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Mitteilungen DMG 01 / 2011 - Deutsche Meteorologische ...

Mitteilungen DMG 01 / 2011 - Deutsche Meteorologische ...

Mitteilungen DMG 01 / 2011 - Deutsche Meteorologische ...


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32<br />

medial<br />

Inhaltsverzeichnisse <strong>Meteorologische</strong> Zeitschrift<br />

Band 19, Heft 6, 2<strong>01</strong>0<br />

Krauss, Liane; HaucK, cHristian; Kottmeier, cHristopH: Spatio-temporal soil moisture variability in Southwest<br />

Germany observed with a new monitoring network within the COPS domain, 523-537.<br />

marKKanen, tiina; steinfeLd, GeraLd; KLjun, natascHa; raascH, sieGfried; foKen, tHomas: A numerical casestudy<br />

on footprint model performance under inhomoegneous flow conditions, 539-547.<br />

cHan, paK Wai: LIDAR-based turbulence intensity calculation using glide-path scans of the Doppler LIght Detection<br />

And Ranging (LIDAR) systems at the Hong Kong International Airport and comparison with flight data and<br />

a turbulence alerting system, 549-563.<br />

daHLKötter, fLorian; Griessbaum, franK; scHmidt, andres; KLemm, otto: Direct measurement of CO 2 and particle<br />

emissions from an urban area, 565-575.<br />

HendricKs, joHannes; faLb, andreas; stubenraucH, cLaudia j.; emde, cLaudia: A method for comparing properties<br />

of cirrus clouds in global climate models with those retrieved from IR sounder satellite observations,<br />

577-589.<br />

birmiLi, WoLfram; GöbeL, tina; sonntaG, andré; ries, LudWiG; soHmer, raLf; GiLGe, stefan; Levin, inGeborG;<br />

stoHL, andreas: A case of transatlantic aerosol transport detected at the Schneefernerhaus Observatory (2650<br />

m) on the northern edge of the Alps, 591-600.<br />

pfeifer, moniKa; Yen, WencHieH; baLdauf, micHaeL; craiG, GeorGe; creWeLL, susanne.; fiscHer, jürGen; Ha-<br />

Gen, martin; HüHnerbein, anja; mecH, mario; reinHardt, tHorsten; scHröder, marc; seifert, axeL: Validating<br />

precipitation forecasts using remote sensor synergy: A case study approach, 6<strong>01</strong>-617.<br />

WernLi, Heini; pfaHL, stepHan; trentmann, jörG; Zimmer, mattHias: How representative were the meteorological<br />

conditions during the COPS field experiment in summer 2007?, 619-630.<br />

träGer-cHatterjee, cHristine; müLLer, ricHard W.; trentmann, jörG; bendix, jörG: Evaluation of ERA-40 and<br />

ERA-interim re-analysis incoming surface shortwave radiation data-sets with mesoscale remote sensing data,<br />

631-640.<br />

mutHers, stefan; matZaraKis, andreas: Use of beanplots in applied climatology A comparison with boxplots,<br />

641-644.<br />

corriGendum, 645-645.<br />

Band 19, Heft 5, 2<strong>01</strong>0<br />

Special Issue: The 30th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM), May 11-15, 2009, Rastatt,<br />

Germany<br />

voLKert, Hans; ZänGL, GüntHer: The 30th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM), 403-404.<br />

ZänGL, GüntHer; seifert, axeL; WobrocK, WoLfram: Modeling stable orographic precipitation at small scales:<br />

The impact of the autoconversion scheme, 405-416.<br />

seifert, axeL; ZänGL, GüntHer: Scaling relations in warm-rain orographic precipitation, 417-426.<br />

Kunz, Michael; Puskeiler, Marc: High-resolution assessment of the hail hazard over complex terrain from radar<br />

and insurance data, 427-439.<br />

eHret, uWe: Convergence Index: a new performance measure for the temporal stability of operational rainfall<br />

forecasts, 441-451.<br />

tudor, martina; ivateK-ŠaHdan, stjepan: The case study of bura of 1st and 3rd February 2007, 453-466.<br />

LarGeron, Yann; staquet, cHantaL; cHemeL, cHarLes: Turbulent mixing in a katabatic wind under stable conditions,<br />

467-480.<br />

WaGner, jocHen e.; anGeLini, federico; aroLa, antti; bLumtHaLer, mario; fitZKa, micHaeL; Gobbi, Gian; pao-<br />

Lo Kift, ricHard; Kreuter, axeL; rieder, HaraLd e.; simic, stana; Webb, ann; WeiHs, pHiLipp: Comparison of<br />

surface UV irradiance in mountainous regions derived from satellite observations and model calculations with<br />

ground-based measurements, 481-490.<br />

enGeLHardt, marKus; HaucK, cHristian; saLZmann, nadine: Influence of atmospheric forcing parameters on<br />

modelled mountain permafrost evolution, 491-500.<br />

ficKer, HeinricH: The influence of the Alps on areas of falling air pressure and the develop-ment of depressions<br />

over the Mediterranean Sea, 5<strong>01</strong>-512.<br />

davies, HuW c.: An early and perceptive concept of cyclogenesis, 513-517.<br />

Zardi, d.: buHLer, o.: Waves and mean Flows, 519-520.<br />

<strong>Mitteilungen</strong> <strong>DMG</strong> <strong>01</strong>/2<strong>01</strong>1

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