REDZONE - ifm Razorbacks Football Magazine - No. 2 - english

REDZONE Stadium Magazine of the ifm Razorbacks. Everything about the American football season of the first division of the Erima GFL. Interviews, under the helmet, rules of the game, tables, statistics and facts, interesting facts, flag football and much more.

REDZONE Stadium Magazine of the ifm Razorbacks. Everything about the American football season of the first division of the Erima GFL. Interviews, under the helmet, rules of the game, tables, statistics and facts, interesting facts, flag football and much more.


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promoted<br />

THE SÜD-<br />

DERBY<br />

PAGE 17 - 18<br />

Report about<br />

U17 / U19 Youth<br />

Interview with the Quarterback<br />

Broghean McGovern<br />

PAGE 23 -24<br />


3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

7<br />

8<br />

11<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15-16<br />

17-18<br />

20<br />

21-22<br />

23-24<br />

25<br />

27-28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

Foreword<br />

Game plan 2024<br />

Standings<br />

Game Rules<br />

In Memorial of Coach Bill Cerny<br />

Greetings from far away - Garrett D.<br />

Roster Allgäu Comets<br />

„Good to know“ - Info about the Comets<br />

Roster <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong><br />

Interview with Broghean McGovern<br />

Report about the referees<br />

Under the Helmet - Coaches<br />

Report about U17 / U19 Youth<br />

Winner of the competition 09.06.<br />

Sponsors & Partners<br />

Competition crossword puzzles<br />


Dear guests, sports-enthusiasts<br />

and Razorback fans,<br />

We are pleased that we can write the foreword in<br />

the home game magazine as a partner. Partnership begins<br />

with the first impression, developing visions together and standing<br />

together for each other. This is exactly what inspired us to become a partner<br />

in the summer of 2023. We at NMH are proud to be a partner of the IFM <strong>Razorbacks</strong><br />

and are happy to accompany and support an increasingly popular sport that embodies our<br />

values and is characterized by strategy, full physical commitment and foresight. A sport<br />

that is for ‘strong-minded people’. That alone is the perfect connection to NMH „Hard<br />

Boys - Robust Technology“. Passion, agility and team spirit are also decisive factors for a<br />

successful 2024 season. Together the IFM <strong>Razorbacks</strong> and NMH, who manufacture co<br />

mponents made of steel and plastic to highly complex systems and machines, possess<br />

these factors that are the basis for a successful future.<br />

An exciting sporting experience is also characterized by the supporting programme,<br />

which is expanded for the new season and equipped with new ideas.From livestreams to<br />

greeting the team, the cheerleader show, the NMH Super Kick to the hospitality - all of<br />

these events create a feeling of togetherness amongst the people. Many thanks to all the<br />

helpers who make such an event possible.<br />

Together we wish the teams, the cheerleaders, the many volunteers, fans and partners<br />

all the best, a great new season and a lot of sporting success without injuries. True to<br />

the motto „back to the roots“, especially in the newly renovated Teledata Stadion at Lindenhof<br />

in Weingarten, where great successes have already been achieved, there is more<br />

success to be had.<br />

We are also absolutely supporting the concept and vision „Campus“ - we’re keeping our<br />

fingers crossed that this joint project, spanning sports will become a „lighthouse“ of the<br />

region. The basis for variety and motivation for all areas of life and elementary importance<br />

for society and a „must“ for the municipal infrastructure of our great region.<br />

Warm greetings from Hohentengen<br />

Gabriel Friedmann<br />

Christian Bulander<br />




DER GFL<br />



What is American <strong>Football</strong> about?<br />

The goal of American <strong>Football</strong> is to advance<br />

the ball and gain yards. In the course of<br />

a game, two teams of eleven players each<br />

try to get the game ball into the opponent’s<br />

end zone or to score a field goal to gain<br />

points.The team in possession of the ball<br />

(The Offence ) can gain yards or a touchdown<br />

or a field goal by throwing the ball or<br />

running the ball. The defending team (Defence)<br />

tries to prevent the offence from advancing<br />

the ball and the defence are trying<br />

to regain possession of the ball itself.There<br />

is always either only the offence or only<br />

the defence of a team on the pitch at one<br />

time.When the offence does not manage to<br />

advance the ball ten yards further up the<br />

field after four attempts (downs), the possession<br />

of the ball changes. Each player has<br />

a certain position in which they play. Due to<br />

the many different and versatile positions,<br />

American <strong>Football</strong> can be played at least at<br />

amateur level by both big or heavy players<br />

as well as small or light players. The plays<br />

of the offence and the defence are determined<br />

by the head coach and the offence and<br />

defence co-ordinators.<br />

How to score points?<br />

In American football, it’s rare to see a draw<br />

because the rules allow for different ways<br />

to gainpoints.<br />

Touchdown<br />

The ball is carried into the opposing end<br />

zone or the ball is caught in the end zone.<br />

The team gets six points for scoring a<br />

touchdown.<br />

Extrapunkt<br />

After a touchdown, the offensive team has<br />

the opportunity to kick the ball from the 3<br />

meter line through the goal frame. As with<br />

soccer , the ball has to be kicked through<br />

the two vertical goalposts, but unlike soccer,<br />

the ball has to be kicked over the crossbar.<br />

If this succeeds, you get 1 point. This is<br />

also known as PAT (Point After Touchdown).<br />

Two Point Conversion<br />

Alternatively, after a touchdown instead of<br />

kicking, the offence can also try to carry or<br />

throw the ball from the 3 meter line into the<br />

end zone. Since this is more difficult than<br />

the kick, you get 2 points for this.<br />

Field Goal<br />

If a team hasn’t gain enough yards for a new<br />

first down or touchdown or the time is running<br />

out, there is the possibility to kick the<br />

ball through the opponent‘s goal poles from<br />

any point in the field. You get 3 points for a<br />

successful field goal.<br />

Safety<br />

Safety is the opportunity for the Defence<br />

to score points. For this, the defence must<br />

bring the opposing quarterback to the<br />

ground (sack) in the opponents end zone.<br />

This situation is rather rare, but is worth 2<br />


The <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> mourn the loss of a member of their international<br />

family. With Coach Bill Cerny, not only the best friend of Head Coach John<br />

Gilligan passed away on June 17, 2024, but also a friend of the <strong>Razorbacks</strong>,<br />

who has repeatedly visited Upper Swabia in recent years and passed on<br />

his knowledge to the former team during training sessions.<br />

Head Coach John Gilligan is currently on his way home to support his<br />

friends and family and to accompany his friend on his last journey. During<br />

this time, the <strong>Razorbacks</strong> will come together and athletic director<br />

Oliver Billstein will take over the head coaching duties in Coach Gilligan‘s<br />

absence.<br />




1 Allgaeu Comets 3 401 1238 1639 546.3<br />

2 Potsdam Royals 4 435 1645 2080 520.0<br />

3 Hildesheim Invaders 4 749 979 1728 432.0<br />

4 Dresden Monarchs 3 198 913 1111 370.3<br />

5 Berlin Rebels 5 473 1296 1769 353.8<br />

6 Schwaebisch Hall Unicorns 2 215 491 706 353.0<br />

7 Saarland Hurricanes 5 645 1063 1708 341.6<br />

8 Berlin Adler 5 591 1059 1650 330.0<br />

9 <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> Ravensburg 4 367 943 1310 327.5<br />

10 Paderborn Dolphins 5 368 1114 1482 296.4<br />

11 Munich Cowboys 3 257 524 781 260.3<br />

12 Kirchdorf Wildcats 4 302 671 973 243.3<br />

13 Kiel Baltic Hurricanes 3 222 498 720 240.0<br />

14 Straubing Spiders 4 308 507 815 203.8<br />

15 New Yorker Lions Braunschweig 3 303 276 579 193.0<br />

RUSH: all yards of all plays achieved by a running play.<br />

PASS: all yards of all plays achieved by a pass play.<br />

TOT OFF: total yards (RUSH & PASS) of offense in all games.<br />


GAME: games palyed.<br />

YPG: Yards Per Game (average yards per<br />

game).<br />

Martin Fritz



Garrett Dellechiaie #12<br />

I played for the razorbacks in 2018<br />

and 2019 when we won back to back<br />

championships. I still follow the<br />

games and tune into some of the<br />

live streams. I am still in contact<br />

with some of my german teammates<br />

and also the American teammates<br />

as well. To the fans of the razorbacks,<br />

I hope everyone is doing well<br />

and enjoying the first division play.<br />

Playing infront of all of you for those<br />

two season were some of the best<br />

times of my life, we would not have<br />

won those championships with out<br />

all of your support. And who knows,<br />

maybe I will see you all in the future.<br />

Much love, Garrett

Arbeiten Sie schon oder suchen Sie noch?<br />

Ist Ihnen auch zum Schreien zumute, wenn Sie solche<br />

Papierberge sehen?<br />

Dabei ist es so einfach Dokumente in Papierform jedem<br />

zu jeder Zeit und an jedem Ort verfügbar zu machen.<br />


ROSTER<br />


Q U A R T E R B A C K<br />

Smith Javarian<br />

Shambry Terrence<br />

Zwick Maxi<br />

4<br />

7<br />

12<br />

W I D E - R E C E I V E R<br />

Stewart Nate<br />

Perauer Benjamin<br />

Jarzebak Robert<br />

Schade Marcel<br />

Hörner Dominik<br />

Günther Christian<br />

Koch Dennis<br />

Kretschmer Manuel<br />

9<br />

10<br />

18<br />

19<br />

81<br />

85<br />

87<br />

89<br />

R U N N I N G - B A C K<br />

Moore Ahsan<br />

11<br />

Campbell Thomas 20<br />

<strong>No</strong>guchi Keito 36<br />

Barmettler Maximilian 84<br />

O F F E N S I V E - L I N E<br />

Schönfisch Jan<br />

Piontek Martin<br />

Heinlein Quirin<br />

Bruckmeier Anton<br />

Acquadro Matteo<br />

Baumgardt Oliver<br />

Van Kempen Moritz<br />

Böhler Manuel<br />

Ruttle Andrew<br />

Ücker Marco<br />

Dold Philipp<br />

51<br />

58<br />

60<br />

61<br />

63<br />

64<br />

72<br />

74<br />

76<br />

77<br />

78<br />

K I C K E R<br />

Klein Marvin<br />

Glatzeder Aaron<br />

16<br />

46<br />


D E F E N S I V E - B A C K<br />

Leiderer Nico<br />

Fehn Paul<br />

Niemeier Philipp<br />

Täger Julius<br />

Stolz Jonas<br />

Eichhorn Eric<br />

Meier-Schißlbauer G.-B.<br />

Walch Simon<br />

Friedl Valentin<br />

Merk Tobias<br />

Reitberger Johannes<br />

Gebauer Eric<br />

Vidoni Adrian<br />

Gebauer Marc<br />

1<br />

15<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

37<br />

41<br />

45<br />

47<br />

L I N E B A C K E R<br />

Barrett Matt<br />

Scholz Sascha<br />

Perbellini Edoardo<br />

Schmid Dominik<br />

Atilgan Ata Han<br />

Ströbel Luis<br />

44<br />

48<br />

49<br />

55<br />

59<br />

68<br />

D E F E N S I V E - L I N E<br />

Ba Souleymane<br />

Porta Jean-Pierre<br />

Rupp Fritz<br />

Köppl Sven<br />

Sencar Felix<br />

Zinnecker Lucas<br />

Zinnecker Jonathan<br />

Lanier Mark<br />

Osawe Destiny<br />

54<br />

66<br />

75<br />

90<br />

92<br />

93<br />

94<br />

95<br />


„Good to know“<br />

Info about the opponent<br />

SINCE 1982<br />

Game results 2024:<br />

VS<br />


VS<br />


VS<br />


58 : 57<br />

52 : 28<br />

36 : 30<br />

The Comets have been a permanent fixture in<br />

the 1st Bundesliga (GFL 1) since 2013. In 2015<br />

and 2022, the Allgäu Comets were able to fight<br />

their way to the semi-finals of the German Bowl.<br />

However, the Comets lost both games against<br />

their opponents at the time.<br />

The Allgäu Comets have a talented and diverse<br />

squad that includes both experienced players<br />

and promising young talent. Under the leadership<br />

of Head Coach Elias Gniffke, they have developed<br />

a strong team chemistry and have reached<br />

their full potential. The Allgäu Comets are<br />

characterized by an aggressive and fast-paced<br />

style of play. Their offense is known for its explosive<br />

plays and ability to move the ball down<br />

the court effectively. The defense is aggressive<br />

and strong in defending its own territory.<br />

Balance of the last 5 seasons:<br />

2023 GFL 1 - south 2nd place<br />

2022 GFL 1 - south 3rd place<br />

2021 GFL 1 - south 4th place<br />

2019 GFL 1 - south 6th place<br />

2018 GFL 1 - south 3rd place<br />


GFL TEAM<br />


ROSTER<br />


Q U A R T E R B A C K<br />

Jack Flaherty<br />

Broghean McGovern<br />

15<br />

17<br />

W I D E - R E C E I V E R<br />

Michael Mayer<br />

Pierre Moudourou<br />

3<br />

13<br />

Alexander Grünholz<br />

Tim Emminger<br />

Simon Mayr<br />

Melvin Pilan<br />

Linus Marquardt<br />

Lars Anders<br />

Tim Müller<br />

Adrian Terwart<br />

22<br />

80<br />

83<br />

84<br />

85<br />

87<br />

88<br />

R U N N I N G - B A C K<br />

Lennies McFerren<br />

Manuel Rieger<br />

11<br />

24<br />

O F F E N S I V E - L I N E<br />

Laurits Vinther<br />

Joschua Rindfleisch<br />

Ludvig Haglund<br />

Leo Dumke<br />

Niklas Böning<br />

Sebastian Trabold<br />

Louis Wessels<br />

Dario Lucanto<br />

Luca Nicklas<br />

Alexander Duhr<br />

52<br />

54<br />

55<br />

56<br />

61<br />

65<br />

68<br />

72<br />

75<br />

78<br />

K I C K E R<br />

Linus Diez<br />

6<br />


D E F E N S I V E - B A C K<br />

Dexter Shea<br />

Alex Mashak<br />

Alkaly Cisse<br />

1<br />

8<br />

9<br />

Jonas Fritz<br />

Alexander Borgmann<br />

Niklas Herrmann<br />

Nick Dezel<br />

Jona Uekert<br />

18<br />

21<br />

26<br />

36<br />

L I N E B A C K E R<br />

Nico Stensinski<br />

Mika Stieger<br />

10<br />

27<br />

Jonas Croner<br />

Kevin Kienzle<br />

Jenson Bosworth<br />

Fabian Wohnhaas<br />

Simon Cichy<br />

Timo Grafberger<br />

23<br />

29<br />

39<br />

44<br />

49<br />

D E F E N S I V E - L I N E<br />

Travontae Booker<br />

Henri Moudilou<br />

Tarek Schumacher<br />

Monday Okokhue<br />

Ben Rashid<br />

Heiko Birkle<br />

Finn Herter<br />

Yannick Blank<br />

Lucas Walk<br />

7<br />

31<br />

58<br />

43<br />

45<br />

64<br />

90<br />

97<br />


INTERVIEW with<br />


Gaby: How do you deal with<br />

pressure and stress?<br />

Broghean: Kind of the same thing, just<br />

having good guys around you that you know<br />

like they‘re going to make plays that you<br />

need to see, you kind of just have to worry<br />

about yourself, that stress, I mean the coaches<br />

staff here is great, they‘re really good<br />

at understanding when you‘re stressed or<br />

like you just need to calm down and like<br />

we‘re going to say the right things.<br />

Gaby: Congratulations for the first win<br />

of the season last week (interview time<br />

13.06.2024). How much did you enjoy it,<br />

here at the stadium in Weingarten?<br />

Broghean: Thank you! It was amazing, you<br />

got really home atmosphere. In college<br />

your kind of don‘t really get that back in<br />

the states because it‘s kind of just different<br />

people coming to like which game in school<br />

no one really knows anyone too personal<br />

but it seems like the players are well known<br />

that around here they‘re local guys so like<br />

their friends and family come out, so it felt<br />

like a really good home atmosphere compared<br />

to like just playing football.<br />

Gaby: How do you motivate your team during<br />

the game?<br />

Broghean: I like to let Lennies kind of do<br />

most of that I kind of keep it short and<br />

sweet when I do talk but I kind of just<br />

tell him to like play loose and trust everybody<br />

around us we got good players on<br />

our team and the more you trust the guy<br />

next to you the more you can focus on your<br />

job and get done what you need to add.<br />

17<br />

Gaby: How to do how do you prepare you?<br />

Broghean: I‘m kind of a weirdo. I listen to<br />

like motivational speeches like I listen to<br />

like Conor Macgregor‘s motivational speeches<br />

Ray Lewis and Mike Tyson. Just like<br />

people like we‘ve had like a real big hard<br />

upbringing and just like see what they got<br />

through, so it makes my job a little less<br />

stressful because like they motivate you<br />

like it‘s gonna be okay in the end no matter<br />

what.<br />

Gaby: Whats your goals for this year?<br />

Broghean: If it‘s possible to make the playoffs<br />

and try to go as deep as we can, try<br />

to get to the German Bowl, we started off<br />

small, but I think we‘re starting to gain momentum<br />

and really start clicking together<br />


Gaby: Question from a fan: What do<br />

the import players do the whole day?<br />

Broghean: It‘s really just football. We wake<br />

up, we go to the gym in Ravensburg at clever<br />

fit and then we need to go to the grocery<br />

store and then we kind of just go home<br />

we make food. We watch film either of practice<br />

or on the opponent we‘re playing that<br />

week. Then we‘re either if we have no practice<br />

I‘ll be meeting with the coaches just<br />

kind of going over sometimes we need to<br />

fix and just kind of the summer playing and<br />

then if not we have practice and we‘re here<br />

so it seems like we have not a lot to do but<br />

it‘s kind of busy days just filled with like<br />

driving back and forth and doing the things<br />

you need to get done to prepare.<br />

Gaby: How can we pronounce you name?<br />

Broghean: Well the guys just call me like my<br />

name is kind of hard to say and just call<br />

me BG. I don‘t know where that comes from<br />

because there‘s no real BG in my name so<br />

that‘s kind of I guess it‘s enough instead of<br />

saying my full name.<br />

Gaby: Lets go to the Instagram-question:<br />

How big is your chance, to get in the Playoffs<br />

this year?<br />

Broghean: On the drawing board this year I<br />

think we‘re definitely a wild card right now.<br />

We could make a lot of progress and get<br />

to the German Bowl, we have the talent<br />

for sure, we just have to keep playing as<br />

a team and I think we‘re getting stronger<br />

every week with our chemistry, so anything<br />

is possible.<br />

Quick Question:<br />

Gaby: Coffee or tea?<br />

Broghean: Coffee<br />

Gaby: Realist or Dreamer?<br />

Broghean: Dreamer<br />

Gaby: Vacation on the Beach or in the City?<br />

Broghean: At the lake<br />

Gaby: Cat or Dog?<br />

Broghean: Dog<br />

Gaby: Eagle or Dolphin?<br />

Broghean: Dolphin<br />

Gaby: Spring or Fall?<br />

Broghean: Fall<br />

Gaby: Star Wars or Marvel?<br />

Broghean: Marvel<br />

Gaby: Camping or luxury resort?<br />

Broghean: Camping for sure<br />

Gaby: Youtube or Podcast?<br />

Broghean: Podcast<br />

Gaby: Instagram or TikTok?<br />

Broghean: Instagram - I don’t have TikTok<br />

Thanks, Broghean for the interview and<br />

your time. You do a great job<br />

and I wish you a healthy<br />

and amazing season.<br />

Report by Gaby Rimmele<br />

Picture from von Florian Wolf<br />


SEO-IP<br />


In American football, referees play<br />

an indispensable role in ensuring that<br />

the game is fair which can be tough as the game<br />

is sometimes very complex. There is a referee crew<br />

made up of several specialists who are responsible<br />

for monitoring compliance within the rules and<br />

objectively evaluating game situations. The crew consists<br />

of at least four referees, usually five in the amateur<br />

leagues and seven in the higher leagues like the<br />

GFL. Each referee monitors a specific area of ​the field<br />

and is responsible for specific tasks.<br />

The main referee „White-Cap“ (they are recognized by<br />

their white cap, while the other referees wear black<br />

caps) is the head of the referee team and is responsible<br />

for the entire game. They make the final decisions,<br />

monitor the clock and coordinates communication<br />

with the coaches and players. Before the game, the<br />

White Cap calls the captains of both teams and decides<br />

by tossing a coin which team has the first choice<br />

to kick or receive. During the game, the referee‘s focus<br />

is primarily on the quarterback and the running backs.<br />

At the beginning of the play, they also look at the players<br />

on the right side of the offensive line. Typically,<br />

decisions such as roughing the passer or roughing the<br />

kicker or whether a fumble has occurred are directly<br />

up to the white cap referee to decide.<br />

The umpire is located near the line of scrimmage and<br />

monitors the linemen and enforces the rules in that<br />

area, paying particular attention to holding..<br />

The linesman stands on the sideline and monitors the<br />

line where the play is taking place. They watch to see<br />

if the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage and whether<br />

the players are legally positioned.<br />

The line judge also stands on the sideline and monitors<br />

the area between the line of scrimmage to ensure neither<br />

team lines up offside. They look for rule violations<br />

such as pass interference and illegal formation.<br />

Referees<br />

in American <strong>Football</strong><br />

Why are there so many of them and<br />

what are their different roles?<br />

The side judge stands on the sideline on the same side<br />

as the linesman and monitors the area between the<br />

offensive and defensive lines. They look for violations<br />

such as holding and pass interference.<br />

But the referees don‘t just have a lot to do during the<br />

game. Before kick-off, the referees have to check the<br />

roster of both teams to ensure that all players have a<br />

valid player pass and are entitled to take part in the<br />

game.The playing field must also be checked for the<br />

correct dimensions, markings and prohibited or dangerous<br />

items on the edge of the field. Their duties also<br />

include checking players and their potentially illegal<br />

equipment as well as identifying imported players<br />

from the USA (marking with an „A“ on jersey and helmet).<br />

With these seven referees on the field, different areas<br />

of the game can be monitored and controlled to ensure<br />

that the rules are followed.Their tasks range from monitoring<br />

the rules to making decisions in controversial<br />

game situations. Without referees, American football<br />

would not only be chaotic but also unfair. They therefore<br />

deserve recognition and respect for their important<br />

role in making the sport a fair and exciting event<br />

to watch.<br />

Report by Sebastian Pfeiffer<br />

The back judge is located near the defensive line and<br />

monitors the receivers and the compliance with the rules<br />

in this area. They pay particular attention to pass<br />

interference and holding.<br />



The field judge stands on the sideline opposite to the<br />

linesman and monitors the area between the offensive<br />

and defensive lines. They look for violations such as<br />

holding and pass interference.<br />


UNDER<br />


Coaches<br />


UNDER<br />


Coaches<br />


U17 / U19 YOUTH<br />

TACKLE<br />

American football has had a home<br />

in Schussen Valley since the late<br />

1980s. Since their foundation, the<br />

<strong>Razorbacks</strong> have worked their way<br />

up to the highest league in Germany<br />

and have successfully proven themselves<br />

there over the years.<br />

In order to maintain this level and<br />

to supplement the team only occasionally<br />

with imported players,<br />

well-trained local young talent is required.<br />

For this reason, solid youth<br />

work has long been a priority in order<br />

to be able to field players from<br />

our own ranks in the GFL.<br />

In youth football, we do<br />

our best to prepare young<br />

athletes for a possible higher-class<br />

sporting career. Physical fitness,<br />

tactical understanding and the ability<br />

to make the right decisions in<br />

pressure situations are fundamental<br />

components of the training.<br />

In the current squad, Marc Bächstädt<br />

and Niklas Böning have made the<br />

direct transition from youth to the<br />

GFL team and are permanent members<br />

of the O-line. Seraphin Stuparek<br />

and Simon Cichy are also in the<br />

squad as supplementary players.<br />

In our youth team, the Ravensburg<br />

<strong>Razorbacks</strong> U17/U19, players from<br />

the age of 14 upwards are introduced<br />

to tackle football and the new,<br />

physical style of play that comes<br />

with it. It‘s not just about learning<br />

the basics such as fair and safe<br />

tackling, but also about understanding<br />

and implementing complex new<br />

strategies and tactics.

U17 / U19 YOUTH<br />

TACKLE<br />

In the 2024 season, our current U17/<br />

U19 team will play in the BW district<br />

league as combined team with the<br />

Konstanz Pirates, where they will<br />

face well-known teams such as the<br />

Pforzheim Wilddogs and the Silver<br />

Arrows/Crusaders syndicate. The<br />

aim of the coaching team led by<br />

head coach Thorsten Friedrich is to<br />

form a cohesive team that wants to<br />

achieve high goals together. Each<br />

player should be used according<br />

to his abilities and be an integral<br />

part of the team. This season‘s realignment<br />

has already resulted in<br />

a 14:7 victory in the opening game<br />

against the Pforzheim Wilddogs.<br />

If you want to cheer on our U19s at a<br />

home game, you should make a note<br />

of the following dates:<br />

23.06.2024<br />

Teledata-Stadion, Weingarten<br />

Kick-off 11 am<br />

06.07.2024<br />

Bodensee-Stadion Konstanz<br />

Kick-off 11:30 am<br />

21.07.2024<br />

TSB Kunstrasenplatz<br />

Kick-off 11:30 am<br />

If you would like to be part of the<br />

U17/19 team, come along to one of<br />

our training sessions:<br />

Tuesdays 18:00-20:00<br />

Thursday 18:00-20:00<br />

TSB Synthetic turf pitch<br />

If you require further information or<br />

have any questions, please contact<br />

us at coaches@<strong>ifm</strong>-razorbacks.de or<br />

take a look at our homepage.<br />

Report by Tom Bass<br />

Pictures tbd


Congratulations to the winners of our<br />

last „crossword puzzle“ competition:<br />

Matthias Ill<br />

Franz Manz<br />

20,-- € Voucher<br />

10,-- € Voucher<br />

The solution word from the<br />

competition was: SPIELTAG<br />

The winners have already been notified<br />

and have yet to get back to us.<br />





Kreuzworträtsel - mitmachen und<br />

coole Preise gewinnen!<br />

2<br />

1. Welches ist das berühmteste<br />

jährliche American <strong>Football</strong>spiel<br />

in den USA?<br />

2. Wie heißt die Liga, in der wir<br />

spielen?<br />

3. In welcher Stadt sind die<br />

Comets (Gegner) beheimatet?<br />

&<br />

4. Wie heißt unser Quarterback<br />

mit Vornamen?<br />

5. Welche Nummer hat Eberhart<br />

unser Maskottchen?<br />

6. Unser Stadionheft gibt es in<br />

deutsch und online auch in ....?<br />

7. Das Team besteht aus der<br />

Offense und der ....?<br />

8. Welche Farbe hat der Spielball?<br />

9. Was sind unsere Vereinsfarben?<br />

10. Wie heißt der Spieler mit der<br />

Nr. 52?<br />

29<br />

... und so kannst Du gewinnen:<br />

1. Gehe heute zum Fanshop-Truck.<br />

2. Trage das Lösungswort inkl. deine<br />

Kontaktdaten in die dort ausgelegten<br />

Gewinnspielkarten ein.<br />

3. Werfe die ausgefüllte Gewinnspielkarte<br />

in die dafür aufgestellte Losbox am<br />

Fanshop-Truck ein.<br />

4. Erhalte in den kommenden Tagen eine<br />

Gewinnbenachrichtigung per E-Mail<br />

von den <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong>.<br />

5. Hole deinen Gewinn beim nächsten<br />

Heimspiel am Fanshop-Truck ab.


Publisher:<br />

<strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> Ravensburg<br />

TSB 1847 Ravensburg e.V.<br />

Brühlstr. 31 / 88212 Ravensburg<br />

Content:<br />

Frank Kienzle<br />

(Head of department <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> Ravensburg)<br />

Ronny Rühlemann<br />

(Marketing manager <strong>ifm</strong> <strong>Razorbacks</strong> Ravensburg)<br />

Pictures:<br />

All images and graphics have an owner and<br />

are not available for free use.<br />

Florian Wolf (Shakral Photography)<br />

Sebastian Pfeiffer (sebi-pics)<br />

Sebastian Just Fotografie<br />

Graphic & Design:<br />

Sebastian Pfeiffer (sebi-pics)<br />

Reporting:<br />

Gaby Rimmele (gabbyphotoFN)<br />

Print:<br />

GESSLER + FUNK Office GmbH<br />

Danziger Str. 7 / 88250 Weingarten<br />

The respective authors are responsible for<br />

the content of the reports; the respective<br />

companies are responsible for the advertisements<br />

and their content.

Mehr aus<br />

deinen<br />

Talenten<br />

machen.<br />


Du willst eine sinnstiftende Arbeit, bei<br />

der du die Welt mitgestalten kannst?<br />

Dann steuere die Industrie von morgen<br />

und deine berufliche Zukunft bei uns.<br />

Es erwartet dich eine vielseitige Ausbildung<br />

in einen internationalen Umfeld.<br />

Vom ersten Tag an ziehen wir an einem<br />

Strang und bringen dich jeden Tag ein<br />

Stück voran.<br />

Bewirb dich als Auszubildende:r!<br />


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