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brennpunkt 2-2012 .indd - Edition dibue

brennpunkt 2-2012 .indd - Edition dibue

brennpunkt 2-2012 .indd - Edition dibue


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Encerrados, Santiago, Chile, Penitentiary. March 2008, guard beats a convict just entered in prison.<br />

recreate their space is the only way to<br />

defend them.<br />

They hardly try to maintain their habits in<br />

a human boundary condition and overcrowding<br />

status. Violence and power<br />

management inside the jails are direct<br />

consequences of these conditions.<br />

Thus, for instance, in Brazil even if I got<br />

the permission for taking pictures inside<br />

the jails, the jail director had to seek the<br />

approval of a »control« group who ran<br />

the prison.<br />

Some prisoners were used to show defiantly<br />

their knives and who is not armed<br />

becomes a kind of slave.<br />

Dokumentar- und Reportage-Fotografie WELTWEIT<br />

In Santiago, in Chile, the convicts, irritated<br />

by such bad life conditions are<br />

used to fight during their autonomy hour.<br />

The jails rules are the same of that we can<br />

find in life: who has more money and<br />

power, supervises and has authority.<br />

The life in jails is not only power games<br />

and fights. In daily life there is time for<br />

playing football, for talking, for joking<br />

and for women there are moments<br />

in which they dress up and make-up<br />

faces.<br />

The history of this work is not to<br />

denounce the situation in jails but to<br />

discover and tell what joins and what<br />

I went around for 74 male and female<br />

jails in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina,<br />

Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia e Venezuela.<br />

I got in contact with prisoners and<br />

guards, with fear and anger, with hope<br />

and diffidence. Some convicts considered<br />

me a distraction, others looked at<br />

me with envy, others again with contempt<br />

because they thought that I was<br />

there only for taking pictures to sell of<br />

their confined life.<br />

Every jail was a way to tell the country<br />

from inside and outside. Even if everything<br />

seems to be just a reflex of violence<br />

the contrast of life and violence belongs<br />

to one line. This corresponds to the history<br />

of South America.<br />

Valerio Bispuri<br />

Valerio Bispuri, 40 years old, was born<br />

in Rome. He has an art and letter graduate.<br />

He is living in Buenos Aires and in<br />

Rome. Professional photoreporter since<br />

2001, he is collaborating with many Italian<br />

and foreign magazines. He made a<br />

lot of reportages in Latin America, Africa<br />

and Middle East. He exhibited in many<br />

places in Italy, Spain and Argentina.<br />

Since many years he is working on different<br />

aspects of life in South America<br />

In 2011 he received a special mention<br />

at the POYi Latin America.<br />

In 2011 he exhibited at Visa pour<br />

l‘Image in Perpignan an exhibition of a<br />

work of ten years on prison sudmaericane:<br />

Encerrados, Travel of South American<br />

jails<br />

<strong>brennpunkt</strong> 2/<strong>2012</strong> 131

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