Konferenzbericht (PDF-Dokument, 3 MB) - SID

Konferenzbericht (PDF-Dokument, 3 MB) - SID Konferenzbericht (PDF-Dokument, 3 MB) - SID

05.01.2013 Aufrufe

Wissen wandert category quite distinct from immigrants but one into which most immigrants to Canada fall) who find work with the federal government has been slowing at the same time that their proportion among Canadian society has been growing exponentially. I strongly believe that government needs to be at the forefront of offering meaningful placements and internships to immigrants and their children. I believe that the state needs to lead by example, not duplicitously tell civil society and the private sector to be more welcoming to immigrants while it itself makes barely an effort. I believe it is crucially important that our public institutions reflect our diverse society as employers of choice that model equality of opportunity and the value of liberty, equality, and justice we hold dear across advanced democracies. Until that happens, I fear that our efforts in improving the lot of our immigrant brethren will only be piecemeal and ad hoc. It is important for the state to step up and take a leader- ship role in all aspects of this area. The Canadian ex- perience shows up what difference some involvement by the state can make. Now imagine what difference the state could make if immigrant integration, accreditation, and education became a strategic priority for all of gov- ernment. I also fear the detrimental effects for our liberal society and democratic governance were we to fall short. 50 knowledge migrates Africa’s Medical Doctors and Nurses healing British people – Recognition and Recruitment: Migrant health workers in the UK: Summary by Prof. James Buchan, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache durch die HerausgeberInnen dieses Tagungsberichts: Prof. Buchan referierte aus seinen Untersuchungen, die in ausführlicher Form unter www.kingsfund.org.uk nach- gelesen werden können. Für die hier vorliegende Veröf- fentlichung stellte er einen Abstract seines Artikels „Internationally recruited nurses in London: Profile and implications for policy“ zur Verfügung, der durch einige Folien seiner Konferenzpräsentation ergänzt ist. Das von Prof. Buchan formulierte Abstract befasst sich mit den Ursachen für die Einwanderung von Kranken- schwestern und Ärzten in das Vereinigte Königreich (VK) sowie mit der Anwerbung durch den Nationalen Gesundheitsdienst. Prof. Buchan fand heraus, dass das Vereinigte Königreich gezielt seine ehemaligen Koloni- albeziehungen nutzte, indem Personal aus Ländern angeworben wurde, das englisch sprach, das nach einem mit dem VK vergleichbaren Curriculum ausgebil- det worden war und somit über die gewünschte Qualifi- kation verfügte etc.. Die Anwerbung wurde über bilatera- le Abkommen, Internet-Aufrufe, schnelle Bearbeitung der Anträge und koordiniertes Vorgehen der Arbeitsver- mittler erleichtert. Eine zentrale Registrierungsstelle wurde eingerichtet, die eine landesweite Arbeitserlaub- nis ausstellte. Prof. Buchan listete Forschungsergebnisse und good practices im Bereich der internationalen Rekrutierung, der Vorbereitung des bereits vorhandenen Personals

Wissen wandert sowie der auch nach der Rekrutierung weitergehenden Unterstützung der Einwanderer auf. Prof. James Buchan The paper focused on the high level of active inter- national recruitment of health workers, particularly doc- tors and nurses, which has been undertaken by the UK in the period 2000 to 2006. It stressed that there had been an explicit government policy to increase staffing in the National Health Service (NHS) and that international recruitment had been one of the strategies used to achieve rapid staffing growth. The paper gave consideration to the “Push and Pull - what makes a health worker move?” (see figure 1, edit by editor) and set out the UK approaches to international recruitment. In terms of the reasons why doctors and nurses move, the paper discussed “Push and Pull” factors, noted that the UK had exploited certain factors, many linked to its post colonial links and to its connection with many other English speaking countries. These factors included: - Shared language - Shared culture - Shared/similar curriculum - Mutual recognition/ similar qualifications - Geographical proximity/ ease of travel - Pre-existence of migrant community knowledge migrates The paper illustrated the rapid growth in the numbers of doctors and nurses coming to the UK across the period 2000 to 2006 and gave specific data on entrants to the UK nursing register, from selected African countries. (see figures 2 and 3, edit by editor) The paper also gave details on specific aspects of the policies adopted by the UK to facilitate rapid large scale migration of health workers to the UK from non EU coun- tries. The national policies to support active international recruitment included: - Bilateral agreements - Fast track work permits - Co-ordinated multi-employer international recruit- ment - Web based advertising - Use of recruitment agencies - Code of practice for “ethical” recruitment The UK has a single “point of entry” for registration of health professionals by the relevant body (e.g. General Medical Council; Nursing Council). Registration is by application to the Council, and once registered, doctor or nurse can practice anywhere in the UK. In relation to main steps in the international recruitment processes, the paper summarised research and previ- ous publications on: Good practice in international recruitment/ induc- tion: - Preparing internationally recruited nurses/doctors prior to employment: understanding and matching motives to migrate; 51

Wissen wandert<br />

category quite distinct from immigrants but one into<br />

which most immigrants to Canada fall) who find work<br />

with the federal government has been slowing at the<br />

same time that their proportion among Canadian society<br />

has been growing exponentially. I strongly believe that<br />

government needs to be at the forefront of offering<br />

meaningful placements and internships to immigrants<br />

and their children. I believe that the state needs to lead<br />

by example, not duplicitously tell civil society and the<br />

private sector to be more welcoming to immigrants while<br />

it itself makes barely an effort. I believe it is crucially<br />

important that our public institutions reflect our diverse<br />

society as employers of choice that model equality of<br />

opportunity and the value of liberty, equality, and justice<br />

we hold dear across advanced democracies. Until that<br />

happens, I fear that our efforts in improving the lot of our<br />

immigrant brethren will only be piecemeal and ad hoc. It<br />

is important for the state to step up and take a leader-<br />

ship role in all aspects of this area. The Canadian ex-<br />

perience shows up what difference some involvement by<br />

the state can make. Now imagine what difference the<br />

state could make if immigrant integration, accreditation,<br />

and education became a strategic priority for all of gov-<br />

ernment. I also fear the detrimental effects for our liberal<br />

society and democratic governance were we to fall<br />

short.<br />

50<br />

knowledge migrates<br />

Africa’s Medical Doctors and<br />

Nurses healing British people –<br />

Recognition and Recruitment: Migrant<br />

health workers in the UK:<br />

Summary<br />

by Prof. James Buchan, Queen Margaret University,<br />

Edinburgh<br />

Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache durch die<br />

HerausgeberInnen dieses Tagungsberichts:<br />

Prof. Buchan referierte aus seinen Untersuchungen, die<br />

in ausführlicher Form unter www.kingsfund.org.uk nach-<br />

gelesen werden können. Für die hier vorliegende Veröf-<br />

fentlichung stellte er einen Abstract seines Artikels<br />

„Internationally recruited nurses in London: Profile and<br />

implications for policy“ zur Verfügung, der durch einige<br />

Folien seiner Konferenzpräsentation ergänzt ist.<br />

Das von Prof. Buchan formulierte Abstract befasst sich<br />

mit den Ursachen für die Einwanderung von Kranken-<br />

schwestern und Ärzten in das Vereinigte Königreich<br />

(VK) sowie mit der Anwerbung durch den Nationalen<br />

Gesundheitsdienst. Prof. Buchan fand heraus, dass das<br />

Vereinigte Königreich gezielt seine ehemaligen Koloni-<br />

albeziehungen nutzte, indem Personal aus Ländern<br />

angeworben wurde, das englisch sprach, das nach<br />

einem mit dem VK vergleichbaren Curriculum ausgebil-<br />

det worden war und somit über die gewünschte Qualifi-<br />

kation verfügte etc.. Die Anwerbung wurde über bilatera-<br />

le Abkommen, Internet-Aufrufe, schnelle Bearbeitung<br />

der Anträge und koordiniertes Vorgehen der Arbeitsver-<br />

mittler erleichtert. Eine zentrale Registrierungsstelle<br />

wurde eingerichtet, die eine landesweite Arbeitserlaub-<br />

nis ausstellte.<br />

Prof. Buchan listete Forschungsergebnisse und good<br />

practices im Bereich der internationalen Rekrutierung,<br />

der Vorbereitung des bereits vorhandenen Personals

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