Projekt 05HS022 Identifizierung und Vermeidung der hot ... - BLE

Projekt 05HS022 Identifizierung und Vermeidung der hot ... - BLE Projekt 05HS022 Identifizierung und Vermeidung der hot ... - BLE
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07.01.2013 Aufrufe

0. Extended Summary • develop a consistent research approach for the quantification of pesticide surface water inputs from point sources in Germany • identify the main factors influencing point-source pollution • describe the risk potential of single actions corresponding to the handling of pesticides on farmyards • derive, based on the findings of the project, mitigation measures against point-source inputs Sources of pesticide losses from farmyards Several individual operations involved in the handling of pesticides and sprayers on farmyards can cause pesticide losses and lead to surface water pollution: • disposal of packing material • sprayer filling • disposal of technical residual quantity • simple cleaning of sprayers after use • inside cleaning of the barrel • outside cleaning of the sprayer • outside cleaning of the tractor • repairs and maintenance of spraying equipment • chemical weed control on farmyards The evaluation of different studies on emission potentials of single steps in pesticide and sprayer handling on farmyards showed that – beside accidental spills - overflow of spray mixture during filling, outside-cleaning of sprayers and dumping of the undiluted residual quantity cause the highest losses. Up to 100 g of active substances can reach the sewage system with one single operation. Research approach Sampling of STPs in areas where farmyard runoff is directly connected to the sewer system is an established method for quantification of point-source pesticide inputs. In the present 2

0. Extended Summary study eight municipal STPs in Germany (seven in arable farming regions, one in a viticulture region) were sampled with a consistent sampling scheme, during the cropping seasons 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. The selected STP’s represent different regions in Germany with different cropping systems, farming structures, and field sprayer equipments. Furthermore STPs of different sizes were chosen. Sampling was carried out during the following periods: • 7 arable farming STPs, 14.08. – 13.11.2006 and 05.03. – 04.06.2007 (main application period of the cropping season 2006/07) • 3 arable farming STPs, 16.08. – 3.12.2007 and 03.03. – 09.06.2008 (cropping period 2007/08) • 1 viticulture STP, 15.05.2006 - 28.10.2007 (two growing periods). The samples from the arable farming STPs were analyzed for 28 substances (including two metabolites) during the first sampling period, and for 37 substances during the second period. The analyzed substances are mainly the most commonly used herbicides and fungicides in Germany. The viticulture STP analysis covered 32 substances used as fungicides and insecticides in viticulture. The limit of detection was 0.05 µg/l. Samples were taken continuously in the effluent of the STP and were analyzed as 3-day / 4day composite samples. The sample analysis of arable farming STPs was done by the Institute of Environmental Research (InfU) at Dortmund University, the viticulture samples were analyzed by the Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum Rheinland-Pfalz (DLR Neustadt/Weinstr.). Based on the STPs’ daily discharge daily pesticide loads were calculated. In total a dataset of approximately 17600 single pesticide concentrations and loads was established. Results of the viticulture sewage treatment plant The total load of all analyzed substances of the viticulture STP was about 11.5 kg during the main application period in 2006 and about 5.5 kg in 2007. Linked to the estimated number of sprayers, the average load per sprayer was about 29 g in 2006 (main application period) and 3

0. Extended Summary<br />

• develop a consistent research approach for the quantification of pesticide surface water<br />

inputs from point sources in Germany<br />

• identify the main factors influencing point-source pollution<br />

• describe the risk potential of single actions corresponding to the handling of pesticides<br />

on farmyards<br />

• <strong>der</strong>ive, based on the findings of the project, mitigation measures against point-source<br />

inputs<br />

Sources of pesticide losses from farmyards<br />

Several individual operations involved in the handling of pesticides and sprayers on farmyards<br />

can cause pesticide losses and lead to surface water pollution:<br />

• disposal of packing material<br />

• sprayer filling<br />

• disposal of technical residual quantity<br />

• simple cleaning of sprayers after use<br />

• inside cleaning of the barrel<br />

• outside cleaning of the sprayer<br />

• outside cleaning of the tractor<br />

• repairs and maintenance of spraying equipment<br />

• chemical weed control on farmyards<br />

The evaluation of different studies on emission potentials of single steps in pesticide and<br />

sprayer handling on farmyards showed that – beside accidental spills - overflow of spray mixture<br />

during filling, outside-cleaning of sprayers and dumping of the <strong>und</strong>iluted residual quantity<br />

cause the highest losses. Up to 100 g of active substances can reach the sewage system<br />

with one single operation.<br />

Research approach<br />

Sampling of STPs in areas where farmyard runoff is directly connected to the sewer system<br />

is an established method for quantification of point-source pesticide inputs. In the present<br />


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