atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power | 03.2023

Ever since its first issue in 1956, the atw – International Journal for Nuclear Power has been a publisher of specialist articles, background reports, interviews and news about developments and trends from all important sectors of nuclear energy, nuclear technology and the energy industry. Internationally current and competent, the professional journal atw is a valuable source of information. Ever since its first issue in 1956, the atw – International Journal for Nuclear Power has been a publisher of specialist articles, background reports, interviews and news about developments and trends from all important sectors of nuclear energy, nuclear technology and the energy industry. Internationally current and competent, the professional journal atw is a valuable source of information.

02.05.2023 Aufrufe

atw Vol. 68 (2023) | Ausgabe 3 ı Mai DECOMMISSIONING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 48 / Shutdown forecast Swiss Confederation / Shutdown forecast Operators / Binding switch-off date of NPP Begin of operation of the repository with year of forecast | Fig. 1 Forecasts of the realization of the Swiss HLW and LILW repositories in the last decades. of well-secured central interim storage facilities 11 in order to be able to react sufficiently flexibly and with sufficient technical alternative strategies and options in the face of these uncertainties in the final repository planning of the future. 12 The crux of modern waste management programs The difficulties or failures in the current implementation of the waste management programs that have been initiated in the various countries using nuclear energy over time, are largely responsible for these delays. Certainly, problematic disposal practices of the past and failed or damaged projects such as the Asse test repository or the Morsleben repository in the Federal Republic of Germany played a role in the delays of the originally envisaged implementation schedules. 13 However, other factors are of more fundamental importance: scientifically based site selection programs with clearly defined processes, as they were originally envisaged in the 1970s, 14 have so far only been implemented for three projects: the WIPP project, 15 the Swiss sectoral plan procedure 16 and the German site search procedure. 17 All other national programs determined their repository sites based on other criteria, such as the locations of production facilities (Finland, Sweden, Belgium), or implemented abbreviated site selection programs or those based on other criteria (France, Canada). Canada's process, for example, was based on a consent-based site selection process in which communities interested in a repository could volunteer. 18 Other national programs are slow to move forward. Still others, such as those in the U.S., the U.K. and Spain, have been put on hold for the time being. In addition, there is the growing social and political influence on the selection of sites and the high demands on the scientificity of the procedures and the quality of the solutions developed, especially over the targeted safety and isolation periods of up to 1 million years. The rapid development of science and technology not only opens up great opportunities in the implementation of the programs, but also represents significant risk factors for the concepts of deep geological disposal at depths of up to 1,000 m. Thus, underground use at the depth designated for final disposal suddenly becomes interesting for other objectives and applications that increasingly compete with nuclear disposal. A classic example is the geothermal use of the subsurface for heat generation, which is de facto applicable everywhere and could be a potential killer criterion for the concept of deep geological disposal pursued today due to rapidly decreasing costs and the great technical 11 Shrader-Frechette K. (1993): Burying Uncertainty, Risk and the Case Against Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste, University of California Press; Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future, 2012. Transportation and Storage Subcommittee, Report to the Full Commission, Updated Report, January 2012; Buser, M. 2017. Von der «Geologischen Tiefenlagerung» zur «Dualen Strategie», in drei Teilen, 12 IAEA, 2019. Management of Spent Fuel from Nuclear Power Reactors, Learning from the Past, Enabling the Future, p. 258. 13 See history of country-specific disposal programs, e.g. USA (Walter, S. J., 2009. The Road to Yucca Mountain, University of California Press; Alley, W., Alley, R., 2013. Too Hot to Touch, Cambridge University Press), Germany (z.B. Möller, Detlev, 2007. Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle in der Bundesrepublik, Studien zur Technik-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Vol. 15, Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften; Tiggemann, Anselm, 2004. Die „Achillesferse“ der Kernenergie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Europaforum-Verlag), Switzerland (z.B. Flüeler, Th. 2002: Radioaktive Abfälle in der Schweiz, Muster der Entscheidungsfindung in komplexen soziotechnischen Systemen. Dissertation 14645, ETH Zürich; Hadermann, J., Issler, H., Zurkinden, A., 2014. Die nukleare Entsorgung in der Schweiz 1945 – 2006. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung; Buser, Marcos, 2019. Wohin mit dem Atommüll? Rotpunkt-Verlag Zürich) and others. 14 DOE, 1979. Management of commercially generated radioactive waste, Vol. 1&2, Department of Energy, DOE/EIS-0046-D. 15 Mora, Carl J., 1999. Sandia and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant 1974 – 1999, Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque SAND99-1482. 16 ENSI, Sectoral Plan for Deep Geological Repositories (SGT), Eidg. Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat. 17 BGE, Site Selection Procedure, Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung. 18 Braden, Z., Macfarlane, A., 2023. Final countdown to site selection for Canada's nuclear waste geologic repository, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January 16, 2023. Decommissioning and Waste Management Radioactive Waste between long-term Interim Storage and Site Selection ı Marcos Buser, Walter Wildi

atw Vol. 68 (2023) | Ausgabe 3 ı Mai development potential of drilling technology. 19 How ever, the notion of ensuring subsurface protection concepts through spatial planning prohibitions are obsolete for projects with long storage periods. 20 Such developments lead to the fact that processes can be re-evaluated over time due to new findings or the adaptation of concepts and criteria. Due to such context shifts, the consistency of the achieved results or of a site selection is questionable, as we can see in the example of the currently ongoing site selection process in Switzerland. The Swiss site-selection program A good example of this development is provided by the Swiss site-selection program, the so-called Deep Geological Repository sectoral plan, which reached a provisional conclusion with Nagra's site proposal for the «Nördlich Lägern» area on September 12, 2022. Due to requirements imposed by the Swiss safety authorities, the responsible National Co-operative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Nagra) expanded its search program in the late 1980s to include the sedimentary rocks of northeastern Switzerland. 21 By 1988, the three most promising areas in the «Opalinus Clay» host rock at depths of 500 to 1000 m had been identified and remained the focus of interest until very recently: the «Bözberg», «Nördlich Lägern» and «Zürcher Weinland» areas. Fundamentally, Nagra's program focused on the easternmost of these areas, the «Weinland», for over two decades. Exploration of the subsurface began in the mid-1990s and was completed with the «Benken» borehole. 22 In 2002, Nagra applied to the Federal Council for approval of the «Zürcher Weinland» as a repository site. In view of the failure of the second simultaneous repository program for low and intermediate level waste in Wellenberg, Nidwalden, the Federal Council decided to take over the political leadership of the site selection program. By spring 2008, the site selection concept was finally in place, which was designed to enable the selection of repository sites for high-level and low- and intermediate-level waste in three stages. The site search program for high-level waste led relatively quickly to a narrowing down to the known three siting regions in the Opalinus Clay, a sediment formation of Middle Jurassic age. Following the execution of the requested seismic studies as well as further field investigations, Nagra narrowed down the sites at the end of 2015 and, as expected, proposed the privileged «Zürcher Weinland» and the «Bözberg» site. 23 However, investigations by the safety authorities and the two siting cantons of Zurich and Aargau, as well as strong political pressures and resistance, ultimately led to the «Nördlich Lägern» site, which had already been ruled out before, being reintroduced into the selection process and investigated further. In the third stage of the sectoral plan procedure, a number of boreholes were drilled in each siting area in order to gain a better understanding of the structure of the subsurface. As a result of these developments, the «Weinland» and «Bözberg» siting areas, which had previously been given priority, were eliminated. Process-related uncertainties and problems The selection of the «Nördlich Lägern» area was a big surprise to many observers, given its elimination in the previous second search stage. However, this showed clearly, that the new weighting of a single criterion - namely the construction technology and especially the effects on the intermediate seals at depths of more than 700 m 24 – had a decisive impact on the selection of the site. In contrast, the «Weinland» had to give up its pole position as a repository site, which had previously been believed to be safe, due to new findings on deepening caused by glacial erosion scenarios. 25 The process of re-considering of the siting area «Nördlich Lägern» in the search procedure still owes an answer on the part of the institutions and authorities involved. The decision-making process that led to the abandonment or resumption of the «Nördlich Lägern» site has not been documented to date. However, it is evident that the scientific proof of the site's suitability is on shaky ground. The 100 m thick Opalinus Clay «cassette» in the subsoil, in which the repository is to be built, is bounded on all sides by problems and uncertainties (Figure 2). DECOMMISSIONING AND WASTE MANAGEMENT 49 19 Wildi, W., 2015. Geothermie 1: eine unbeschränkte erneuerbare Energie, 20 classic examples such as the stone of Chagnon, Aquéduc du Gier; Grinsell, Leslie V., 1975: Barrow, Pyramid and Tomb. Ancient customs in Egypt, the Mediterranean and the Britisch Isles, Thames & Hudson 1975. 21 Nagra, 1988. Sedimentstudie, Zwischenbericht, Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 88-25. 22 Nagra, 2000. Sondierbohrung Benken, Nagra Technischer Bericht NTB 00-01. 23 Nagra, 2015. Standortgebiete für geologische Tiefenlager. Sicherheitstechnischer Vergleich: Vorschläge für Etappe 3. 24 ENSI, 2017. Nachforderung des ENSI zum Indikator Tiefenlage im Hinblick auf die bautechnische Machbarkeit, Eidg. Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat, 18. April 2017; Kovári, Kalman, 2016. Die bautechnische Machbarkeit der Lagerstollen. Einfluss der Tiefenlage auf die Langzeitsicherheit. beurteilung der Untersuchungen der Nagra, S. 21-22, in AG SiKa / KES, 2016. Sachplan geologische Tiefenlager (SGT), Etappe 2. Fachbericht vom 11. Januar 2016 zum 2x2 Vorschlag der Nagra. 25 Decommissioning and Waste Management Radioactive Waste between long-term Interim Storage and Site Selection ı Marcos Buser, Walter Wildi

<strong>atw</strong> Vol. 68 (2023) | Ausgabe 3 ı Mai<br />


/ Shutdown <strong>for</strong>ecast<br />

Swiss Confederation<br />

/ Shutdown <strong>for</strong>ecast<br />

Operators<br />

/ Binding switch-off<br />

date of NPP<br />

Begin of operation<br />

of the repository<br />

with year of <strong>for</strong>ecast<br />

| Fig. 1<br />

Forecasts of the realization of the Swiss HLW and LILW repositories in the last decades.<br />

of well-secured central interim storage facilities 11<br />

in order to be able to react sufficiently flexibly and<br />

with sufficient technical alternative strategies and<br />

options in the face of these uncertainties in the final<br />

repository planning of the future. 12<br />

The crux of modern waste management<br />

programs<br />

The difficulties or failures in the current implementation<br />

of the waste management programs that<br />

have been initiated in the various countries using<br />

nuclear energy over time, are largely responsible<br />

<strong>for</strong> these delays. Certainly, problematic disposal<br />

practices of the past and failed or damaged projects<br />

such as the Asse test repository or the Morsleben repository<br />

in the Federal Republic of Germany played<br />

a role in the delays of the originally envisaged implementation<br />

schedules. 13 However, other factors<br />

are of more fundamental importance: scientifically<br />

based site selection programs with clearly defined<br />

processes, as they were originally envisaged in the<br />

1970s, 14 have so far only been implemented <strong>for</strong><br />

three projects: the WIPP project, 15 the Swiss sectoral<br />

plan procedure 16 and the German site search<br />

procedure. 17<br />

All other national programs determined their repository<br />

sites based on other criteria, such as the<br />

locations of production facilities (Finland, Sweden,<br />

Belgium), or implemented abbreviated site selection<br />

programs or those based on other criteria<br />

(France, Canada). Canada's process, <strong>for</strong> example,<br />

was based on a consent-based site selection process<br />

in which communities interested in a repository<br />

could volunteer. 18<br />

Other national programs are<br />

slow to move <strong>for</strong>ward. Still others, such as those<br />

in the U.S., the U.K. and Spain, have been put on<br />

hold <strong>for</strong> the time being.<br />

In addition, there is the growing social and political<br />

influence on the selection of sites and the high demands<br />

on the scientificity of the procedures and the<br />

quality of the solutions developed, especially over<br />

the targeted safety and isolation periods of up to<br />

1 million years. The rapid development of science<br />

and technology not only opens up great opportunities<br />

in the implementation of the programs, but also<br />

represents significant risk factors <strong>for</strong> the concepts of<br />

deep geological disposal at depths of up to 1,000 m.<br />

Thus, underground use at the depth designated <strong>for</strong><br />

final disposal suddenly becomes interesting <strong>for</strong><br />

other objectives and applications that increasingly<br />

compete with nuclear disposal. A classic example<br />

is the geothermal use of the subsurface <strong>for</strong> heat generation,<br />

which is de facto applicable everywhere<br />

and could be a potential killer criterion <strong>for</strong> the concept<br />

of deep geological disposal pursued today due<br />

to rapidly decreasing costs and the great technical<br />

11 Shrader-Frechette K. (1993): Burying Uncertainty, Risk and the Case Against Geological Disposal of <strong>Nuclear</strong> Waste, University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia Press;<br />

Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s <strong>Nuclear</strong> Future, 2012. Transportation and Storage Subcommittee, Report to the Full Commission, Updated Report,<br />

January 2012; Buser, M. 2017. Von der «Geologischen Tiefenlagerung» zur «Dualen Strategie», in drei Teilen,<br />

12 IAEA, 2019. Management of Spent Fuel from <strong>Nuclear</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Reactors, Learning from the Past, Enabling the Future, p. 258.<br />

13 See history of country-specific disposal programs, e.g. USA (Walter, S. J., 2009. The Road to Yucca Mountain, University of Cali<strong>for</strong>nia Press; Alley, W., Alley, R., 2013.<br />

Too Hot to Touch, Cambridge University Press), Germany (z.B. Möller, Detlev, 2007. Endlagerung radioaktiver Abfälle in der Bundesrepublik, Studien zur Technik-,<br />

Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Vol. 15, Peter Lang, <strong>International</strong>er Verlag der Wissenschaften; Tiggemann, Anselm, 2004. Die „Achillesferse“ der Kernenergie in<br />

der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Europa<strong>for</strong>um-Verlag), Switzerland (z.B. Flüeler, Th. 2002: Radioaktive Abfälle in der Schweiz, Muster der Entscheidungsfindung in<br />

komplexen soziotechnischen Systemen. Dissertation 14645, ETH Zürich; Hadermann, J., Issler, H., Zurkinden, A., 2014. Die nukleare Entsorgung in der Schweiz 1945 –<br />

2006. Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung; Buser, Marcos, 2019. Wohin mit dem Atommüll? Rotpunkt-Verlag Zürich) and others.<br />

14 DOE, 1979. Management of commercially generated radioactive waste, Vol. 1&2, Department of Energy, DOE/EIS-0046-D.<br />

15 Mora, Carl J., 1999. Sandia and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant 1974 – 1999, Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque SAND99-1482.<br />

16 ENSI, Sectoral Plan <strong>for</strong> Deep Geological Repositories (SGT), Eidg. Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat.<br />

17 BGE, Site Selection Procedure, Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung.<br />

18 Braden, Z., Macfarlane, A., 2023. Final countdown to site selection <strong>for</strong> Canada's nuclear waste geologic repository, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January 16, 2023.<br />

Decommissioning and Waste Management<br />

Radioactive Waste between long-term Interim Storage and Site Selection ı Marcos Buser, Walter Wildi

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