01.11.2023 Aufrufe

CHECK Magazin - Gesundheitsmagazin für Männer No.15

Auf die wissenschaftlich nicht unbegründete Angst, dass der Planet Erde irgendwann für Menschen nicht mehr bewohnbar ist, reagieren die einen mit Widerstand, die anderen mit Ignoranz. Eine null Zukunft steht im Raum, dabei geht das Leben auf jeden Fall weiter. Nach dem Tod kompostieren wir und landen — über viele lange Umwege — vielleicht auf einem Salatteller, den eine (Leih-)Mutter während ihrer Schwangerschaft ißt. Der Punkt ist, dass hier niemand wirklich rauskommt. Warum also gestalten wir uns und den anderen die kurze Zeit nicht so angenehm und gesund wie möglich? Wir haben daher auf eine Sache geschaut, die wir alle gemeinsam haben: Wir altern, hoffentlich mit null Gewalt und Emissionen.

Auf die wissenschaftlich nicht unbegründete Angst, dass der Planet Erde irgendwann für Menschen nicht mehr bewohnbar ist, reagieren die einen mit Widerstand, die anderen mit Ignoranz. Eine null Zukunft steht im Raum, dabei geht das Leben auf jeden Fall weiter. Nach dem Tod kompostieren wir und landen — über viele lange Umwege — vielleicht auf einem Salatteller, den eine (Leih-)Mutter während ihrer Schwangerschaft ißt.

Der Punkt ist, dass hier niemand wirklich rauskommt. Warum also gestalten wir uns und den anderen die kurze Zeit nicht so angenehm und gesund wie möglich? Wir haben daher auf eine Sache geschaut, die wir alle gemeinsam haben: Wir altern, hoffentlich mit null Gewalt
und Emissionen.


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Foto: ©SILVER & GELATIN, Andrew Putschoegl<br />

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On the label...<br />

INCI is the international nomenclature<br />

for cosmetic ingredients. Although it is<br />

not compulsory to name the quantities,<br />

the ingredients are listed in decreasing<br />

order by weight up to a concentration<br />

of 1 %.<br />

The CI number stands for Colour Index<br />

Number. “Perfume”, “Fragrance” or<br />

“Aroma” are the terms used for the<br />

combined declaration of fragrances<br />

and aromas or their raw materials if<br />

they contain more than 10 parts per<br />

million (ppm). In position one, there is<br />

usually water (aqua) so that a cream or<br />

lotion can be created from the proportionate<br />

fat (usually with the help of an<br />

emulsifier).<br />

Purified paraffin is needed to introduce<br />

active substances into the skin, whereby<br />

the product should only be applied to the<br />

corresponding skin area and only for a<br />

short period of time. Vaseline forms a<br />

protective film against cold and wetness,<br />

but it prevents the skin from “breathing”,<br />

like a plastic film, which is also made from<br />

mineral oil. It also obstructs water leakage,<br />

which can lead to pimples and redness. For<br />

long stays in the cold, it can be used on the<br />

face, including on lips and hands, but should<br />

be washed off afterwards.<br />

Plastic Fantastic: Silicones<br />

Silicone oils (“dimethicones” or words<br />

ending in -cone or -xane) have also been<br />

used for several decades. These are half<br />

organic, half inorganic plastic compounds<br />

made of silicon, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen.<br />

Among the first cosmetic products<br />

to use silicone were hair-tip fluids designed<br />

to repair split ends. How the silicone knows<br />

whether it is bringing a split hair or two thin<br />

strands together is still a mystery to me.<br />

In any case, the roughened hair is given a<br />

“plastic coating” that makes it shine. It is<br />

similar to skin care creams, which plump up<br />

wrinkles and thus make the skin smoother,<br />

but have no skin care effect.<br />

By the way, there are no water-soluble<br />

silicones. They do not dissolve in water and<br />

are among the plastic compounds that are<br />

difficult to biodegrade.<br />

Viva Vegan: Vegetable fats<br />

The natural alternatives from seeds and<br />

fruits or waxes such as shea butter and<br />

cocoa butter also offer equally valuable fatty<br />

acids. They are formed in heat and light and<br />

have a composition similar to the human lipid<br />

film, making them real food for the skin.<br />

Many amino and unsaturated fatty acids<br />

are found in varying amounts in the seeds<br />

of wheat, flax, evening primrose, sunflower,<br />

sea buckthorn and olive. In addition,<br />

vitamins A, C and E as well as the vitamins<br />

of the B series and biotin, which can also<br />

be absorbed and metabolised by the skin.<br />

Animal fats from creatures that are still<br />

alive, such as bees or wool wax obtained<br />

from the wool of sheep, are specially incorporated<br />

into care products as moisture or<br />

cold protection, for example in tasty lip balm.<br />

Stirred, not shaken: Emulsifiers<br />

Cosmetics<br />

In order for fat and water to form a lasting<br />

bond, an emulsifier is needed, otherwise it’s<br />

like homemade salad dressing: the oil floats<br />

on top. In the INCI designation, one often<br />

finds the emulsifiers Hydrogenated Lecithin,<br />

Cetearyl Glucoside and Glyceryl Stearate<br />

(Citrate). Lecithin is found in many plants<br />

as well as in sheep’s wool. For ecological<br />

reasons, preparations made from palm<br />

oil (Hydrogenated Palm Glycerides) are<br />

increasingly being dispensed with. Natural<br />

cosmetics also use beeswax and lanolin,<br />

which are active ingredients at the same<br />

time. The conventional beauty industry, on<br />

the other hand, usually works with synthetic<br />

emulsifiers that have a high binding<br />

power: PEGs (polyethylene glycol). These are<br />

chemical molecular compounds made from<br />

the extremely toxic petroleum derivative<br />

ethylene oxide, which is considered carcinogenic<br />

and mutagenic. They also attack the<br />

23 <strong>CHECK</strong> MAG #15

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