
11.07.2023 Aufrufe

Neurologie am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg - Abteilungsbericht 2021/22180. van den Bent MJ, Tesileanu CMS, Wick W, Sanson M, Brandes AA, Clement PM, Erridge S, VogelbaumMA, Nowak AK, Baurain JF, Mason WP, Wheeler H, Chinot OL, Gill S, Griffin M, Rogers L, Taal W, RudàR, Weller M, McBain C, Reijneveld J, Enting RH, Caparrotti F, Lesimple T, Clenton S, Gijtenbeek A, LimE, Herrlinger U, Hau P, Dhermain F, de Heer I, Aldape K, Jenkins RB, Dubbink HJ, Kros JM, Wesseling P,Nuyens S, Golfinopoulos V, Gorlia T, French P, Baumert BG. Adjuvant and concurrent temozolomidefor 1p/19q non-co-deleted anaplastic glioma (CATNON; EORTC study 26053-22054): second interimanalysis of a randomised, open-label, phase 3 study. Lancet Oncol. 2021 Jun;22(6):813-823181. van der Worp HB, Hofmeijer J, Jüttler E, Lal A, Michel P, Santalucia P, Schönenberger S, Steiner T,Thomalla G. European Stroke Organisation (ESO) guidelines on the management of space-occupyingbrain infarction. Eur Stroke J. 2021 Jun;6(2):XC-CX182. Van Mieghem NM, Unverdorben M, Hengstenberg C, Möllmann H, Mehran R, López-Otero D, Nombela-Franco L, Moreno R, Nordbeck P, Thiele H, Lang I, Zamorano JL, Shawl F, Yamamoto M, Watanabe Y,Hayashida K, Hambrecht R, Meincke F, Vranckx P, Jin J, Boersma E, Rodés-Cabau J, Ohlmann P, CapranzanoP, Kim HS, Pilgrim T, Anderson R, Baber U, Duggal A, Laeis P, Lanz H, Chen C, Valgimigli M,Veltkamp R, Saito S, Dangas GD; ENVISAGE-TAVI AF Investigators. Edoxaban versus Vitamin K Antagonistfor Atrial Fibrillation after TAVR. N Engl J Med. 2021 Dec 2;385(23):2150-2160183. Veltkamp R, Purrucker JC, Weber R. Neurovaskuläre Manifestationen von COVID-19. Nervenarzt. 2021Jun;92(6):531-539184. Veltkamp R, Lehmann L. The Authors reply: Comment on: „Experimental ischaemic stroke inducestransient cardiac atrophy“ by Veltkamp et al. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2021 Apr;12(2):525185. Venkataramani V, Winkler F. Activation of retinal neurons triggers tumour formation in cancerpronemice. Nature. 2021 Jun;594(7862):179-180186. Venkataramani V, Tanev DI, Kuner T, Wick W, Winkler F. Synaptic Input to Brain Tumors: ClinicalImplications. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jan 30;23(1):23-33187. Vils A, Bogowicz M, Tanadini-Lang S, Vuong D, Saltybaeva N, Kraft J, Wirsching HG, Gramatzki D, Wick W,Rushing E, Reifenberger G, Guckenberger M, Weller M, Andratschke N. Radiomic Analysis to PredictOutcome in Recurrent Glioblastoma Based on Multi-Center MR Imaging From the Prospective DI-RECTOR Trial. Front Oncol. 2021 Apr 14;11:636672188. Vollmuth C, Miljukov O, Abu-Mugheisib M, Angermaier A, Barlinn J, Busetto L, Grau AJ, Guenther A,Gumbinger C, Hubert N, Hüttemann K, Klingner C, Naumann M, Palm F, Remi J, Rücker V, SchesslJ, Schlachetzki F, Schuppner R, Schwab S, Schwartz A, Trommer A, Urbanek C, Volbers B, Weber J,Wojciechowski C, Worthmann H, Zickler P, Heuschmann PU, Haeusler KG, Hubert GJ. Impact of thecoronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on stroke teleconsultations in Germany in the first half of 2020.Eur J Neurol. 2021 Oct;28(10):3267-3278189. Walbert T, Harrison RA, Schiff D, Avila EK, Chen M, Kandula P, Lee JW, Le Rhun E, Stevens GHJ,Vogelbaum MA, Wick W, Weller M, Wen PY, Gerstner ER. SNO and EANO practice guideline update:Anticonvulsant prophylaxis in patients with newly diagnosed brain tumors. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Nov2;23(11):1835-1844190. Weber R, Bartig D, Krogias C, Richter D, Hacke W, Eyding J. Letter to the Editor: Analysis of strokepatient migration for mechanical thrombectomy and changes in neurointerventional center size inGermany. Neurol Res Pract. 2021 Jun 7;3(1):32;1-4191. Weller M, van den Bent M, Preusser M, Le Rhun E, Tonn JC, Minniti G, Bendszus M, Balana C, Chinot O,Dirven L, French P, Hegi ME, Jakola AS, Platten M, Roth P, Rudà R, Short S, Smits M, Taphoorn MJB, vonDeimling A, Westphal M, Soffietti R, Reifenberger G, Wick W. EANO guidelines on the diagnosis andtreatment of diffuse gliomas of adulthood. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar;18(3):170-186192. Weyland CS, Neuberger U, Potreck A, Pfaff JAR, Nagel S, Schönenberger S, Bendszus M, MöhlenbruchMA. Reasons for Failed Mechanical Thrombectomy in Posterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke Patients.Clin Neuroradiol. 2021 Sep;31(3):745-752193. Weyland CS, Chen M, Potreck A, Jäger LB, Seker F, Schönenberger S, Bendszus M, Möhlenbruch M.Sedation Mode During Endovascular Stroke Treatment in the Posterior Circulation-Is ConsciousSedation for Eligible Patients Feasible? Front Neurol. 2021 Sep 17;12:711558146

Neurologie am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg - Abteilungsbericht 2021/22194. Weyland CS, Mokli Y, Vey JA, Kieser M, Herweh C, Schönenberger S, Bendszus M, Möhlenbruch MA,Ringleb PA, Nagel S. Predictors for Failure of Early Neurological Improvement After SuccessfulThrombectomy in the Anterior Circulation. Stroke. 2021 Apr;52(4):1291-1298195. Wick A, Bähr O, Schuler M, Rohrberg K, Chawla SP, Janku F, Schiff D, Heinemann V, Narita Y, Lenz HJ,Ikeda M, Ando Y, Wick W, Steinbach JP, Burger MC, Wenger K, Lassen U, Sankhala KK, Roggia C, GenvresseI, Munhoz C, Rentzsch C, Reschke S, Langer S, Wagner M, Kaulfuss S, Cai C, Lagkadinou E,Jeffers M, Peña C, Tabatabai G. Phase I Assessment of Safety and Therapeutic Activity of BAY1436032in Patients with IDH1-Mutant Solid Tumors. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 May 15;27(10):2723-2733196. Wick M, Gross CC, Tumani H, Wildemann B, Stangel M, On Behalf Of The German Society Of CsfDiagnostics And Clinical Neurochemistry Dgln E V. Automated Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid CellsUsing Commercially Available Blood Cell Analysis Devices-A Critical Appraisal. Cells. 2021 May18;10(5):1232197. Wildemann B, Jarius S, Lehmann LH, André F, Frey N, Schnitzler P, Jäger L, Gumbinger C, Viehöver A.COVID-19-related severe MS exacerbation with life-threatening Takotsubo cardiomyopathy in a previouslystable patient and interference of MS therapy with long-term immunity against SARS-CoV-2.J Neurol. 2021 Oct 7;268:1-4198. Wildemann B, Jarius S, Franz J, Ruprecht K, Reindl M, Stadelmann C. MOG-expressing teratomafollowed by MOG-IgG-positive optic neuritis. Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Jan;141(1):127-131199. Winkler F. Silencing glioblastoma networks to make temozolomide more effective. Neuro Oncol.2021 Nov 2;23(11):1807-1809200. Winkler F. In glioma, all endothelial cells are not created the same. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jun 1;23(6):863-864201. Witsch J, Siegerink B, Nolte CH, Sprügel M, Steiner T, Endres M, Huttner HB. Prognostication afterintracerebral hemorrhage: a review. Neurol Res Pract. 2021 May 3;3(1):22202. Xie R, Kessler T, Grosch J, Hai L, Venkataramani V, Huang L, Hoffmann DC, Solecki G, Ratliff M, SchlesnerM, Wick W, Winkler F. Tumor cell network integration in glioma represents a stemness feature.Neuro Oncol. 2021 May 5;23(5):757-769203. Zala N, Wirth L, Jordan B, Meredig H, Rizos T. Thunderclap Headache: A Primary Symptom of aSteroid-Responsive Encephalopathy with Autoimmune Thyroiditis. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2021 May12;2021:5517934BUCHBEITRÄGE / MONOGRAPHIEN:Busetto L, Calciolari, S, González-Ortiz, L., Luijkx, KG, & Vrijhoef, B. Integrated care and the health workforce.2021. In Handbook Integrated Care pp. 327-339. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-69261-2Nagel S. Die zerebrale Sinus- und Venenthrombose (SVT). In: Intensivmedizin Compact Neuauflage (hrsg.Weigand M, Hecker A, Mayer K, Michalski D) 2021, Thieme Verlag, pp 532-537. ISBN 978-3-13-241853-0147

Neurologie am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg - Abteilungsbericht 2021/22

194. Weyland CS, Mokli Y, Vey JA, Kieser M, Herweh C, Schönenberger S, Bendszus M, Möhlenbruch MA,

Ringleb PA, Nagel S. Predictors for Failure of Early Neurological Improvement After Successful

Thrombectomy in the Anterior Circulation. Stroke. 2021 Apr;52(4):1291-1298

195. Wick A, Bähr O, Schuler M, Rohrberg K, Chawla SP, Janku F, Schiff D, Heinemann V, Narita Y, Lenz HJ,

Ikeda M, Ando Y, Wick W, Steinbach JP, Burger MC, Wenger K, Lassen U, Sankhala KK, Roggia C, Genvresse

I, Munhoz C, Rentzsch C, Reschke S, Langer S, Wagner M, Kaulfuss S, Cai C, Lagkadinou E,

Jeffers M, Peña C, Tabatabai G. Phase I Assessment of Safety and Therapeutic Activity of BAY1436032

in Patients with IDH1-Mutant Solid Tumors. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 May 15;27(10):2723-2733

196. Wick M, Gross CC, Tumani H, Wildemann B, Stangel M, On Behalf Of The German Society Of Csf

Diagnostics And Clinical Neurochemistry Dgln E V. Automated Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Cells

Using Commercially Available Blood Cell Analysis Devices-A Critical Appraisal. Cells. 2021 May


197. Wildemann B, Jarius S, Lehmann LH, André F, Frey N, Schnitzler P, Jäger L, Gumbinger C, Viehöver A.

COVID-19-related severe MS exacerbation with life-threatening Takotsubo cardiomyopathy in a previously

stable patient and interference of MS therapy with long-term immunity against SARS-CoV-2.

J Neurol. 2021 Oct 7;268:1-4

198. Wildemann B, Jarius S, Franz J, Ruprecht K, Reindl M, Stadelmann C. MOG-expressing teratoma

followed by MOG-IgG-positive optic neuritis. Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Jan;141(1):127-131

199. Winkler F. Silencing glioblastoma networks to make temozolomide more effective. Neuro Oncol.

2021 Nov 2;23(11):1807-1809

200. Winkler F. In glioma, all endothelial cells are not created the same. Neuro Oncol. 2021 Jun 1;23(6):863-


201. Witsch J, Siegerink B, Nolte CH, Sprügel M, Steiner T, Endres M, Huttner HB. Prognostication after

intracerebral hemorrhage: a review. Neurol Res Pract. 2021 May 3;3(1):22

202. Xie R, Kessler T, Grosch J, Hai L, Venkataramani V, Huang L, Hoffmann DC, Solecki G, Ratliff M, Schlesner

M, Wick W, Winkler F. Tumor cell network integration in glioma represents a stemness feature.

Neuro Oncol. 2021 May 5;23(5):757-769

203. Zala N, Wirth L, Jordan B, Meredig H, Rizos T. Thunderclap Headache: A Primary Symptom of a

Steroid-Responsive Encephalopathy with Autoimmune Thyroiditis. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2021 May



Busetto L, Calciolari, S, González-Ortiz, L., Luijkx, KG, & Vrijhoef, B. Integrated care and the health workforce.

2021. In Handbook Integrated Care pp. 327-339. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-69261-2

Nagel S. Die zerebrale Sinus- und Venenthrombose (SVT). In: Intensivmedizin Compact Neuauflage (hrsg.

Weigand M, Hecker A, Mayer K, Michalski D) 2021, Thieme Verlag, pp 532-537. ISBN 978-3-13-241853-0


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