05.01.2013 Aufrufe

Testverfah - Bundesverband Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie eV

Testverfah - Bundesverband Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie eV

Testverfah - Bundesverband Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie eV


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Abstractband 15. Kongress des <strong>B<strong>und</strong>esverband</strong>es <strong>Legasthenie</strong><br />

Neurobiology of dyslexia: a new perspective<br />

*Franck Ramus<br />

Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique Ecole Normale Supérieure, Ecole Normale<br />

Supérieure, Paris, Frankreich<br />

Theories of developmental dyslexia differ on how to best interpret the great variety<br />

of symptoms (linguistic, sensory, motor) observed in dyslexic individuals. One approach<br />

views dyslexia as a specific phonological deficit, which sometimes co-occurs<br />

with a more general sensorimotor syndrome. I will review the neurobiology of<br />

dyslexia and show that neurobiological data are indeed consistent with this view,<br />

explaining both how a specific phonological deficit might arise, and why a sensorimotor<br />

syndrome should be significantly associated with it. This new conceptualisation<br />

of the aetiology of dyslexia may generalise to other neuro-developmental disorders,<br />

and may further explain heterogeneity within each disorder and co-morbidity between<br />

disorders.<br />

Korrespondenzautor:<br />

Franck Ramus<br />

franck.ramus@ens.fr<br />

++33 1 44322356<br />

++33 1 44322360<br />

Dyslexia susceptibility genes on chromosome 2q<br />

*Wendy Raskind<br />

University of Washington, Department of Medicine, Washington, Vereinigte Staaten<br />

von Amerika<br />

Impaired phonological decoding is one of the core deficits of dyslexia. In families ascertained<br />

in the UW LDC through a school-aged child with dyslexia, impairments in<br />

rate of phonological decoding remained stable from childhood to adulthood, despite<br />

varying degrees of compensation for reading text. We performed a genome scan<br />

of two continuous measures of phonological decoding ability: phonemic decoding<br />

efficiency (PDE), a measure of both accuracy and speed, and word attack (WA), a<br />

measure of accuracy alone. Multipoint variance component linkage analyses (VC)<br />

and Markov chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) multipoint joint linkage and segregation<br />

analyses on 108 pedigrees revealed a strong signal on chromosome 2 for PDE (VC-<br />

LOD=2.65 and intensity ratio (IR)=32.1). The IR is an estimate of the ratio of the<br />

posterior to prior probability of linkage in MCMC analysis. This chromosome 2 signal<br />

was not seen for WA. More detailed mapping with additional markers provided statistically<br />

significant evidence for linkage of PDE to chromosome 2, with VC-LOD=3.0<br />

and IR=59.6 at D2S1399. The multipoint VC-LOD score corresponds to a theoretical<br />

p value of 0.0001. Parametric analyses, using a model obtained by complex<br />

segregation analysis, provided a multipoint maximum LOD=2.89. The consistency<br />

of results from three analytic approaches provides strong evidence for a locus on<br />

chromosome 2q that influences speed but not accuracy of phonological decoding.<br />


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