
22.04.2024 Aufrufe

The screenings take us to different queer imaginaries:opulent campy fantasies of a marginalised heroine asin the 1979 Slovenian film KILL ME GENTLY / UBIJ MENEŽNO; or away from the current images of war towardslandscapes of potentiality – where you do not seeunambiguously defined people (in fact, sometimes thereare no humans at all!), as in the “Renegade Joy Till the Endof the World” program featuring subversive short filmsfrom Ukraine.As one of the filmmakers featured in “Renegade Joy”quipped, a straightforward approach to “queer” just endsup making it straight. This selection will ask that youstretch your imagination of queerness and invite you torebel through (improbable) joy and playfulness, to reflecton the limits of happiness – and humanness – and toempathise with what is left when the joy is washed awayby inconceivable grief.One of the core queer ways to rebel against the stagnationof “heterodoom” and to affirm life has always been ourdesire: as Queer Nation Manifestos claims, “Every timewe fuck, we win.” (Queers Read This, 1990). Following thisprinciple, we happily offered our guests Masha Ravlykand Ton Melnyk the opportunity to curate a program ofqueer feminist porn specially for the Symposium. Theresulting program, “Naked Bodies, Bared Souls“, includessix short films from Ukraine, Poland and Romania. “Theyvary in content and form: works with a decent budgetand amateur DIY porn, films with a plot and video clips,created by artists and by activists”, in the words of thecurators.***Queer desire, queer intimacy (including the platonicversion), are at the source of (often deadly) processes ofothering, and – at the same time – the final, ultimate wayto insist on living even in the darkest times. As long asthere is even one place on earth where queer intimacy isnot safe, for whatever reason, it fuels our aspiration forutopia. As one of the Symposium guests, Syaivo, wrote inthe manifesto for ZBOKU, a queer grassroots collectivefrom Ukraine: “...‘zbochuvannya’ (perversion) has beenand is called something that is not easily understood or‘corrected’. although it does not need to be corrected, andunderstanding is not really that important. it is knowledgeby touch, knowledge by feeling. we create, change andspread this knowledge when we touch – with our bodies,words, lives. we touch without a single goal or direction –(without hope) hoping for another world.” (Syaivo)In this process of touching and mutual exchange, ourconvoluted mangrove-like roots intertwine and feedeach other to resiliently survive even in the harshestenvironments, allowing us to grow into somethingmagnificently queer.Jasmina Šepetavc, Yulia SerdyukovaReferencesButler, Judith (2009): Frames of War: When is Life Grievable?London New York: Verso. ISBN 978-1-84467-333-9.Bohinc, Nika (2009): The Eastern European Cinema Conundrum.Culture 360. ASEF, 25 June 2009. https://culture360.asef.org/magazine/eastern-european-cinema-conundrum/Brunow, Dagmar (2019): Queering the archive: amateur filmsand LGBT-memory. In Ingrid Stigsdotter (ed.): Making theInvisible Visible. New Approaches to Reclaiming Women’sAgency in Film History: 97-117. Lund: Nordic Academic Press.Horvat, Anamarija (2023): Bring on The Parade: queercinema, memories of war and transnationalism in SrđanDragojević’s Parada. Transnational Screens 14 (1): 47–63.10.1080/25785273.2023.2184568.Jelača, Dijana (2016): Dislocated screen memory: Narratingtrauma in post-Yugoslav cinema. New York: Springer.Jovanović, Nebojša (2012): My own private Yugoslavia:František Čap and the socialist celluloid closet. Studies inEastern European Cinema 3 (2): 211–229.Jovanović, Nebojša (2016): Queering Masculinity in YugoslavSocialist Realist Films. In Ewa Mazierska, Matilda Mroz andElżbieta Ostrowska (eds.): The Cinematic Bodies of EasternEurope and Russia: 132–145. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UniversityPress.Kuhar, Roman, and Takács, Judit (2007): Beyond the pinkcurtain: everyday life of LGBT people in Eastern Europe.Ljubljana: Mirovni inštitut.Kulpa, Robert, and Mizielińska, Joanna (2011): De-centringwestern sexualities: Central and Eastern Europeanperspectives. Furnham and Burlington: Ashgate.Muñoz, José Esteban (2009): Cruising Utopia: The Then andThere of Queer Futurity. New York: New York University Press.Plakhotnik, Olga (2019): Imaginaries of Sexual Citizenship inPost-Maidan Ukraine: A Queer Feminist Discourse Analysis.PhD thesis in Sociology, the Open University. https://www.academia.edu/39975267/Imaginaries_of_Sexual_Citizenship_in_Post_Maidan_Ukraine_A_Queer_Feminist_Discourse_Analysis_PhD_thesis_in_Sociology_the_Open_UniversityQueers Read This (1990): Queer Nation Manifestos. June1990. https://actupny.org/documents/QueersReadThis.pdfSyaivo: Pro zbochuvannya y zbochenstvo. ZBOKU. /Сяйво: Про збочування і збоченство. ЗБОКУ.https://zbokuart.wordpress.com/тексти-texts/про-збочування-і-збоченство/70Syaivo ta Agamian, Mariam (2022): Chomu nemaye takohoimeni, Veselka? ZBOKU, 2 February 2022 / Cяйво та Агамян,Маріам (2022): Чому немає такого імені, Веселка?ЗБОКУ. https://zbokuart.wordpress.com/category/період-period/1950-1980/

Kuratorin Symposium /Symposium CuratorJasmina Šepetavc hat einenDoktor in Gender Studies und istWissenschaftlerin an der Fakultät fürSozialwissenschaften in Ljubljana. IhreForschungsinteressen umfassen Film-,Populärmusik-, Feminismus- und Queer-Theorien. Sie hat für verschiedeneZeitschriften und Magazine u.a.über Filmtheorie geschrieben. Sieist Mitglied des Redaktionsteamsder slowenischen, akademischenZeitschrift „Družboslovne razprave“, derakademischen Zeitschrift „FeministEncounters“ – bei der sie derzeiteine Sonderausgabe mit dem Titel„Peripheral Visions of AlternativeFutures: Feminist Technoimaginaries“mitgestaltet – sowie der slowenischenZeitschrift für Film und Fernsehen„Ekran“. Zudem arbeitet sie alsFilmkritikerin, macht Auswahl fürFilmfestivals und ist Mitglied beiFIPRESCI.Jasmina Šepetavc holds a PhD inGender Studies and is a researcher atthe Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana.Her research interests include film-,popular music-, feminist- and queertheory. She has written on film theoryas well as other topics for variousmagazines and journals. She is a partof editorial teams at the Slovenianacademic journal “Družboslovnerazprave”, the academic journal“Feminist Encounters” – where she iscurrently co-editing a special issue titled“Peripheral Visions of Alternative Futures:Feminist Technoimaginaries” –, as wellas the Slovenian magazine for film andtelevision “Ekran”. She also works as afilm critic and film festival selector andis a member of FIPRESCI.Kuratorin Symposium /Symposium CuratorYulia Serdyukova ist Dokumentarfilmproduzentinund Kuratorin sowieMitglied von „Freefilmers“ cinemovement,Mitbegründerin von „Filma.Feminist Film Festival“ und Gründerinvon „yutopia films“. Ihr Interesse gilt derProduktion und Förderung von Werkenunabhängiger Filmschaffender sowievon Grassroots-Initiativen, die Kolonialpolitik,Imperialismus, Kapitalismus,Patriarchat und Heteronormativität inFrage stellen. Zu Yulias wichtigstenkuratorischen Arbeiten gehört dieMitgestaltung der Online-Ausstellung„Trust Cut“ – über Ästhetik, Ethik undPolitik in Dokumentarfilmproduktionen.Außerdem arbeitet sie oft als lokaleProduzentin für europäische Medien,die über den russischen Krieg gegen dieUkraine berichten.Yulia Serdyukova is a documentaryfilm producer and curator. She is amember of “Freefilmers” cinemovement,co-founder of “Filma. Feminist FilmFestival” and the founder of “yutopiafilms”. She is interested in producingand promoting works of independentfilmmakers and grassroots initiativesthat challenge colonial policies,imperialism, capitalism, patriarchy andheteronormativity. Among her corecuratorial works, Yulia has co-createdan online exhibition entitled “TrustCut” – on aesthetics, ethics and politicsof documentary film production. Additionally,she oftentimes works as a localproducer for European media coveringthe Russian war against Ukraine.TEILNEHMER:IN-NEN /PARTICIPANTSMariam Agamian hat einen Master ofArts in Kino- und Fernsehdramaturgievon der Kiewer Nationalen I.K. Karpenko-KaryUniversität für Theater,Kino und Fernsehen. Mariam ist eineunabhängige Forscherin und Aktivistinaus Kiew, die derzeit in Berlin lebt. Siearbeitet antirassistisch und quer- feministisch,macht Stand-up-Comedy, Kinound Theater und ist Mitbegründerinvon Kviradio, einer Plattform, die sichdem Vorlesen von queer-feministischerTheorie, Manifesten, Gedichten undMärchen widmet.Mariam Agamian has a Master of Artsin cinema and television playwritingfrom Kyiv National I.K. Karpenko-KaryTheatre, Cinema and TelevisionUniversity. Mariam is an independentresearcher and activist from Kyivcurrently based in Berlin. She works withantiracism, queer feminism, stand-upcomedy, cinema and theatre and isthe co-creator of Kviradio, a platformdedicated to reading queer feministtheory, manifestos, poems and fairytales aloud.71CINEMA ARCHIPELAGO: SYMPOSIUM

The screenings take us to different queer imaginaries:

opulent campy fantasies of a marginalised heroine as

in the 1979 Slovenian film KILL ME GENTLY / UBIJ ME

NEŽNO; or away from the current images of war towards

landscapes of potentiality – where you do not see

unambiguously defined people (in fact, sometimes there

are no humans at all!), as in the “Renegade Joy Till the End

of the World” program featuring subversive short films

from Ukraine.

As one of the filmmakers featured in “Renegade Joy”

quipped, a straightforward approach to “queer” just ends

up making it straight. This selection will ask that you

stretch your imagination of queerness and invite you to

rebel through (improbable) joy and playfulness, to reflect

on the limits of happiness – and humanness – and to

empathise with what is left when the joy is washed away

by inconceivable grief.

One of the core queer ways to rebel against the stagnation

of “heterodoom” and to affirm life has always been our

desire: as Queer Nation Manifestos claims, “Every time

we fuck, we win.” (Queers Read This, 1990). Following this

principle, we happily offered our guests Masha Ravlyk

and Ton Melnyk the opportunity to curate a program of

queer feminist porn specially for the Symposium. The

resulting program, “Naked Bodies, Bared Souls“, includes

six short films from Ukraine, Poland and Romania. “They

vary in content and form: works with a decent budget

and amateur DIY porn, films with a plot and video clips,

created by artists and by activists”, in the words of the



Queer desire, queer intimacy (including the platonic

version), are at the source of (often deadly) processes of

othering, and – at the same time – the final, ultimate way

to insist on living even in the darkest times. As long as

there is even one place on earth where queer intimacy is

not safe, for whatever reason, it fuels our aspiration for

utopia. As one of the Symposium guests, Syaivo, wrote in

the manifesto for ZBOKU, a queer grassroots collective

from Ukraine: “...‘zbochuvannya’ (perversion) has been

and is called something that is not easily understood or

‘corrected’. although it does not need to be corrected, and

understanding is not really that important. it is knowledge

by touch, knowledge by feeling. we create, change and

spread this knowledge when we touch – with our bodies,

words, lives. we touch without a single goal or direction –

(without hope) hoping for another world.” (Syaivo)

In this process of touching and mutual exchange, our

convoluted mangrove-like roots intertwine and feed

each other to resiliently survive even in the harshest

environments, allowing us to grow into something

magnificently queer.

Jasmina Šepetavc, Yulia Serdyukova


Butler, Judith (2009): Frames of War: When is Life Grievable?

London New York: Verso. ISBN 978-1-84467-333-9.

Bohinc, Nika (2009): The Eastern European Cinema Conundrum.

Culture 360. ASEF, 25 June 2009. https://culture360.asef.


Brunow, Dagmar (2019): Queering the archive: amateur films

and LGBT-memory. In Ingrid Stigsdotter (ed.): Making the

Invisible Visible. New Approaches to Reclaiming Women’s

Agency in Film History: 97-117. Lund: Nordic Academic Press.

Horvat, Anamarija (2023): Bring on The Parade: queer

cinema, memories of war and transnationalism in Srđan

Dragojević’s Parada. Transnational Screens 14 (1): 47–63.


Jelača, Dijana (2016): Dislocated screen memory: Narrating

trauma in post-Yugoslav cinema. New York: Springer.

Jovanović, Nebojša (2012): My own private Yugoslavia:

František Čap and the socialist celluloid closet. Studies in

Eastern European Cinema 3 (2): 211–229.

Jovanović, Nebojša (2016): Queering Masculinity in Yugoslav

Socialist Realist Films. In Ewa Mazierska, Matilda Mroz and

Elżbieta Ostrowska (eds.): The Cinematic Bodies of Eastern

Europe and Russia: 132–145. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University


Kuhar, Roman, and Takács, Judit (2007): Beyond the pink

curtain: everyday life of LGBT people in Eastern Europe.

Ljubljana: Mirovni inštitut.

Kulpa, Robert, and Mizielińska, Joanna (2011): De-centring

western sexualities: Central and Eastern European

perspectives. Furnham and Burlington: Ashgate.

Muñoz, José Esteban (2009): Cruising Utopia: The Then and

There of Queer Futurity. New York: New York University Press.

Plakhotnik, Olga (2019): Imaginaries of Sexual Citizenship in

Post-Maidan Ukraine: A Queer Feminist Discourse Analysis.

PhD thesis in Sociology, the Open University. https://www.




Queers Read This (1990): Queer Nation Manifestos. June

1990. https://actupny.org/documents/QueersReadThis.pdf

Syaivo: Pro zbochuvannya y zbochenstvo. ZBOKU. /

Сяйво: Про збочування і збоченство. ЗБОКУ.




Syaivo ta Agamian, Mariam (2022): Chomu nemaye takoho

imeni, Veselka? ZBOKU, 2 February 2022 / Cяйво та Агамян,

Маріам (2022): Чому немає такого імені, Веселка?

ЗБОКУ. https://zbokuart.wordpress.com/category/


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