04.01.2013 Aufrufe

PDF; 6,67 MB - ORCO Germany

PDF; 6,67 MB - ORCO Germany

PDF; 6,67 MB - ORCO Germany


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Future<br />

10 Departed futures<br />

We show what scientists, mathematicians, physicists<br />

and authors thoud it would be like today.<br />

16 Virgin Galactic<br />

20 Return of the Giants<br />

Skyscrapers, many believe they’re an outdated, but<br />

they are now back to europe<br />

86 Refined Authentics<br />

78 Remote Control<br />

16 16 20<br />

City<br />

34 Yesterday, Today, Tomorow: <strong>ORCO</strong>-GSG<br />

63 Beloved Crossover<br />

66 A True Cosmopolitan Centre<br />

It’s one of the last pieces of land still languishing in<br />

the middle of the new Berlin – <strong>ORCO</strong> <strong>Germany</strong><br />

designs a new urban district for this historic location.<br />

76 This City Needs More Islands!<br />

89 Citytip Moskau<br />

An enormous city on its way to future.<br />

42 48<br />

70<br />

View<br />

42 Creative Springboard<br />

48 Technolove<br />

Photographer Christian Schwarzenberg shows us the<br />

Hidden Champions of Berlin – scientists dressed to<br />

research.<br />

70 C/O Young Blood<br />

84 Fashion Viewing<br />

Fashion shows radiate a unique kind of magic. We<br />

show you where to get the feeling<br />

78 76<br />

89<br />

Special<br />

26 Creative Class: Capital of the City<br />

29 C3 - Economical Strength gained by Brains<br />

A very special Italian family-run company. Ludwig<br />

von Stepski-Doliwa talks about mosaic, art and<br />

86 Atipical Architects<br />

GuILLAume PIéCHAuD creates objects and<br />

furniture in his studio, in which art and design<br />

seem to melt into one another.<br />

93 Rewind: Art for Everyone<br />

98 Imprint/Credits<br />

29 86 93

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