
11.07.2023 Aufrufe

Neurologie am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg - Abteilungsbericht 2021/2281. Karimian-Jazi K, Neuberger U, Schregel K, Brugnara G, Bendszus M, Breckwoldt MO, Schwarz D, JägerLB, Wick W. Diagnostic value of gadolinium contrast administration for spinal cord magnetic resonanceimaging in multiple sclerosis patients and correlative markers of lesion enhancement. MultScler J Exp Transl Clin. 2021 Nov 26;7(4):20552173211047978:1-982. Kessler T, Wick W. Oncolytic virotherapy: Potentially a game-changing tumor treatment. Cancer Cell.2021 Jun 14;39(6):753-75583. Kilian M, Bunse T, Wick W, Platten M, Bunse L. Genetically Modified Cellular Therapies for MalignantGliomas. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Nov 26;22(23):12810:1-1684. Koelsche C, Schrimpf D, Stichel D, Sill M, Sahm F, Reuss DE, Blattner M, Worst B, Heilig CE, Beck K,Horak P, Kreutzfeldt S, Paff E, Stark S, Johann P, Selt F, Ecker J, Sturm D, Pajtler KW, Reinhardt A,Wefers AK, Sievers P, Ebrahimi A, Suwala A, Fernández-Klett F, Casalini B, Korshunov A, HovestadtV, Kommoss FKF, Kriegsmann M, Schick M, Bewerunge-Hudler M, Milde T, Witt O, Kulozik AE, KoolM, Romero-Pérez L, Grünewald TGP, Kirchner T, Wick W, Platten M, Unterberg A, Uhl M, Abdollahi A,Debus J, Lehner B, Thomas C, Hasselblatt M, Paulus W, Hartmann C, Staszewski O, Prinz M, Hench J,Frank S, Versleijen-Jonkers YMH, Weidema ME, Mentzel T, Griewank K, de Álava E, Martín JD, GastearenaMAI, Chang KT, Low SYY, Cuevas-Bourdier A, Mittelbronn M, Mynarek M, Rutkowski S, SchüllerU, Mautner VF, Schittenhelm J, Serrano J, Snuderl M, Büttner R, Klingebiel T, Buslei R, Gessler M,Wesseling P, Dinjens WNM, Brandner S, Jaunmuktane Z, Lyskjær I, Schirmacher P, Stenzinger A, BrorsB, Glimm H, Heining C, Tirado OM, Sáinz-Jaspeado M, Mora J, Alonso J, Del Muro XG, Moran S, EstellerM, Benhamida JK, Ladanyi M, Wardelmann E, Antonescu C, Flanagan A, Dirksen U, Hohenberger P,Baumhoer D, Hartmann W, Vokuhl C, Flucke U, Petersen I, Mechtersheimer G, Capper D, Jones DTW,Fröhling S, Pfister SM, von Deimling A. Sarcoma classification by DNA methylation profiling. NatCommun. 2021 Jan 21;12(1):498:1-1085. König N, Stetefeld HR, Dohmen C, Mergenthaler P, Kohler S, Schönenberger S, Bösel J, Lee DH,Gerner ST, Huttner HB, Schneider H, Reichmann H, Fuhrer H, Berger B, Zinke J, Alberty A, KleiterI, Schneider-Gold C, Roth C, Dunkel J, Steinbrecher A, Thieme A, Schlachetzki F, Linker RA, AngstwurmK, Meisel A, Neumann B; German Myasthenic Crisis Study Group. MuSK-antibodies are associatedwith worse outcome in myasthenic crisis requiring mechanical ventilation. J Neurol. 2021Dec;268(12):4824-483386. Kollmer J, Kessler T, Sam G, Hayes JM, Lentz SI, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Wick W, Weiler M. Magnetizationtransfer ratio - a quantitative imaging biomarker for 5q spinal muscular atrophy. Eur J Neurol.2021 Jan;28(1):331-34087. Krebs S, Roth D, Knoflach M, Baubin M, Lang W, Beisteiner R, Purrucker J, Poli S, Sykora M. Designand Derivation of the Austrian Prehospital Stroke Scale (APSS) to Predict Severe Stroke with LargeVessel Occlusion. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2021 Nov-Dec;25(6):790-79588. Kühne Escolà J, Nagel S, Panitz V, Reiff T, Gutschalk A, Gumbinger C, Purrucker JC. Challenges ofAcute Ischemic Stroke Treatment in Orally Anticoagulated Patients via Telemedicine. J Clin Med.2021 May 2;10(9):1956:1-1089. Kühne Escolà J, Nagel S, Verez Sola C, Doroszewski E, Jaschonek H, Gutschalk A, Gumbinger C,Purrucker JC. Diagnostic Accuracy in Teleneurological Stroke Consultations. J Clin Med. 2021 Mar11;10(6):1170:1-1090. Lagrèze WA, Küchlin S, Ihorst G, Grotejohann B, Beisse F, Volkmann M, Heinrich SP, Albrecht P,Ungewiss J, Wörner M, Hug MJ, Wolf S, Diem R; TONE study group. Safety and efficacy of erythropoietinfor the treatment of patients with optic neuritis (TONE): a randomised, double-blind, multicentre,placebo-controlled study. Lancet Neurol. 2021 Dec;20(12):991-100091. Laible M, Horstmann S, Ringleb PA, Veltkamp R, Jenetzky E, Rizos T. Does Chronic Kidney DiseaseHave an Impact on the Use of Oral Anticoagulants after Stroke? An Observational Follow-Up Study.Eur Neurol. 2021;84(5):354-36092. Laible M, Jenetzky E, Möhlenbruch M, Bendszus M, Ringleb P, Rizos T. The Impact of Post-contrastAcute Kidney Injury on In-hospital Mortality After Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients WithAcute Ischemic Stroke. Front Neurol. 2021;12:665614:1-9136

Neurologie am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg - Abteilungsbericht 2021/2293. Leasure AC, Kuohn LR, Vanent KN, Bevers MB, Kimberly WT, Steiner T, Mayer SA, Matouk CC, SansingLH, Falcone GJ, Sheth KN. Association of Serum IL-6 (Interleukin 6) With Functional Outcome AfterIntracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke. 2021 May;52(5):1733-174094. Le Rhun E, Guckenberger M, Smits M, Dummer R, Bachelot T, Sahm F, Galldiks N, de Azambuja E,Berghoff AS, Metellus P, Peters S, Hong YK, Winkler F, Schadendorf D, van den Bent M, Seoane J,Stahel R, Minniti G, Wesseling P, Weller M, Preusser M; EANO Executive Board and ESMO GuidelinesCommittee. EANO-ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patientswith brain metastasis from solid tumours. Ann Oncol. 2021 Nov;32(11):1332-134795. Liebmann M, Korn L, Janoschka C, Albrecht S, Lauks S, Herrmann AM, Schulte-Mecklenbeck A,Schwab N, Schneider-Hohendorf T, Eveslage M, Wildemann B, Luessi F, Schmidt S, Diebold M, BittnerS, Gross CC, Kovac S, Zipp F, Derfuss T, Kuhlmann T, König S, Meuth SG, Wiendl H, Klotz L. Dimethylfumarate treatment restrains the antioxidative capacity of T cells to control autoimmunity.Brain. 2021 Nov 29;144(10):3126-314196. Maas SLN, Stichel D, Hielscher T, Sievers P, Berghoff AS, Schrimpf D, Sill M, Euskirchen P, Blume C,Patel A, Dogan H, Reuss D, Dohmen H, Stein M, Reinhardt A, Suwala AK, Wefers AK, Baumgarten P, RicklefsF, Rushing EJ, Bewerunge-Hudler M, Ketter R, Schittenhelm J, Jaunmuktane Z, Leu S, GreenwayFEA, Bridges LR, Jones T, Grady C, Serrano J, Golfinos J, Sen C, Mawrin C, Jungk C, Hänggi D, WestphalM, Lamszus K, Etminan N, Jungwirth G, Herold-Mende C, Unterberg A, Harter PN, Wirsching HG, NeidertMC, Ratliff M, Platten M, Snuderl M, Aldape KD, Brandner S, Hench J, Frank S, Pfister SM, JonesDTW, Reifenberger G, Acker T, Wick W, Weller M, Preusser M, von Deimling A, Sahm F; German Consortiumon Aggressive Meningiomas (KAM). Integrated Molecular-Morphologic Meningioma Classification:A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis, Retrospectively and Prospectively Validated. J ClinOncol. 2021 Dec 1;39(34):3839-385297. Magrinelli F, Balint B, Bhatia KP. Challenges in Clinicogenetic Correlations: One Gene - Many Phenotypes.Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2021 Mar 2;8(3):299-31098. Mahmutoglu MA, Baumgärtner U, Rupp A. Posterior insular activity contributes to the late laserevokedpotential component in EEG recordings. Clin Neurophysiol. 2021 Mar;132(3):770-78199. Mayer SA, Frontera JA, Jankowitz B, Kellner CP, Kuppermann N, Naik BI, Nishijima DK, Steiner T,Goldstein JN; CNS Bleeding/Neurosurgery Subgroup of the NHLBI Hemostasis Trials OutcomesWorking Group. Recommended Primary Outcomes for Clinical Trials Evaluating Hemostatic Agentsin Patients With Intracranial Hemorrhage: A Consensus Statement. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Sep1;4(9):e2123629:1-14100. Mayr T, Ferenci P, Weiler M, Fichtner A, Mehrabi A, Hoffmann GF, Mohr I, Pfeiffenberger J, Weiss KH,Teufel-Schäfer U. Optimized Trientine-Dihydrochloride Therapy in Pediatric Patients with WilsonDisease: Is Weight-Based Dosing Justified? J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2021 Jan 1;72(1):115-122101. Mencacci NE, Brockmann MM, Dai J, Pajusalu S, Atasu B, Campos J, Pino G, Gonzalez-Latapi P, Patzke C,Schwake M, Tucci A, Pittman A, Simon-Sanchez J, Carvill GL, Balint B, Wiethoff S, Warner TT, PapandreouA, Soo A, Rein R, Kadastik-Eerme L, Puusepp S, Reinson K, Tomberg T, Hanagasi H, Gasser T,Bhatia KP, Kurian MA, Lohmann E, Õunap K, Rosenmund C, Südhof TC, Wood NW, Krainc D, Acuna C.Biallelic variants in TSPOAP1, encoding the active-zone protein RIMBP1, cause autosomal recessivedystonia. J Clin Invest. 2021 Apr 1;131(7):e140625:1-15102. Menozzi E, Mulroy E, Akbarian-Tefaghi L, Bhatia KP, Balint B. Movement disorders in systemic autoimmunediseases: Clinical spectrum, ancillary investigations, pathophysiological considerations.Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2021 Jul;88:116-128103. Meyer T, Maier A, Uzelac Z, Hagenacker T, Günther R, Schreiber-Katz O, Weiler M, Steinbach R, Weyen U,Koch JC, Kettemann D, Norden J, Dorst J, Wurster C, Ludolph AC, Stolte B, Freigang M, OsmanovicA, Petri S, Grosskreutz J, Rödiger A, Griep R, Gaudlitz M, Walter B, Münch C, Spittel S. Treatmentexpectations and perception of therapy in adult patients with spinal muscular atrophy receivingnusinersen. Eur J Neurol. 2021 Aug;28(8):2582-2595104. Millan M, Nagel S, Gumbinger C, Busetto L, Purrucker JC, Hametner C, Ringleb PA, MundiyanapurathS.Differential Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on Patients Presenting to a Neurological EmergencyRoom Depending on Their Triage Score in an Area with low COVID-19 Incidence. Eur J Neurol. 2021Oct;28(10):3332-3338137

Neurologie am Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg - Abteilungsbericht 2021/22

81. Karimian-Jazi K, Neuberger U, Schregel K, Brugnara G, Bendszus M, Breckwoldt MO, Schwarz D, Jäger

LB, Wick W. Diagnostic value of gadolinium contrast administration for spinal cord magnetic resonance

imaging in multiple sclerosis patients and correlative markers of lesion enhancement. Mult

Scler J Exp Transl Clin. 2021 Nov 26;7(4):20552173211047978:1-9

82. Kessler T, Wick W. Oncolytic virotherapy: Potentially a game-changing tumor treatment. Cancer Cell.

2021 Jun 14;39(6):753-755

83. Kilian M, Bunse T, Wick W, Platten M, Bunse L. Genetically Modified Cellular Therapies for Malignant

Gliomas. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Nov 26;22(23):12810:1-16

84. Koelsche C, Schrimpf D, Stichel D, Sill M, Sahm F, Reuss DE, Blattner M, Worst B, Heilig CE, Beck K,

Horak P, Kreutzfeldt S, Paff E, Stark S, Johann P, Selt F, Ecker J, Sturm D, Pajtler KW, Reinhardt A,

Wefers AK, Sievers P, Ebrahimi A, Suwala A, Fernández-Klett F, Casalini B, Korshunov A, Hovestadt

V, Kommoss FKF, Kriegsmann M, Schick M, Bewerunge-Hudler M, Milde T, Witt O, Kulozik AE, Kool

M, Romero-Pérez L, Grünewald TGP, Kirchner T, Wick W, Platten M, Unterberg A, Uhl M, Abdollahi A,

Debus J, Lehner B, Thomas C, Hasselblatt M, Paulus W, Hartmann C, Staszewski O, Prinz M, Hench J,

Frank S, Versleijen-Jonkers YMH, Weidema ME, Mentzel T, Griewank K, de Álava E, Martín JD, Gastearena

MAI, Chang KT, Low SYY, Cuevas-Bourdier A, Mittelbronn M, Mynarek M, Rutkowski S, Schüller

U, Mautner VF, Schittenhelm J, Serrano J, Snuderl M, Büttner R, Klingebiel T, Buslei R, Gessler M,

Wesseling P, Dinjens WNM, Brandner S, Jaunmuktane Z, Lyskjær I, Schirmacher P, Stenzinger A, Brors

B, Glimm H, Heining C, Tirado OM, Sáinz-Jaspeado M, Mora J, Alonso J, Del Muro XG, Moran S, Esteller

M, Benhamida JK, Ladanyi M, Wardelmann E, Antonescu C, Flanagan A, Dirksen U, Hohenberger P,

Baumhoer D, Hartmann W, Vokuhl C, Flucke U, Petersen I, Mechtersheimer G, Capper D, Jones DTW,

Fröhling S, Pfister SM, von Deimling A. Sarcoma classification by DNA methylation profiling. Nat

Commun. 2021 Jan 21;12(1):498:1-10

85. König N, Stetefeld HR, Dohmen C, Mergenthaler P, Kohler S, Schönenberger S, Bösel J, Lee DH,

Gerner ST, Huttner HB, Schneider H, Reichmann H, Fuhrer H, Berger B, Zinke J, Alberty A, Kleiter

I, Schneider-Gold C, Roth C, Dunkel J, Steinbrecher A, Thieme A, Schlachetzki F, Linker RA, Angstwurm

K, Meisel A, Neumann B; German Myasthenic Crisis Study Group. MuSK-antibodies are associated

with worse outcome in myasthenic crisis requiring mechanical ventilation. J Neurol. 2021


86. Kollmer J, Kessler T, Sam G, Hayes JM, Lentz SI, Heiland S, Bendszus M, Wick W, Weiler M. Magnetization

transfer ratio - a quantitative imaging biomarker for 5q spinal muscular atrophy. Eur J Neurol.

2021 Jan;28(1):331-340

87. Krebs S, Roth D, Knoflach M, Baubin M, Lang W, Beisteiner R, Purrucker J, Poli S, Sykora M. Design

and Derivation of the Austrian Prehospital Stroke Scale (APSS) to Predict Severe Stroke with Large

Vessel Occlusion. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2021 Nov-Dec;25(6):790-795

88. Kühne Escolà J, Nagel S, Panitz V, Reiff T, Gutschalk A, Gumbinger C, Purrucker JC. Challenges of

Acute Ischemic Stroke Treatment in Orally Anticoagulated Patients via Telemedicine. J Clin Med.

2021 May 2;10(9):1956:1-10

89. Kühne Escolà J, Nagel S, Verez Sola C, Doroszewski E, Jaschonek H, Gutschalk A, Gumbinger C,

Purrucker JC. Diagnostic Accuracy in Teleneurological Stroke Consultations. J Clin Med. 2021 Mar


90. Lagrèze WA, Küchlin S, Ihorst G, Grotejohann B, Beisse F, Volkmann M, Heinrich SP, Albrecht P,

Ungewiss J, Wörner M, Hug MJ, Wolf S, Diem R; TONE study group. Safety and efficacy of erythropoietin

for the treatment of patients with optic neuritis (TONE): a randomised, double-blind, multicentre,

placebo-controlled study. Lancet Neurol. 2021 Dec;20(12):991-1000

91. Laible M, Horstmann S, Ringleb PA, Veltkamp R, Jenetzky E, Rizos T. Does Chronic Kidney Disease

Have an Impact on the Use of Oral Anticoagulants after Stroke? An Observational Follow-Up Study.

Eur Neurol. 2021;84(5):354-360

92. Laible M, Jenetzky E, Möhlenbruch M, Bendszus M, Ringleb P, Rizos T. The Impact of Post-contrast

Acute Kidney Injury on In-hospital Mortality After Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients With

Acute Ischemic Stroke. Front Neurol. 2021;12:665614:1-9


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