06.01.2013 Aufrufe

ALLBUS-Bibliographie 25. Fassung, Stand - SSOAR

ALLBUS-Bibliographie 25. Fassung, Stand - SSOAR

ALLBUS-Bibliographie 25. Fassung, Stand - SSOAR


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GESIS Technical Report 2011|06 535<br />

Glatzer, Wolfgang, Habich, Roland und Mayer, Karl Ulrich (Hrsg.), Sozialer Wandel<br />

und gesellschaftliche Dauerbeobachtung. Opladen: Leske + Budrich.<br />

Abstract: "Ist Wissenschaft nur möglich oder nur erfolgreich, wenn sie von Menschen<br />

mit innengeleitetem Charakter, mit substanzieller Rationalität ohne Hang zur<br />

Erfolgstüchtigkeit betrieben wird. [...] Im Folgenden möchte ich in drei Schritten das<br />

Problem von objektiven und subjektiven Bedingungen, von Sinn und Kontext wissenschaftlicher<br />

Werdegänge behandeln: (1) Wie sieht die Karrieregestalt wissenschaftlicher<br />

Werdegänge in Deutschland tatsächlich aus? (2) Was wissen wir bzw.<br />

was können wir über die Motivlagen zur wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit erschließen?<br />

(3) Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen der spezifischen Art der Institutionalisierung<br />

wissenschaftlicher Karrieren und der Innovativität und Leistungsfähigkeit von<br />

Wissenschaft?" Mayer dokumentiert an einer Stichprobe aus <strong>ALLBUS</strong>- und SOWI-<br />

BUS-Umfragen aus welchen sozialen Klassen beamtete Hochschullehrer entstammen<br />

Aufgenommen: 18. <strong>Fassung</strong>, Juli 2002<br />

Mayer, Karl Ulrich, Walter, Müller und Pollak, Reinhard, (2003). Institutional<br />

Change and Inequalities of Access in German Higher Education. Revised paper presented<br />

at the First Workshop of the International Comparative Project on Higher<br />

Education: Expansion, Institutional Forms and Equality of Opportunity in Prague,<br />

June 7-9, 2002.<br />

Abstract: "This chapter is concerned with the growth, the internal differentiation and<br />

the inequalities of access in the German system of tertiary education. German higher<br />

education has been the topic of an almost constant debate and subject to major institutional<br />

reforms at least since the 1960s. Three aspects dominated these debates and<br />

reforms which were especially pronounced between 1965 and 1975 and between<br />

1993 and the present. The first aspect was growth and adaptation to changing demand.<br />

Here economic and demographic arguments were most salient. The second<br />

aspect focused on the cultural goals and institutional forms of the university. The<br />

third aspect related to inequalities of access and the role of higher education for a<br />

democratic society. […] What are the expected relationships between expansion,<br />

institutional differentiation and inequalities of access? Growth periods should favor<br />

the inclusion of social groups which did not at all or hardly ever participated in higher<br />

education and therefore should decrease inequalities of opportunities. Externally,<br />

but more so internally differentiated systems should create barriers of access in the<br />

sense that lower tier parts of higher education should be more open to groups which<br />

have been excluded before than the higher ranking institutions. Cultural distance,<br />

duration, expected success and returns as well as real and opportunity costs would all<br />

be factors pushing in that direction. […] [The] results are based on a pooled data set<br />

using four different data sources: 1) the German general social survey (<strong>ALLBUS</strong>)<br />

1980-2000, 2) the ZUMA-<strong>Stand</strong>arddemographie 1976-1982, 3) the German socioeconomic<br />

panel (GSOEP) 1986, 1999, and 2006 and 4) the West German Life History<br />

Studies (conducted in the 1980s).".

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