31.12.2012 Aufrufe

German-English Dictionary (2, M-Z).pdf - vtupro

German-English Dictionary (2, M-Z).pdf - vtupro

German-English Dictionary (2, M-Z).pdf - vtupro


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x−Achse {f} : axis of abscissas<br />

x−Achse {m} : abscissa<br />

x−Koordinate {f] : abscissa<br />

x−mal : umpteen times, hundred of times<br />

x beliebig : the first that comes along<br />

Xanthippe : shrew<br />

Xanthippen : shrews<br />

Xenon : xenon<br />

Xerographie : xerography, xerographic<br />

XModem : xmodem<br />

Xylophon : xylophone<br />

Xylophone : xylophones<br />

Xylophons : xylophone<br />

<strong>German</strong>−<strong>English</strong> II: M−Z<br />

X 1831

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