04.01.2024 Aufrufe

solpuri Katalog 2024

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Rock | 223

Basket Dining Sessel siehe Seite 142

Basket Dining Chair see Page 142


Klaus Nolting

Keramik Tischplatte mit abgeschrägter Kante,

Plattenkern aus Polystyrol mit PVC-Ummantelung

Ceramic Table Top with bevelled edges,

Core material from Polystyrol with PVC casing

Modelle I Material Models I Materials

Tischplatte Table Top

Keramik Ceramic


quarzit grey ... - ... -537

albarium ... - ... -596

sabbia ... - ... -598

soke ... - ... -593

kreta ... - ... -590

fossil ... - ... -595

bromo ... - ... -594

laos ... - ... -591

sirius ... - ... -592

somnia ... - ... -597

Tischgestell Table Frame Alu

white ... -301 - ...

anthracite ... -305 - ...

white ... -301 - ...

anthracite ... -305 - ...


Gestellprofil: Rechteckige Beine 150 x 40 mm

Frame Profile: Rectangular Legs 150 x 40 mm

280 x 100

H 75

roc-423 -... - ...

roc-423 -... - ...

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