06.01.2013 Aufrufe

ALLBUS-Bibliographie 25. Fassung, Stand - SSOAR

ALLBUS-Bibliographie 25. Fassung, Stand - SSOAR

ALLBUS-Bibliographie 25. Fassung, Stand - SSOAR


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GESIS Technical Report 2011|06 349<br />

planation for the heterogeneity in attitudes toward progressive taxation. Rather, we<br />

show that the choice of the favoured tax rate is also driven by fairness considerations.".<br />

Aufgenommen: <strong>25.</strong> <strong>Fassung</strong>, März 2011<br />

Heinemann, Friedrich, Henninghausen, Tanja und Moessinger, Marc-Daniel, (2010).<br />

Intrinsic Work Motivation and Pension Reform Acceptance. Public Choice Society:<br />

Gainesville.<br />

Abstract: "Although demographic change leaves pay-as-you-go pension systems unsustainable,<br />

reforms such as a higher pension age are highly unpopular. This contribution<br />

looks into the role of intrinsic motivation as a driver for pension reform acceptance.<br />

Theoretical reasoning suggests that this driver should be relevant: The<br />

choice among different pension reform options (increasing pension age, increasing<br />

contributions, cutting pensions) can be modelled within the framework of an optimal<br />

job separation decision. In this optimization, intrinsic job satisfaction matters as it<br />

decreases the subjective costs of a higher pension age. We test this key hypothesis on<br />

the basis of the German General Social Survey (<strong>ALLBUS</strong>). The results are unambiguous:<br />

In addition to factors such as age or education the inclusion of intrinsic work<br />

motivation helps to improve our prediction of an individual's reform orientation. Our<br />

results are of importance for reform acceptance beyond the specific topic of pension<br />

reform. They point to the fact that the support for welfare state reform is also decided<br />

at the workplace." Der <strong>ALLBUS</strong> 2006 wird als Hauptdatensatz zur<br />

Hypothesenüberprüfung verwendet, unter anderem werden die Aussagen zu Präferenzen<br />

bei der Art der Rentenreform genutzt (Erhöhung Renteneintrittsalter, höhere<br />

Beiträge usw.).<br />

Aufgenommen: <strong>25.</strong> <strong>Fassung</strong>, März 2011<br />

Heinemann, Friedrich, Bischoff, Ivo und Hennighausen, Tanja, (2009). Choosing<br />

from the Reform Menu Card. Individual Determinants of Labour Market Policy Preferences.<br />

Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 229: 180-197.<br />

Abstract: "This contribution empirically explores the drivers of labour market reform<br />

acceptance for the individual level in Germany. For that purpose we make use of the<br />

representative German General Social Survey (<strong>ALLBUS</strong>). This survey offers data to<br />

which extent individuals support benefit cuts, longer working years, cutting subsidies<br />

to declining industries, phasing out of employment programmes, or a liberalisation of<br />

employment protection. Our theoretical considerations suggest that self-interest, information,<br />

fairness judgements, economic beliefs and other individual factors such as<br />

socialisation under the communist regime in the former German Democratic Republic<br />

drive individual reform preferences. Our empirical results support this notion:<br />

While we find self-interest to be an important driving force, our results show that a

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