24.05.2024 Aufrufe

»feine adressen – finest« – Bremen Edition I/2024

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finest automobile | 5 b<br />

New Era of High Performance<br />

Aston Martin Valhalla, the ultra-luxury brand’s first series<br />

production mid-engine supercar, is reaping the benefits of the<br />

world’s fastest laboratory, Formula 1 ® . A truly driver-focused<br />

mid-engine supercar to deliver the pinpoint dynamics that will<br />

provide unprecedented driver engagement. With its twin-turbo<br />

V8 engine and three emotors, Valhalla is at the forefront of<br />

Aston Martin’s transition from internal combustion to hybrid<br />

to full electrification. The car is set to enter production in <strong>2024</strong>,<br />

with a limited number of 999 models.<br />

<br />


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