02.01.2013 Aufrufe





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376 6 Funktionsschaltungen mit FETs<br />

architecture Level1_nmos of Mosfet is<br />

-- terminals<br />

terminal n1, n2, n3, n4 : electrical;<br />

-- constants<br />

constant vt : voltage := temp * PHYS_K / PHYS_Q;<br />

constant cox : capacitance := 3.9*PHYS_EPS0/tox;<br />

-- branch quantities<br />

quantity vrd across ird through drain to n1;<br />

quantity vrg across irg through gate to n2;<br />

quantity vrb across irb through bulk to n3;<br />

quantity vrs across irs through source to n4;<br />

quantity vds across ids, irds through n1 to n4;<br />

quantity vgs across icgs through n2 to n4;<br />

quantity vbs across icbs, idbs through n3 to n4;<br />

quantity vbd across icbd, idbd through n3 to n1;<br />

quantity vgd across icgd through n2 to n1;<br />

quantity vgb across icgb through n2 to n3;<br />

-- free quantities<br />

quantity vth : voltage := 2.586e-2; -- threshold voltage<br />

quantity vsat : voltage; -- saturation voltage<br />

quantity vs : voltage; -- effective surface mobility<br />

quantity leff : real := 100.0e-6; -- effective length<br />

quantity beta : real := 2.0e-5; -- gain<br />

quantity cb2s, cb2d : capacitance := 1.0; -- capacitances<br />

quantity cgs, cgd, cgb : capacitance := 1.0; -- capacitances<br />

begin<br />

-- some free quantity calculations<br />

if vbs

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