26.03.2024 Aufrufe

Hopsteiner | Product Information

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SALVO®<br />

Intensified aroma and<br />

reduced beer loss<br />

When it comes to intensifying or<br />

improving hop aroma, other than<br />

AromaExtract, our Salvo® is an excellent<br />

option. Salvo® is derived<br />

from a fraction of CO2 hop extract<br />

and has a pure hop aroma characteristic<br />

of the variety used. In<br />

this product, the alpha acids have<br />

been removed. Accordingly, the<br />

aroma substances of the selected<br />

variety come to the fore without<br />

any additional sensory bitterness.<br />

Usage: to intensify the hop aroma<br />

or as a substitute for hop cones or<br />

pellets for flavoring at the end of<br />

the boil or in the whirlpool.<br />

Highlight: Flavorful extract with<br />

varietal hop aroma. No vegetative<br />

hop matter, no limits for maximum<br />

dosing<br />

Salvo® is best used as a late addition<br />

in the brewhouse, at the end<br />

of the boil or ideally, directly into<br />

the whirlpool. Salvo® can be used<br />

as a complete or partial substitute<br />

for hop cones or pellets, partially<br />

or even entirely reducing the input<br />

of plant components.<br />

As a result, Salvo® makes an important<br />

contribution to minimizing<br />

beer losses in production. The maximum<br />

quantity of hop material in<br />

the whirlpool is no longer an issue<br />

when using Salvo®.<br />


Salvo®/SalvoPlus® are<br />

the top choice when<br />

it comes to enhancing<br />

flavor intensity in the<br />

brew house. They<br />

deliver memorable,<br />

varietal aromas and<br />

flavors – without adding<br />

bitterness. Because they<br />

contain no vegetative<br />

matter, beer losses are<br />

reduced.<br />


SALVO®<br />

40<br />


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