06.01.2013 Aufrufe

ALLBUS-Bibliographie 25. Fassung, Stand - SSOAR

ALLBUS-Bibliographie 25. Fassung, Stand - SSOAR

ALLBUS-Bibliographie 25. Fassung, Stand - SSOAR


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GESIS Technical Report 2011|06 479<br />

political views between voters and office holders that is differing rather than homogeneous.<br />

To test these conflicting norms and hypotheses empirically I conducted a<br />

survey at the federal party conference of Alliance 90 / The Greens in May 2002 to<br />

collect data of the middle level party elites (BDK-Survey). Voter data is provided by<br />

several opinion polls, especially by the German Politbarometer 2001. Both for the<br />

social characteristics and the political issue-positions, the results support the empirical-analytical<br />

hypotheses of social structural disproportion and attitudinal difference<br />

rather than the grassroots democratic norm of descriptive representation between<br />

party representatives and voters.".<br />

Aufgenommen: 20. <strong>Fassung</strong>, Februar 2005<br />

Kreusser, Daniel, (2003). Middle Level Elites and Electorates of Alliance 90/The<br />

Greens under the Aspect of Representation. Results of a Federal Party Conference<br />

Survey. Masters thesis: Universität Mainz.<br />

Abstract: (rs) "Die Fragestellung dieser Arbeit lautet: "Werden die Grünen heute<br />

ihrem basisdemokratischen Anspruch gerecht, ihre Wählerschaft unverzerrt zu repräsentieren?<br />

Diese Fragestellung wurde zum einen in der Untersuchung jener sozialstrukturellen<br />

Merkmale konkretisiert, die anhand der Ergebnisse aus der Wahlforschung<br />

der Grünen charakteristisch ist. Zum anderen wurde das Problem anhand<br />

solcher politischer Einstellungen nachgegangen, die für das politische System allgemeine<br />

Bedeutung haben und die für die betrachtete Partei BÜNDNIS 90/ DIE<br />

GRÜNEN eine programmatisch besonders relevante Position einnehmen." Datengrundlage<br />

bildet der <strong>ALLBUS</strong> 2000. sowie eine auf der Bundesdelegiertenkonferenz<br />

der Grünen durchgeführte Befragung<br />

Aufgenommen: 20. <strong>Fassung</strong>, Februar 2005<br />

Kreyenfeld, Michaela, (2002). Crisis or adaption reconsidered: A comparison of<br />

East and West German fertility patterns in the first six years after the 'Wende'. Max-<br />

Planck-Institut für demografische Forschung: Rostock.<br />

Abstract: "Similar to other Eastern European countries, East Germany experienced a<br />

rapid decline in period fertility rates after the fall of communism. The decline has<br />

been discussed along the lines of 'crisis' and a 'adaption' to western demographic patterns.<br />

The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, we discuss the factors which foster<br />

and hamper a convergence of fertility behavior in East and West Germany. Secondly,<br />

we use data from the German micro-census to analyze the fertility patterns of the<br />

cohorts born 1961-1970. Major results from our empirical analysis are that East<br />

Germans who are still childless at unification are more rapid to have their first child<br />

in the subsequent years than comparable West Germans. However, regarding second<br />

parity births, the pattern reverses. Here, East Germans display a lower transition rate<br />

than their counterparts in the West." Zur Untersuchung der Einstellung gegenüber

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