28.04.2023 Aufrufe


KAISER JESUS KONSTANTIN – DER ERSTE „CHRISTLICHE“ KAISER – WAR MIT SEINER MUTTER HELENA AUGUSTA VERHEIRATET! Kaiser Konstantin der Kanaaniter und seine Druidenmutter Helena gründeten dasLateinische Papsttum und die Stadt Konstantinopel. Kein Wunder, dass Papst Leo X.König Heinrich VIII. den pompösen Titel Fidei Defensor (Verteidiger des (lateinischen)Glaubens) verlieh . Der heilige Paulus – ein römischer Bürger von Geburt – sagte voraus, dass der Inzest von Mutter und Sohn den Bösen oder das Papsttum gebären würde!! (I Korinther Kap. 5,II Thessalonicher Kap. 2). Kaiser Jesus Konstantin war der Enkel des römischen Kaisers Caracalla von seiner Mutter Julia Domna. Konstantins Mutter, Helena Augusta, war einebritische Druidin. Die Heirat von Konstantin und Helena führtezum Untergang des lateinischen Papsttums undder Stadt Konstantinopel!! Helena „entdeckte“ auch das „wahre Kreuz“ inJerusalem!


Kaiser Konstantin der Kanaaniter und seine Druidenmutter Helena gründeten dasLateinische Papsttum und die Stadt Konstantinopel.
Kein Wunder, dass Papst Leo X.König Heinrich VIII. den pompösen Titel Fidei Defensor (Verteidiger des (lateinischen)Glaubens) verlieh . Der heilige Paulus – ein römischer Bürger von Geburt – sagte voraus, dass der Inzest von Mutter und Sohn den Bösen oder das Papsttum gebären würde!!
(I Korinther Kap. 5,II Thessalonicher Kap. 2).

Kaiser Jesus Konstantin war der Enkel des römischen Kaisers Caracalla von seiner Mutter
Julia Domna. Konstantins Mutter, Helena Augusta, war einebritische Druidin. Die Heirat von Konstantin und Helena führtezum Untergang des lateinischen Papsttums undder Stadt Konstantinopel!! Helena „entdeckte“ auch das „wahre Kreuz“ inJerusalem!


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The bishop of Constantinople knew perfectly well that this St. Peter at Rome edict was a

myth. Constantinople could not claim an Apostle of Christ as its founder, but the bishop

was not about to accept Old Rome's hegemony based on this fable.

The 150 bishops in attendance refused to acknowledge his Peter in Rome edict and ruled

that Old Rome had precedence only because it was the imperial city:

As for the bishop of Constantinople, let him have the prerogatives of honor after the bishop

of Rome, seeing that this city is the new Rome. (Council of Constantinople, Canon 3).

The Coucil of Chalcedon in 451 (attended by 600 bishops) reinforced Canon 3 in Canon

28 which made Old Rome first of equals only because it was the imperial city. Nothing

was said at that Council about apostolic succession or the presence of St. Peter at Rome:

Following in every detail all the decrees of the holy fathers and knowing about the canon,

just read, of the 150 bishops dearly beloved of God, gathered together under Theodosius the

Great, emperor of pious memory in the imperial city of Constantinople, New Rome, we

ourselves have also decreed and voted the same things about the prerogatives of the very

holy Church of this same Constantinople, New Rome. The fathers in fact have correctly

attributed the prerogatives [which belong] to the see of the most ancient Rome because it

was the imperial city. And thus moved by the same reasoning, the 150 bishops beloved of

God have accorded equal prerogatives to the very holy see of New Rome, justly considering

that the city that is honored by the imperial power and the senate and enjoying [within the

civil order] the prerogatives equal to those of Rome, the most ancient imperial city, ought to

be as elevated as Old Rome in the affairs of the Church, being in the second place after

it. (Council of Chalcedon, Canon 28).

This was the beginning of the division of the Roman Empire into the 2 legs of iron as

prophesied in Daniel Chapter 2.

After the fall of New Rome, the Orthodox Church moved to Moscow and Moscow became

known as the 3rd Rome. Russia now became the target of the Vatican's attempt to end

what they call the Great Schism.

Lord Kitchener's campaign to conquer Constantinople in 1915

As bizarre as it may seem, "Mr. British Empire," Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, led a

campaign to take Constantinople from the Terrible Turks. The ostensible purple of the

Gallipoli Campaign (April 1915–January 1916) was to relieve German pressure on the

Western Front!!


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