14.11.2023 Aufrufe

»feine adressen – finest« – Bremen Edition III/2023

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finest gourmet | 27 b<br />

Grape Harvest at Masi Agricola<br />

It was the ancient Romans who introduced to the Valpolicella<br />

region between Lake Garda and Verona a way of making<br />

wine that today leads to the best wines in the world. Now in<br />

autumn, the grape harvest for the <strong>2023</strong> vintage is in full swing.<br />

At the Masi winery, which is world-famous for its Amarone,<br />

the four important grape varieties Corvina, Rondinella, Molinara<br />

and Oseleta are harvested. After the harvest, the grapes<br />

are sorted by hand and dried using the appassimento method.<br />

For the Costasera Amarone, the »Gentle Giant«, one of Masi's<br />

most famous wines, the <strong>2023</strong> vintage will not arrive in the<br />

bottles and glasses for a few years. After the harvest, the grapes<br />

lie on well-ventilated bamboo mats over the winter, losing a lot<br />

of their water. In addition, noble rot ensures a further concentration<br />

of sugar in the grapes. The grapes are then fermented<br />

and matured in wooden barrels for at least two years before the<br />

Amarone will be bottled for the first time in 2026.<br />

Since the first grape harvest in 1772, Masi Agricola has developed<br />

over seven generations into a success story that is unparalleled<br />

in the wine world. At the helm is President Sandro<br />

Boscaini, a charismatic man who has dedicated his life to the<br />

perfection of Amarone production, which earned him the name<br />

»Mister Amarone«. With him, Amarone moved to the forefront<br />

of Italian wine culture and became a wine of world renown.<br />

Today, his son Raffaele Boscaini, Director of Marketing, and<br />

Federico Girotto, Managing Director, run the company.<br />

Since wine for Masi means hospitality, contact and enjoyment,<br />

the company has launched the »Masi Wine Experience« project.<br />

Behind it are places of encounter - in the form of a Masi Wine<br />

Bar in Munich and Cortina d'Ampezzo, the Tenuta Canova<br />

in Lazise on Lake Garda with a restaurant and Amarone<br />

museum, and the Foresteria Serego Alighieri with wonderful<br />

accommodation on the historic estate. Furthermore, there are<br />

events where wine lovers can take part in the grape harvest<br />

and the cheerful grape harvest festival, for example. Those who<br />

want to combine a visit to the Masi wineries with a stay on<br />

Lake Garda will find luxurious wellness hotels in Bardolino or<br />

Lazise, such as the Aqualux or the Quellenhof Luxury Resort<br />

Lazise.<br />


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