05.01.2013 Aufrufe

Konferenzbericht (PDF-Dokument, 3 MB) - SID

Konferenzbericht (PDF-Dokument, 3 MB) - SID

Konferenzbericht (PDF-Dokument, 3 MB) - SID


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Wissen wandert<br />

besser verstehen und darauf reagieren. Europa muss<br />

ebenso seinen eigenen Gesellschaften erklären, welche<br />

demographischen und wirtschaftlichen Bedürfnisse es in<br />

Bezug auf Migration hat.<br />

In trying to decipher African perspectives on European<br />

migratory policy, it is necessary to first and foremost put<br />

into perspective what these policies are and what their<br />

overall intention is.<br />

Broadly speaking, the last few years has seen Europe<br />

come up with a flurry of initiatives whose ostensible aim<br />

was to reduce the flow of illegal immigrants who show<br />

up on the southern coasts of Europe. The spring to<br />

autumn season has no shortage of dramatic images of<br />

young African men, women and children being lifted out<br />

of the seas in terrible conditions after incredible, harrow-<br />

ing journeys across land and sea. Those are the lucky<br />

ones who make it to the other side – often barely alive,<br />

but nonetheless alive. A good number of prospective<br />

migrants never make it alive.<br />

Arthur Muliro<br />

What are the driving forces that propel Africa‟s future –<br />

its young women and men – to risk all to try and reach<br />

their new El Dorado, Europe? This list does not pretend<br />

to be exhaustive – I merely list the more prominent ones:<br />

- Stagnating economic performance – even though<br />

African economies have been recording some im-<br />

pressive growth figures, this growth has failed to<br />

trickle down to the majority of the young and un-<br />

employed; the poor. Add to this the inability of the<br />

knowledge migrates<br />

majority to make a decent living off the land (either<br />

through low prices for crops or due to environmental<br />

challenges). Thus, they have been forced by exi-<br />

gency to seek their fortunes elsewhere.<br />

- Conflict – endemic conflict has displaced thou-sands<br />

of people who have been forced to leave their homes<br />

and livelihoods in their search for safety.<br />

- Demographics and labour demand – particularly in<br />

Europe. There is a strong need for cheap (and un-<br />

documented) labour. The reality is that European<br />

economies depend on these illegal immigrants,<br />

much as they are denigrated and reviled. The flip<br />

side of this is that there is a surfeit of young, able-<br />

bodied people in Africa.<br />

- Improving infrastructure – as infrastructure is devel-<br />

oped and it becomes easier (relatively speaking) to<br />

travel across the continent, the barriers to travel are<br />

lowered and more people are tempted to make the-<br />

se crossings.<br />

It is also important to note that most of the international<br />

migration in Africa has occurred and still occurs outside<br />

a regulatory framework, largely due to the fact that few<br />

African countries have a well-articulated policy on inter-<br />

national migration and where these exist, few countries<br />

actually enforce their own laws and regulations on emi-<br />

gration rigidly. Furthermore, the debate on Euro-African<br />

migration generally assumes that there is a neat and<br />

clear distinction between „receiving‟ and „sending‟ coun-<br />

tries. Many African countries are not only receiving and<br />

sending countries, but also transit countries. Yet the<br />

current literature and debate neglects this reality, focus-<br />

ing much more on a simple dichotomy of „sending‟ and<br />

„receiving‟ countries in which case, Europe is the recipi-<br />

ent and Africa the sender. Yet the reality is that the ma-<br />

jorities of flows take place within Africa and remain in<br />

Africa.<br />

The current policy framework as articulated by Europe –<br />

as stated earlier – has the control of migratory flows as a<br />


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