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10.01.2013 Aufrufe

190 Literaturverzeichnis Khuri SF, Daley J, Henderson W, Hur K, Hossain M, Soybel D, Kizer K, Aust JB, Bell RH Jr, Chong V, Demakis J, Fabri PJ, Gibbs JO, Grover F, Hammermeister K, McDonald G, Passaro E Jr, Phillips L, Scamman F, Spencer J, Stremple JF, VA National Surgical Quality Improvement Program. Relation of surgical volume to outcome in eight common operations. Annals of Surgery 1999; 230 (3): 414-432. Kohn D, Rühmann O, Wirth CJ. Die Verrenkung der Hüfttotalendoprothese unter besonderer Beachtung verschiedener Zugangswege. Z Orthop 1997; 135: 40-44. Li E, Meding JB, Ritter MA, Keating EM, Faris PM. The natural history of a posteriorly dislocated total hip replacement. J Arthroplasty 1999; 14 (8): 964-968. Linsell L, Dawson J, Zondervan K, Rose P, Carr A, Randall T, Fitzpatrick R. Pain and overall health status in older people with hip and knee replacement: a population perspective. J Public Health 2006; 28 (3): 267-273. Mahomed NN, Barrett JA, Katz JN, Phillips CB, Losina E, Lew RA, Guadagnoli E, Harris WH, Poss R, Baron JA. Rates and Outcomes of Primary and Revision Total Hip Replacement in the United States Medicare Population. The Journal of Bone and joint surgery 2003; 85-A (1): 27-32. Mangram AJ, Horan TC, Pearson ML, Silver LC, Jarvis WR. Guideline for Prevention of Surgical Site Infection, 1999. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. Am J Infect Control 1999; 27 (2): 97-132. Masonis JL, Bourne RB. Surgical approach, abductor function, and total hip arthroplasty dislocation. Clin Orthop 2002; (405): 46-53. Merx H, Dreinhöfer K, Schräder P, Stürmer T, Puhl W, Günther K-P, Brenner H. International variation in hip replacement rates. Ann Rheum Dis 2003; 62: 222-226. Palmer SH. Routine pathological examination of surgical specimens from patients undergoing total hip and knee replacement. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2002; 84-A (6): 1082-1083. Parvizi J, Johnson BG, Rowland C, Ereth MH, Lewallen DG. Thirty-day mortality after elective total hip arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2001; 83-A (10): 1524-1528. Phillips CB, Barrett JA, Losina E, Mahomed NN, Lingard EA, Guadagnoli E, Baron JA, Harris WH, Poss R, Katz JN. Incidence Rates of Dislocation, Pulmonary Embolism, and Deep Infection During the First Six Months After Elective Total Hip Replacement. The Journal of Bone and joint surgery 2003; 85-A (1): 20-26. Reginster J-Y, Deroisy R, Dougados M, Jupsin I, Colette J, Roux C. Prevention of Early Postmenopausal Bone Loss by Strontium Ranelate: The Randomized, Two-Year, Double- Masked, Dose-Ranging, Placebo-Controlled PREVOS Trial. Osteoporosis International 2002; 13: 925-931. Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN). Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Surgery: A National Clinical Guideline. SIGN Publication 45. 2000. www.sign.ac.uk/guidelines/fulltext/45/index.html (Recherchedatum: 11.06.2007). Seagroatt V, Tan HS, Goldacre M, Bulstrode C, Nugent I, Gill L. Elective total hip replacement: incidence, emergency readmission rate, and postoperative mortality. BMJ 1991; 303 (6815): 1431-1435. Sharkey PF, Shastri S, Teloken MA, Parvizi J, Hozack WJ, Rothman RH. Relationship between surgical volume and early outcomes of total hip arthroplasty: do results continue to get better? J Arthroplasty 2004; 19 (6): 694-699. Sharrock NE, Cazan MG, Hargett MJ, Williams-Russo P, Wilson PD Jr. Changes in mortality after total hip and knee arthroplasty over a ten-year period. Anesth Analg 1995; 80 (2): 242-248. Stürmer KM. Leitlinien Unfallchirurgie. Stürmer KM (Hrsg.). 2., unveränderte Auflage. Stuttgart. Georg Thieme Verlag; 1999. Valen B. [Luxation of hip prosthesis]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2001; 121 (26): 3054-3056. Woolson ST, Rahimtoola ZO. Risk Factors for Dislocation During the First 3 Months After Primary Total Hip Replacement. The Journal of Arthroplasty 1999; 14 (6): 662-668. Zhang W, Doherty M, Arden N, Bannwarth B, Bijlsma J, Gunther KP, Hauselmann HJ, Herrero-Beaumont G, Jordan K, Kaklamanis P, Leeb B, Lequesne M, Lohmander S, Mazieres B, Martin-Mola E, Pavelka K, Pendleton A, Punzi L, Swoboda B, Varatojo R, Verbruggen G, Zimmermann-Gorska I, Dougados M, EULAR Standing Committee for International Clinical Studies Including Therapeutics (ESCISIT). EULAR evidence based recommendations for the management of hip osteoarthritis: report of a task force of the EULAR Standing Committee for International Clinical Studies Including Therapeutics (ESCISIT). Ann Rheum Dis 2005; 64 (5): 669-681.

Hüftgelenknahe Femurfraktur Beck A, Rüter A. Therapiekonzepte bei Schenkelhalsfrakturen. Teil 1. Chirurg 2000; 71 (2): 240-248. Berry DJ, von Knoch M, Schleck CD, Harmsen WS. The Cumulative Long-Term Risk of Dislocation After Primary Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty. The Journal of Bone and joint surgery 2004; 86-A (1): 9-14. Bystrom S, Espehaug B, Furnes O, Havelin LI. Femoral head size is a risk factor for total hip luxation: a study of 42.987 primary hip arthroplasties from the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register. Acta Orthop Scand 2003; 74 (5): 514-524. Casaletto JA, Gatt R. Post-operative mortality related to waiting time for hip fracture surgery. Injury 2004; 35 (2): 114-120. Clarke MT, Lee PT, Villar RN. Dislocation after total hip replacement in relation to metal-on-metal bearing surfaces. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2003; 85 (5): 650-654. Fransen M, Woodward M, Norton R, Robinson E, Butler M, Campbell AJ. Excess mortality or institutionalization after hip fracture: men are at greater risk than women. J Am Geriatr Soc 2002; 50 (4): 685-690. Gerber C, Strehle J, Ganz R. The treatment of fractures of the femoral neck. Clin Orthop 1993; (292): 77-86. Gillespie W. Hip fracture. Clin Evid 2002; (8): 1126-1148. Haaker R, Tiedjen K, Rubenthaler F, Stockheim M. [Computer-assisted navigated cup placement in primary and secondary dysplastic hips]. Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 2003; 141 (1): 105-111. Johansson T, Jacobsson S-A, Ivarsson I, Knutsson A, Wahlström O. Internal fixation versus total hip arthroplasty in the treatment of displaced femoral neck fractures – A prospective randomized study of 100 hips. Acta Orthop Scand 2000; 71 (6): 597-602. Jolles BM, Bogoch ER. Posterior versus lateral surgical approach for total hip arthroplasty in adults with osteoarthritis (Cochrane Review). The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2006. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Kohn D, Rühmann O, Wirth CJ. Die Verrenkung der Hüfttotalendoprothese unter besonderer Beachtung verschiedener Zugangswege. Z Orthop 1997; 135: 40-44. Literaturverzeichnis Lawrence VA, Hilsenbeck SG, Noveck H, Poses RM, Carson JL. Medical complications and outcomes after hip fracture repair. Arch Intern Med 2002; 162 (18): 2053-2057. Leenders T, Vandevelde D, Mahieu G, Nuyts R. Reduction in variability of acetabular cup abduction using computer assisted surgery: a prospective and randomized study. Comput Aided Surg 2002; 7 (2): 99-106. Li E, Meding JB, Ritter MA, Keating EM, Faris PM. The natural history of a posteriorly dislocated total hip replacement. J Arthroplasty 1999; 14 (8): 964-968. Lofthus CM, Osnes EK, Falch JA, Kaastad TS, Kristiansen IS, Nordsletten L, Stensvold I, Meyer HE. Epidemiology of hip fractures in Oslo, Norway. Bone 2001; 29 (5): 413-418. Lu-Yao GL, Keller RB, Littenberg B, Wennberg JE. Outcomes after Displaced Fractures of the Femoral Neck. The Journal of Bone and joint surgery 1994; 76-A (1): 15-25. Majumdar SR, Beaupre LA, Johnston DW, Dick DA, Cinats JG, Jiang HX. Lack of association between mortality and timing of surgical fixation in elderly patients with hip fracture: results of a retrospective population-based cohort study. Med Care 2006; 44 (6): 552-559. Masonis JL, Bourne RB. Surgical approach, abductor function, and total hip arthroplasty dislocation. Clin Orthop 2002; (405): 46-53. Moran CG, Wenn RT, Sikand M, Taylor AM. Early mortality after hip fracture: is delay before surgery important. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2005; 87 (3): 483-489. Gilbert M, McLaughlin M, Halm EA, Wang JJ, Litke A, Silberzweig SB, Siu AL. Association of timing of surgery for hip fracture and patient outcomes. JAMA 2004; 291 (14): 1738-1743. Parker MJ, Gurusamy K. Internal fixation versus arthroplasty for intracapsular proximal femoral fractures in adults (Cochrane Review). The Cochrane Library, Issue 4, 2006. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Parker MJ, Pryor GA, Myles J. 11-year results in 2,846 patients of the Peterborough Hip Fracture Project – Reduced morbidity, mortality and hospital stay. Acta Orhop Scand 2000; 71 (1): 34-38. 191

Hüftgelenknahe Femurfraktur<br />

Beck A, Rüter A.<br />

Therapiekonzepte bei Schenkelhalsfrakturen.<br />

Teil 1. Chirurg 2000; 71 (2): 240-248.<br />

Berry DJ, von Knoch M, Schleck CD, Harmsen WS.<br />

The Cumulative Long-Term Risk of Dislocation After<br />

Primary Charnley Total Hip Arthroplasty.<br />

The Journal of Bone and joint surgery 2004; 86-A (1): 9-14.<br />

Bystrom S, Espehaug B, Furnes O, Havelin LI.<br />

Femoral head size is a risk factor for total hip luxation:<br />

a study of 42.987 primary hip arthroplasties from the<br />

Norwegian Arthroplasty Register.<br />

Acta Orthop Scand 2003; 74 (5): 514-524.<br />

Casaletto JA, Gatt R.<br />

Post-operative mortality related to waiting time for hip<br />

fracture surgery.<br />

Injury 2004; 35 (2): 114-120.<br />

Clarke MT, Lee PT, Villar RN.<br />

Dislocation after total hip replacement in relation to<br />

metal-on-metal bearing surfaces.<br />

J Bone Joint Surg Br 2003; 85 (5): 650-654.<br />

Fransen M, Woodward M, Norton R, Robinson E, Butler M,<br />

Campbell AJ.<br />

Excess mortality or institutionalization after hip fracture:<br />

men are at greater risk than women.<br />

J Am Geriatr Soc 2002; 50 (4): 685-690.<br />

Gerber C, Strehle J, Ganz R.<br />

The treatment of fractures of the femoral neck.<br />

Clin Orthop 1993; (292): 77-86.<br />

Gillespie W.<br />

Hip fracture.<br />

Clin Evid 2002; (8): 1126-1148.<br />

Haaker R, Tiedjen K, Rubenthaler F, Stockheim M.<br />

[Computer-assisted navigated cup placement in primary<br />

and secondary dysplastic hips].<br />

Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 2003; 141 (1): 105-111.<br />

Johansson T, Jacobsson S-A, Ivarsson I, Knutsson A,<br />

Wahlström O.<br />

Internal fixation versus total hip arthroplasty in the treatment<br />

of displaced femoral neck fractures – A prospective<br />

randomized study of 100 hips.<br />

Acta Orthop Scand 2000; 71 (6): 597-602.<br />

Jolles BM, Bogoch ER.<br />

Posterior versus lateral surgical approach for total hip<br />

arthroplasty in adults with osteoarthritis (Cochrane<br />

Review). The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2006.<br />

Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.<br />

Kohn D, Rühmann O, Wirth CJ.<br />

Die Verrenkung der Hüfttotalendoprothese unter besonderer<br />

Beachtung verschiedener Zugangswege.<br />

Z Orthop 1997; 135: 40-44.<br />

Literaturverzeichnis<br />

Lawrence VA, Hilsenbeck SG, Noveck H, Poses RM,<br />

Carson JL.<br />

Medical complications and outcomes after hip fracture<br />

repair.<br />

Arch Intern Med 2002; 162 (18): 2053-2057.<br />

Leenders T, Vandevelde D, Mahieu G, Nuyts R.<br />

Reduction in variability of acetabular cup abduction using<br />

computer assisted surgery: a prospective and randomized<br />

study.<br />

Comput Aided Surg 2002; 7 (2): 99-106.<br />

Li E, Meding JB, Ritter MA, Keating EM, Faris PM.<br />

The natural history of a posteriorly dislocated total hip<br />

replacement.<br />

J Arthroplasty 1999; 14 (8): 964-968.<br />

Lofthus CM, Osnes EK, Falch JA, Kaastad TS, Kristiansen IS,<br />

Nordsletten L, Stensvold I, Meyer HE.<br />

Epidemiology of hip fractures in Oslo, Norway.<br />

Bone 2001; 29 (5): 413-418.<br />

Lu-Yao GL, Keller RB, Littenberg B, Wennberg JE.<br />

Outcomes after Displaced Fractures of the Femoral Neck.<br />

The Journal of Bone and joint surgery 1994; 76-A (1): 15-25.<br />

Majumdar SR, Beaupre LA, Johnston DW, Dick DA, Cinats JG,<br />

Jiang HX.<br />

Lack of association between mortality and timing of surgical<br />

fixation in elderly patients with hip fracture: results of<br />

a retrospective population-based cohort study.<br />

Med Care 2006; 44 (6): 552-559.<br />

Masonis JL, Bourne RB.<br />

Surgical approach, abductor function, and total hip arthroplasty<br />

dislocation.<br />

Clin Orthop 2002; (405): 46-53.<br />

Moran CG, Wenn RT, Sikand M, Taylor AM.<br />

Early mortality after hip fracture: is delay before surgery<br />

important.<br />

J Bone Joint Surg Am 2005; 87 (3): 483-489.<br />

Gilbert M, McLaughlin M, Halm EA, Wang JJ, Litke A,<br />

Silberzweig SB, Siu AL.<br />

Association of timing of surgery for hip fracture and<br />

patient outcomes.<br />

JAMA 2004; 291 (14): 1738-1743.<br />

Parker MJ, Gurusamy K.<br />

Internal fixation versus arthroplasty for intracapsular proximal<br />

femoral fractures in adults (Cochrane Review).<br />

The Cochrane Library, Issue 4, 2006. Chichester, UK: John<br />

Wiley & Sons, Ltd.<br />

Parker MJ, Pryor GA, Myles J.<br />

11-year results in 2,846 patients of the Peterborough<br />

Hip Fracture Project – Reduced morbidity, mortality and<br />

hospital stay.<br />

Acta Orhop Scand 2000; 71 (1): 34-38.<br />


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