ENGL 5010: Week Five/Tuesday Slide Deck

01.08.2023 Aufrufe

ENGL 5010 Week Five: The Rhetorical Situation Part 1

<strong>ENGL</strong> <strong>5010</strong><br />

<strong>Week</strong> <strong>Five</strong>:<br />

The Rhetorical<br />

Situation<br />

Part 1

Bitzer 4<br />

Let us regard rhetorical situation as a natural context of<br />

persons, events, objects, relations, and an exigence which<br />

strongly invites utterance; this invited utterance<br />

participates naturally in the situation, is in many instances<br />

necessary to the completion of situational activity, and by<br />

means of its participation with situation obtains its meaning<br />

and its rhetorical character.

Bitzer 5-6<br />

(1) rhetorical discourse comes into<br />

existence as a response to a<br />

situation<br />

(1) a speech is given rhetorical<br />

significance by the situation<br />

(2) a rhetorical situation must exist as a<br />

necessary condition of rhetorical<br />

discourse<br />

(3) many rhetorical situations mature<br />

and decay without giving birth to<br />

rhetorical utterance<br />

(4) a situation is rhetorical insofar as it<br />

needs and invites discourse<br />

capable of participating with<br />

situation and thereby altering its<br />

reality <br />

(5) discourse is rhetorical insofar as it<br />

functions (or seeks to function) as<br />

a fitting response to a situation<br />

which needs and invites it <br />

(6) the situation controls the<br />

rhetorical response

Bitzer 8<br />

@chiahuiliu: Could we talk about this in class?<br />

There are two main classes of constraints: (1) those<br />

originated or managed by the rhetor and his<br />

method (Aristotle called these “artistic proofs”),<br />

and (2) those other constraints, in the situation,<br />

which may be operative (Aristotle's “inartistic<br />


Bitzer 6<br />

Not the rhetor and not<br />

persuasive intent, but the<br />

situation is the source<br />

and ground of rhetorical<br />


Vatz 154<br />

No situation can have a nature<br />

independent of the perception<br />

of its interpreter or independent<br />

of the rhetoric with which he<br />

chooses to characterize it.

Vatz 158<br />

To view rhetoric as a creation of reality or salience rather than a<br />

reflector of reality clearly increases the rhetor's moral responsibility. We<br />

do not just have the academic exercise of determining whether the rhetor<br />

understood the “situation" correctly. Instead, he must assume<br />

responsibility for the salience he has created. The potential culpability of<br />

John F. Kennedy in the "missile crisis" is thus much greater. The journalists<br />

who choose not to investigate corruption in government or the health<br />

needs of the elderly are also potentially more culpable. In short, the rhetor<br />

is responsible for what he chooses to make salient.

Vatz 159<br />

Thus rhetoric is a cause not an effect of meaning. It<br />

is antecedent, not subsequent, to a situation’s impact. <br />

Rhetors choose or do not choose to make salient<br />

situations, facts, events, etc. This may be the sine qua<br />

non of rhetoric: the art of linguistically or symbolically<br />

creating salience.

consigney 180<br />

integrity demands that rhetoric as an art<br />

provide the rhetor with a “universal”<br />

capacity such that the rhetor can function<br />

in all kinds of indeterminate and<br />

particular situations as they arise.

consigney 181<br />

the condition of receptivity, allowing that<br />

rhetor to become engaged in individual<br />

situations without simply inventing and<br />

thereby predetermining which problem is<br />

going to find in them.

consigney 182<br />

The topic is thus construed as an<br />

essential instrument for discovery or<br />

invention. But the topic has a second<br />

important role in the theory of<br />

rhetoric: that is the function of topic as<br />

a realm in which the rhetor thinks<br />

and acts.

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