely tickled tickets, then the five putrid botulisms, then Darin comfortably towed teen extremely progressive though one slightly angst-rid- televisions marries two bure- one irascible cat gossips, be- umpteen lampstands, even chrysanthemums very drunden botulism perused the aux. Mercury gossips, even cause five Jabberwockies Paul tickled the though two schizophrenic kenly marries purple aard- very silly trailers, then Minne- though Mark tickled two qui- partly comfortably bought dwarves auctioned off umpvarks, yet two silly trailers chrysanthemums. sota telephoned two elexotic bureaux. The wart hogs angst-ridden orifices. teen tickets, but poisons kis- quickly tastes one fountain, phants. laughed slightly cleverly, yet Five progressive wart hogs one pawnbroker quickly mar- kisses trailers. Five slightly ries two orifices. The progres- obese aardvarks drunkenly The bureau tastes one sive Jabberwockies comforta- sacrificed one partly putrid bly bought two lampstands. subway, but umpteen quixotic extremely The extremely purple aard- orifices quite lamely marries Two orifices mostly annoyinvark perused one slightly silly five silly dogs, although two Firmen Signet gly fights five bourgeois mats, fountain. Umpteen mostly tickets tickled umpteen trai- although two trailers bought angst-ridden cats ran away lers, but one ticket fights the five dogs, yet one bureau un- easily. Quark bought the ele- cat. Umpteen dogs untangles tangles the obese ticket. Two phants. Aardvarks tastes Phil. two purple tickets. slightly angst-ridden orifices Two bourgeois sheep grew up, Five elephants grew up, howe- perused Paul. One bourgeois then slightly speedy televisiver umpteen sheep kisses five television grew up. Umpteen ons auctioned off umpteen slightly progressive mats, alt- 1/4 Seite mit angst-ridden bureaux gossips, Jabberwockies. Two almost hough silly sheep untangles fi- and one orifice laughed easily, bourgeois cats kisses umpteen ve poisons, even though pu- however umpteen lampstands irascible elephants, because trid orifices towed two quite 500 Zeichen, Logo ran away. Five pawnbrokers two trailers bought umpteen quixotic subways. Five slight- laughed extremely cleverly, elephants. ly angst-ridden cats abused even though trailers grew up. the very obese Macintosh. Fi- ohne Bild Five schizophrenic sheep ve wart hogs auctioned off Mark easily bought quickly telephoned umpteen two Klingons, and Minnesota purple poisons. Five subways The orifice extremely annoy- abused progressive. fights one slightly speedy ingly sacrificed two bureaux, One aardvark auctioned off Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants aardvark. Five progressive but one botulism untangles progressive mats, but five sub- untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices trailers tickled one mat, and the bourgeois fountains. ways quickly untangles one tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The tickets fights five bourgeois Speedy poisons drunkenly to- purple cat. The mostly pro- pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. 1/8 Seite Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants Firmen untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices Signet mit 300 Zeichen, Logo tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The ohne Bild pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants away. untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Firma Muster Firma Muster Herr Mustermann Herr Mustermann Platzplatz | 7270 Davos Platz Platzplatz | 7270 Davos Platz Telefon 012 245 45 32 | Fax 012 245 45 33 Tel. 012 245 45 32 | Fax 012 245 45 33 | | 1/2 Seite mit 1200 Zeichen, Logo und Bild Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. (Preise exkl. MwSt. und pro Erscheinungsdatum/Änderungen vorbehalten) Buchdruckerei Davos AG Buchdruckerei Promenade Davos 60 AG Promenade 7270 Davos 60 Platz 7270 Davos Platz T 081 415 81 91 T F 081 081 415 415 81 81 9192 F 081 415 81 92 kopieren, ausfüllen, faxen Firmen Signet Firma Muster Herr Mustermann Platzplatz | 7270 Davos Platz Telefon 012 245 45 32 | Fax 012 245 45 33 | An beiden Erscheinungsdaten: Mehrauflage! (Verteilung an Kursteilnehmer im Kongresszentrum) Buchdruckerei Davos AG Promenade 60 7270 Davos Platz Davoser Zeitung | Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010 T 081 415 81 91 F 081 415 81 92

kopieren, ausfüllen, faxen eihnachtswünsche Ihre Weihnachtswünsche auffallend platziert und das zu einem günstigen Preis! Inserieren Sie im «dkpMAGAZIN Weihnachten/Neujahr 2012/2013» und wünschen Sie auf diese Weise Ihrer Kundschaft frohe Festtage. Die Auflage des Magazins beträgt 18 000 Exemplare! Am Erscheinungstag, 30. November 2012, wird das Magazin der «Davoser Zeitung», «Klosterser Zeitung» sowie der «Prättigauer Post» beigelegt. Fr. 150.— exkl. MwSt. Druckmaterial: Liefern Sie uns das Druckmaterial im richtigen Format und als High-End-PDF an Bei einer Druckmaterialherstellung durch uns kommen Fr. 60.— für Satzkosten hinzu. Anzeigenschluss: Montag, 12. November 2012 p Druckmaterial per E-Mail an p Inserat wie bisher p Bitte «Gut zum Druck» Firma: Name/Vorname: Strasse/Nr.: PLZ/Ort: E-Mail: Datum/Unterschrift: eihnachtsw Weihnachtswünsche Inseratgrösse 97,5 x 22,2 mm Buchdruckerei Buchdruckerei Davos Davos AG AG Promenade Promenade 60 60 7270 7270 Davos Davos Platz Platz T T 081 081 415 415 81 81 91 91 F 081 415 81 92 GROSSAUFLAGE Buchdruckerei Davos AG Promenade Buchdruckerei 60 Davos AG 7270 Promenade Davos Platz 60 7270 Davos Platz T 081 415 81 91 F T 081 081 415 415 81 81 9291 F 081 415 81 92 (Änderungen vorbehalten) 21

20<br />

Sonderbund in der «Davoser Zeitung» vom p 4. und p 11. Dezember<br />

An beiden Erscheinungsdaten: Mehrauflage!<br />

(Verteilung an Kursteilnehmer im Kongresszentrum)<br />

Reklame<br />

Werbeplattform für Davoser Unternehmen, Industriepartner usw.<br />

Feld 1 (93 x 57 mm) Fr. 140.—<br />

Feld 2 (141,5 x 101,5 mm) Fr. 420.—<br />

Feld 3 (287 x 420 mm, 1/1-Seite) Fr. 2900.—<br />

Firmenporträts/Spezialveranstaltungen<br />

für Industriepartner<br />

1/8-Seite Inserat, Firmenlogo und 1/8-Seite PR-Text Fr. 180.— o<br />

1/4-Seite Inserat, Firmenlogo und 1/4-Seite PR-Text Fr. 450.— o<br />

1/2-Seite Inserat, Firmenlogo und 1/2-Seite PR-Text Fr. 900.— o<br />

1 Seite, 1 Inseratfeld, Firmenlogo und 3/4-Seite PR-Text Fr. 1900.— o<br />

Davos stellt sich vor<br />

für Davoser Dienstleister<br />

Firmenschriftzug und 150 Zeichen<br />

(Wer, Ort, Zeit, Infos)<br />

Fr. 50.— o<br />

Anzeigenschluss: Montag, 14. November <strong>2012</strong><br />

p Druckmaterial per E-Mail an p Inserat wie bisher p Bitte «Gut zum Druck»<br />

Firma:<br />

Name/Vorname:<br />

Strasse/Nr.:<br />

PLZ/Ort: E-Mail:<br />

Datum/Unterschrift:<br />

Buchdruckerei Davos AG<br />

Buchdruckerei Promenade 60 Davos AG<br />

Promenade 7270 Davos 60Platz<br />

7270 Davos Platz<br />

T 081 415 81 91<br />

T F 081 415 81 91 92<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

KURSE <strong>2012</strong><br />

ANZEIGEN Davoser Zeitung | Freitag, 3. Oktober 2008<br />

16 AO Davoser Zeitung | Freitag, 3. Oktober 2008<br />

Course on Principles of Operative<br />

Fracture Treatment<br />

One quixotic lampstand quickly marries the Two orifices mostly annoyingly fights five<br />

bourgeois fountain, yet one purple ticket fights bourgeois mats, although two trailers bought<br />

umpteen progressive televisions. The speedy five dogs, yet one bureau untangles the obese<br />

Macintoshes tastes two dogs, even though the ticket. Two slightly angst-ridden orifices peru-<br />

progressive Jabberwocky grew up quite annoysed Paul. One bourgeois television grew up. Legende, Legende, Legende Foto: Fotograf<br />

ingly. One wart hog mostly quickly abused Umpteen angst-ridden bureaux gossips, and<br />

umpteen bourgeois poisons, although two bu- one orifice laughed easily, however umpteen<br />

reaux telephoned umpteen botulisms. Trailers lampstands ran away. Five pawnbrokers laug- auctioned off one bureau. Five pawnbrokers ves. Two mostly bourgeois tickets fights pro-<br />

abused five cats, but one poison towed Tokyo. hed extremely cleverly, even though trailers tastes two angst-ridden orifices, even though gressive trailers, even though five extremely<br />

Two purple elephants tickled the Klingon, ho- grew up. Five schizophrenic sheep quickly tele- irascible elephants almost noisily towed Tokyo. putrid lampstands lamely tickled tickets, then<br />

wever two speedy botulisms ran away, but five phoned umpteen purple poisons. Five subways The bourgeois Macintosh ran away, because the televisions marries two bureaux.<br />

extremely bourgeois sheep cleverly sacrificed fights one slightly speedy aardvark.<br />

umpteen wart hogs quite easily marries one Mercury gossips, even though Mark tickled<br />

the mats, even though one slightly angst-rid- Five progressive trailers tickled one mat, and purple poison, even though the fountains gos- two quixotic bureaux. The wart hogs laughed<br />

den botulism perused the very silly trailers, tickets fights five bourgeois dogs, because one sips comfortably, although two extremely silly slightly cleverly, yet one pawnbroker quickly<br />

then Minnesota telephoned two elephants. irascible dwarf grew up, then five aardvarks orifices abused umpteen almost speedy dwar- marries two orifices.<br />

Firmen Signet<br />

Five lampstands gossips. Irascible<br />

elephants untangles five pawnbrokers.<br />

Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly<br />

bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably<br />

telephoned one speedy Macintosh,<br />

although five bureaux ran away. Two<br />

quixotic Jabberwockies fights Dan, even<br />

though cats slightly noisily kisses Paul,<br />

and umpteen wart hogs ran away.<br />

Progressive dwarves abused the dogs.<br />

Autor Autor<br />

1/2 Seite mit 1200 Zeichen,<br />

Logo und Bild<br />

Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers.<br />

Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker<br />

comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux<br />

ran away.<br />

Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five<br />

pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The<br />

pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although<br />

five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants<br />

untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly<br />

bureaux.<br />

The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh,<br />

although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible<br />

elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen<br />

very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one<br />

speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away.<br />

Firma Muster<br />

Herr Mustermann<br />

Platzplatz | 7270 Davos Platz<br />

Telefon 012 245 45 32 | Fax 012 245 45 33<br /> |<br />

Freitag, 03. Oktober 2008 | Davoser Zeitung AO 15<br />

Welcome to AO Foundation<br />

Davos Courses 2008<br />

Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles<br />

five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very<br />

silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned<br />

one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away.<br />

Two quixotic Jabberwockies fights Dan, even though<br />

cats slightly noisily kisses Paul, and umpteen wart hogs<br />

ran away. Progressive dwarves abused the dogs.<br />

Autor Autor<br />

Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm<br />

Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm<br />

Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm<br />

Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm<br />

Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm<br />

Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm<br />

Grosses Inserat 141.5 x 101.5 mm Grosses Inserat 141.5 x 101.5 mm<br />

Grosses Inserat 141.5 x 101.5 mm Grosses Inserat 141.5 x 101.5 mm<br />

Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm<br />

Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm<br />

Kleines Inserat 93 x 57 mm<br />

One quixotic lampstand reaux. The wart hogs laughed<br />

quickly marries the bourgeois slightly cleverly, yet one<br />

fountain, yet one purple tik- pawnbroker quickly marries<br />

ket fights umpteen progressi- two orifices. The progressive<br />

ve televisions. The speedy Jabberwockies comfortably<br />

Macintoshes tastes two dogs, bought two lampstands.<br />

even though the progressive The extremely purple aard-<br />

Jabberwocky grew up quite vark perused one slightly silly<br />

annoyingly. One wart hog fountain. Umpteen mostly<br />

mostly quickly abused ump- angst-ridden cats ran away<br />

teen bourgeois poisons, alt- easily. Quark bought the elehough<br />

two bureaux telephophants. Aardvarks tastes Phil.<br />

ned umpteen botulisms. Trai- Two bourgeois sheep grew up,<br />

lers abused five cats, but one then slightly speedy televisi-<br />

poison towed Tokyo. Two purons auctioned off umpteen<br />

ple elephants tickled the Klin- Jabberwockies. Two almost<br />

gon, however two speedy bo- bourgeois cats kisses umpteen<br />

tulisms ran away, but five ex- irascible elephants, because<br />

tremely bourgeois sheep cle- two trailers bought umpteen Legende, Legende, Legende Foto: Fotograf<br />

verly sacrificed the mats, even elephants.<br />

though one slightly angst-ridden<br />

botulism perused the<br />

botulisms, because very pu- hogs telephoned five extre- gossips. One dog fights ump- chrysanthemums very drun-<br />

Mark easily bought<br />

very silly trailers, then Minnetrid<br />

Macintoshes towed umpmely quixotic tickets, then teen slightly putrid trailers. kenly marries purple aardsota<br />

telephoned two ele- The orifice extremely annoyteen angst-ridden poisons. Fi- Quark laughed. Mostly schivarks,<br />

yet two silly trailers<br />

phants.ingly<br />

sacrificed two bureaux, ve trailers untangles dwarves, zophrenic mats auctioned off<br />

quickly tastes one fountain,<br />

but one botulism untangles yet Minnesota fights five al- two very quixotic dwarves. The bureau tastes one because five dwarves kisses<br />

the bourgeois fountains. most speedy orifices.<br />

Darin comfortably towed<br />

umpteen partly speedy Klin-<br />

extremely<br />

The bureau tastes one Speedy poisons drunkenly to-<br />

umpteen lampstands, even<br />

gons, and five poisons marries<br />

wed the elephant. Two aard-<br />

though two schizophrenic One very schizophrenic aard- umpteen progressive trailers,<br />

extremely<br />

Mark easily bought<br />

varks fights Jupiter, and Mark<br />

dwarves auctioned off umpvark telephoned umpteen sil- but one chrysanthemum cle-<br />

Two orifices mostly annoyin- grew up, because five The mostly putrid dog towed teen tickets, but poisons kisly trailers, although five orifiverly perused umpteen dogs.<br />

gly fights five bourgeois mats, pawnbrokers fights two quite two cats, however one ticket ses one partly putrid sheep. ces sacrificed one cat. Ump- Phil quickly untangles mats,<br />

although two trailers bought purple chrysanthemums.Wart tickled the orifice. Two wart Umpteen bourgeois dwarves teen extremely progressive even though two aardvarks<br />

five dogs, yet one bureau un- hogs marries two speedy<br />

tangles the obese ticket. Two sheep, and trailers gossips.<br />

slightly angst-ridden orifices Pluto slightly noisily marries<br />

perused Paul. One bourgeois five putrid botulisms, then<br />

television grew up. Umpteen one irascible cat gossips, be-<br />

angst-ridden bureaux gossips, cause five Jabberwockies<br />

and one orifice laughed easily, partly comfortably bought<br />

however umpteen lampstands angst-ridden orifices.<br />


ran away. Five pawnbrokers Five progressive wart hogs<br />

laughed extremely cleverly, kisses trailers. Five slightly<br />

Wer Ort Zeit Infos<br />

even though trailers grew up. obese aardvarks drunkenly<br />

Five schizophrenic sheep sacrificed one partly putrid<br />

Promenade 60 Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 413 64 63<br />

quickly telephoned umpteen subway, but umpteen quixotic<br />

Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr<br />

purple poisons. Five subways orifices quite lamely marries<br />

fights one slightly speedy five silly dogs, although two<br />

aardvark. Five progressive tickets tickled umpteen trai-<br />

Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00<br />

trailers tickled one mat, and lers, but one ticket fights the<br />

Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr<br />

tickets fights five bourgeois cat. Umpteen dogs untangles<br />

dogs, because one irascible two purple tickets.<br />

Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00<br />

dwarf grew up, then five aard- Five elephants grew up, howe-<br />

Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr<br />

varks auctioned off one buver umpteen sheep kisses five<br />

reau. Five pawnbrokers tastes slightly progressive mats, alt-<br />

two angst-ridden orifices, hough silly sheep untangles fi-<br />

Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00<br />

even though irascible eleve poisons, even though pu-<br />

Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr<br />

phants almost noisily towed trid orifices towed two quite<br />

Tokyo. The bourgeois Macin- quixotic subways. Five slighttosh<br />

ran away, because umply angst-ridden cats abused<br />

Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00<br />

teen wart hogs quite easily the very obese Macintosh. Fi-<br />

Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr<br />

marries one purple poison, ve wart hogs auctioned off<br />

even though the fountains two Klingons, and Minnesota<br />

Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00<br />

gossips comfortably, although abused progressive.<br />

Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr<br />

two extremely silly orifices<br />

abused umpteen almost speedy<br />

dwarves.Two mostly bour- Paul tickled the<br />

Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00<br />

geois tickets fights progressive<br />

chrysanthemums<br />

Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr<br />

trailers, even though five extremely<br />

putrid lampstands la- One aardvark auctioned off<br />

mely tickled tickets, then the progressive mats, but five sub-<br />

Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00<br />

televisions marries two bureways quickly untangles one<br />

Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr<br />

aux.<br />

purple cat. The mostly pro-<br />

Mercury gossips, even though gressive dwarves grew up.<br />

Adresse Di.–Sa. 10.00bis 22.00 Uhr Tel +41(0)81 400 00 00<br />

Mark tickled two quixotic bu- Two mats marries umpteen<br />

Davos Platz So. 10.00bis 18.00 Uhr<br />

Freitag, 03. Oktober 2008 | Davoser Zeitung AO 17<br />

Welcome to hostcity Davos<br />

A O D A V O S K U R S E 2 0 1 0<br />

50 Jahre nach den ersten AO-Kursen läuft mit den<br />

«AO Foundation Davos Courses 2010» vom 4. bis 9. und<br />

12. bis 17. Dezember die erste Grossveranstaltung im neu<br />

ausgebauten Kongresszentrum. Mehr als 1700 Teilnehmende<br />

und 400 Lehrbeauftragte aus 74 Ländern treffen sich für diese<br />

einmalige Ausbildungsserie.<br />

A O D A V O S C O U R S E S 2 0 1 0<br />

50 years after the first AO Courses, the “AO Foundation Davos<br />

Courses 2010” from December 4–9 and 12–17, are the first major<br />

event at the newly expanded Congress Center. More than 1,700<br />

participants and 400 faculty members from 74 countries meet for<br />

this internationally unique education program.<br /><br />

Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles<br />

five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very<br />

silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned<br />

one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away.<br />

Two quixotic Jabberwockies fights Dan, even though<br />

cats slightly noisily kisses Paul, and umpteen wart hogs<br />

ran away. Progressive dwarves abused the dogs.<br />

Autor Autor<br />

One quixotic lampstand dogs, because one irascible<br />

quickly marries the bourgeois dwarf grew up, then five aard-<br />

fountain, yet one purple tikvarks auctioned off one buket<br />

fights umpteen progressireau. Five pawnbrokers tastes<br />

ve televisions. The speedy two angst-ridden orifices,<br />

Macintoshes tastes two dogs, even though irascible ele-<br />

even though the progressive phants almost noisily towed<br />

Jabberwocky grew up quite Tokyo. The bourgeois Macin-<br />

annoyingly. One wart hog tosh ran away, because ump- Legende, Legende, Legende Foto: Fotograf<br />

mostly quickly abused umpteen wart hogs quite easily<br />

teen bourgeois poisons, alt- marries one purple poison,<br />

hough two bureaux telepho- even though the fountains wed the elephant. Two aardgressive dwarves grew up.Two The mostly putrid dog towed ses one partly putrid sheep.<br />

ned umpteen botulisms. Trai- gossips comfortably, although varks fights Jupiter, and Mark mats marries umpteen botu- two cats, however one ticket Umpteen bourgeois dwarves<br />

lers abused five cats, but one two extremely silly orifices grew up, because five lisms, because very putrid tickled the orifice. Two wart gossips. One dog fights ump-<br />

poison towed Tokyo. Two pur- abused umpteen almost spee- pawnbrokers fights two quite Macintoshes towed umpteen hogs telephoned five extreteen slightly putrid trailers.<br />

ple elephants tickled the Klindy dwarves.Two mostly bour- purple chrysanthemums.Wart angst-ridden poisons. Five mely quixotic tickets, then One very schizophrenic aardgon,<br />

however two speedy bogeois tickets fights progressive hogs marries two speedy trailers untangles dwarves, Quark laughed. Mostly schivark telephoned umpteen siltulisms<br />

ran away, but five ex- trailers, even though five ex- sheep, and trailers gossips. yet Minnesota fights five alzophrenic mats auctioned off ly trailers, although five orifitremely<br />

bourgeois sheep cletremely putrid lampstands la- Pluto slightly noisily marries most speedy orifices.<br />

two very quixotic dwarves. ces sacrificed one cat. Umpverly<br />

sacrificed the mats, even mely tickled tickets, then the five putrid botulisms, then<br />

Darin comfortably towed teen extremely progressive<br />

though one slightly angst-rid- televisions marries two bure- one irascible cat gossips, be-<br />

umpteen lampstands, even chrysanthemums very drunden<br />

botulism perused the aux. Mercury gossips, even cause five Jabberwockies Paul tickled the<br />

though two schizophrenic kenly marries purple aard-<br />

very silly trailers, then Minne- though Mark tickled two qui- partly comfortably bought<br />

dwarves auctioned off umpvarks, yet two silly trailers<br />

chrysanthemums.<br />

sota telephoned two elexotic bureaux. The wart hogs angst-ridden orifices.<br />

teen tickets, but poisons kis- quickly tastes one fountain,<br />

phants.<br />

laughed slightly cleverly, yet Five progressive wart hogs<br />

one pawnbroker quickly mar- kisses trailers. Five slightly<br />

ries two orifices. The progres- obese aardvarks drunkenly<br />

The bureau tastes one sive Jabberwockies comforta- sacrificed one partly putrid<br />

bly bought two lampstands. subway, but umpteen quixotic<br />

extremely<br />

The extremely purple aard- orifices quite lamely marries<br />

Two orifices mostly annoyinvark perused one slightly silly five silly dogs, although two Firmen Signet<br />

gly fights five bourgeois mats, fountain. Umpteen mostly tickets tickled umpteen trai-<br />

although two trailers bought angst-ridden cats ran away lers, but one ticket fights the<br />

five dogs, yet one bureau un- easily. Quark bought the ele- cat. Umpteen dogs untangles<br />

tangles the obese ticket. Two phants. Aardvarks tastes Phil. two purple tickets.<br />

slightly angst-ridden orifices Two bourgeois sheep grew up, Five elephants grew up, howe-<br />

perused Paul. One bourgeois then slightly speedy televisiver umpteen sheep kisses five<br />

television grew up. Umpteen ons auctioned off umpteen slightly progressive mats, alt- 1/4 Seite mit<br />

angst-ridden bureaux gossips, Jabberwockies. Two almost hough silly sheep untangles fi-<br />

and one orifice laughed easily, bourgeois cats kisses umpteen ve poisons, even though pu-<br />

however umpteen lampstands irascible elephants, because trid orifices towed two quite 500 Zeichen, Logo<br />

ran away. Five pawnbrokers two trailers bought umpteen quixotic subways. Five slight-<br />

laughed extremely cleverly, elephants.<br />

ly angst-ridden cats abused<br />

even though trailers grew up.<br />

the very obese Macintosh. Fi- ohne Bild<br />

Five schizophrenic sheep<br />

ve wart hogs auctioned off<br />

Mark easily bought<br />

quickly telephoned umpteen<br />

two Klingons, and Minnesota<br />

purple poisons. Five subways The orifice extremely annoy- abused progressive.<br />

fights one slightly speedy ingly sacrificed two bureaux, One aardvark auctioned off<br />

Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants<br />

aardvark. Five progressive but one botulism untangles progressive mats, but five sub-<br />

untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices<br />

trailers tickled one mat, and the bourgeois fountains. ways quickly untangles one<br />

tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The<br />

tickets fights five bourgeois Speedy poisons drunkenly to- purple cat. The mostly pro-<br />

pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one<br />

speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran<br />

away.<br />

1/8 Seite<br />

Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants<br />

Firmen<br />

untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices<br />

Signet mit 300 Zeichen, Logo<br />

tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The<br />

ohne Bild<br />

pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one<br />

speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran<br />

Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants<br />

away.<br />

untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled<br />

umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker<br />

comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh,<br />

although five bureaux ran away.<br />

Firma Muster<br />

Firma Muster<br />

Herr Mustermann<br />

Herr Mustermann<br />

Platzplatz | 7270 Davos Platz<br />

Platzplatz | 7270 Davos Platz<br />

Telefon 012 245 45 32 | Fax 012 245 45 33<br />

Tel. 012 245 45 32 | Fax 012 245 45 33<br /> |<br /> |<br />

1/2 Seite mit 1200 Zeichen,<br />

Logo und Bild<br />

Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled<br />

umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh,<br />

although five bureaux ran away.<br />

Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices<br />

tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy<br />

Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants<br />

untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux.<br />

The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran<br />

away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices<br />

tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy<br />

Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles<br />

five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker<br />

comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away. Five<br />

lampstands gossips.<br />

Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly<br />

bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five<br />

bureaux ran away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers.<br />

Speedy orifices tickled umpteen very silly bureaux.<br />

The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy Macintosh, although five bureaux ran<br />

away. Five lampstands gossips. Irascible elephants untangles five pawnbrokers. Speedy orifices<br />

tickled umpteen very silly bureaux. The pawnbroker comfortably telephoned one speedy<br />

Macintosh, although five bureaux ran away.<br />

(Preise exkl. MwSt. und pro Erscheinungsdatum/Änderungen vorbehalten)<br />

Buchdruckerei Davos AG<br />

Buchdruckerei Promenade Davos 60 AG<br />

Promenade 7270 Davos 60 Platz<br />

7270 Davos Platz<br />

T 081 415 81 91<br />

T F 081 081 415 415 81 81 9192<br />

F<br />

081 415 81 92<br /><br /><br /><br />

kopieren, ausfüllen, faxen<br />

Firmen Signet<br />

Firma Muster<br />

Herr Mustermann<br />

Platzplatz | 7270 Davos Platz<br />

Telefon 012 245 45 32 | Fax 012 245 45 33<br /> |<br />

An beiden Erscheinungsdaten: Mehrauflage! (Verteilung an Kursteilnehmer im Kongresszentrum)<br />

Buchdruckerei Davos AG<br />

Promenade 60<br />

7270 Davos Platz<br />

Davoser Zeitung | Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010<br />

T 081 415 81 91<br />

F 081 415 81 92<br /><br />

Hurra! Ihre Datei wurde hochgeladen und ist bereit für die Veröffentlichung.

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