28.04.2023 Aufrufe


KAISER JESUS KONSTANTIN – DER ERSTE „CHRISTLICHE“ KAISER – WAR MIT SEINER MUTTER HELENA AUGUSTA VERHEIRATET! Kaiser Konstantin der Kanaaniter und seine Druidenmutter Helena gründeten dasLateinische Papsttum und die Stadt Konstantinopel. Kein Wunder, dass Papst Leo X.König Heinrich VIII. den pompösen Titel Fidei Defensor (Verteidiger des (lateinischen)Glaubens) verlieh . Der heilige Paulus – ein römischer Bürger von Geburt – sagte voraus, dass der Inzest von Mutter und Sohn den Bösen oder das Papsttum gebären würde!! (I Korinther Kap. 5,II Thessalonicher Kap. 2). Kaiser Jesus Konstantin war der Enkel des römischen Kaisers Caracalla von seiner Mutter Julia Domna. Konstantins Mutter, Helena Augusta, war einebritische Druidin. Die Heirat von Konstantin und Helena führtezum Untergang des lateinischen Papsttums undder Stadt Konstantinopel!! Helena „entdeckte“ auch das „wahre Kreuz“ inJerusalem!


Kaiser Konstantin der Kanaaniter und seine Druidenmutter Helena gründeten dasLateinische Papsttum und die Stadt Konstantinopel.
Kein Wunder, dass Papst Leo X.König Heinrich VIII. den pompösen Titel Fidei Defensor (Verteidiger des (lateinischen)Glaubens) verlieh . Der heilige Paulus – ein römischer Bürger von Geburt – sagte voraus, dass der Inzest von Mutter und Sohn den Bösen oder das Papsttum gebären würde!!
(I Korinther Kap. 5,II Thessalonicher Kap. 2).

Kaiser Jesus Konstantin war der Enkel des römischen Kaisers Caracalla von seiner Mutter
Julia Domna. Konstantins Mutter, Helena Augusta, war einebritische Druidin. Die Heirat von Konstantin und Helena führtezum Untergang des lateinischen Papsttums undder Stadt Konstantinopel!! Helena „entdeckte“ auch das „wahre Kreuz“ inJerusalem!


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archive.org/details/the-roman-canaanite-church/1. THE ROMAN CANAANITE CHURCH



Kaiser Konstantin der Kanaaniter und seine Druidenmutter Helena gründeten das

Lateinische Papsttum und die Stadt Konstantinopel. Kein Wunder, dass Papst Leo X.

König Heinrich VIII. den pompösen Titel Fidei Defensor (Verteidiger des (lateinischen)

Glaubens) verlieh .

Der heilige Paulus – ein römischer Bürger von Geburt – sagte voraus, dass der Inzest

von Mutter und Sohn den Bösen oder das Papsttum gebären würde!! (I Korinther Kap. 5,

II Thessalonicher Kap. 2).


von Kaiser



im Vatikan.

Kaiser Jesus Konstantin war der Enkel des

römischen Kaisers Caracalla von seiner Mutter

Julia Domna.

Konstantins Mutter, Helena Augusta, war eine

britische Druidin.

Die Heirat von Konstantin und Helena führte

zum Untergang des lateinischen Papsttums und

der Stadt Konstantinopel!!

Helena „entdeckte“ auch das „wahre Kreuz“ in


Statue von



im Vatikan.

Die Gründung von Konstantinopel führte direkt zum Untergang und zur Aufgabe der

kaiserlichen Hauptstadt in Italien. Die britische und kanaanäische Strategie des Teilens

und Eroberns führte zum Niedergang und Untergang des Römischen Reiches. . . und

nicht die Christen!!

Im Neuen Bund gibt es nur 3 Hinweise auf Christen. . . aber überhaupt keine zu

"Katholiken". Die gebräuchlichste Bezeichnung für Christen war Nazarener, nach Josua

von Nazareth, dem jüdischen Messias.

Die Bibel sagt, dass fast die gesamte Menschheit vor etwa 4500 Jahren in einer

weltweiten Sintflut umkam. Die einzigen Überlebenden waren Noah, seine namenlose

Frau und 3 Söhne: Shem, Ham und Japhet (JAHphet).


Irgendwann nach der Landung der Arche gab Noah sein Zimmermannshandwerk auf und

wurde Bauer:

Und Noah fing an, ein Bauer zu sein, und er pflanzte einen Weinberg. Dann trank er von

dem Wein und wurde betrunken und wurde in seinem Zelt entblößt. Und Ham, der Vater

Kanaans, sah die Blöße seines Vaters und sagte es seinen zwei Brüdern draußen. Sem und

Jafet aber nahmen ein Gewand, legten es auf ihre beiden Schultern und gingen zurück und

bedeckten die Blöße ihres Vaters. Ihre Gesichter waren abgewandt und sie sahen die Blöße

ihres Vaters nicht (Genesis 9:20-23).

Die hebräische Redewendung „auf Nacktheit blicken“ oder „Nacktheit aufdecken“

bedeutet, mit einer Person Liebe zu machen oder Sex mit ihr zu haben. Als Noah von

seinem Wein erwachte, verfluchte er seinen JÜNGEREN Sohn für sein verwerfliches


So erwachte Noah von seinem Wein und wusste, was sein jüngerer Sohn ihm angetan

hatte. Dann sagte er: „ Verflucht sei Kanaan ; ein Knecht der Knechte soll er seinen Brüdern

sein“ (Genesis 9:24-25).

Shem und Ham waren eigentlich Zwillinge. Ham war der BÖSE Zwilling, und er hatte Sex

mit der Frau seines Vaters.

Kaiser Septimius Severus kam 208 in Großbritannien an

Zu Beginn des 3. Jahrhunderts hieß der abgelegenste Außenposten des Römischen

Reiches im Westen Eburacum (Ort der Eiben). Es wurde von einem Stamm namens

Briganten bewohnt. Sie wurden später zum dominierenden Stamm und gaben der Insel

ihren Namen.








Eburacum war der entfernteste Außenposten des

Römischen Reiches in Britannia.

Es wurde von wilden Männern namens Briganten

bewohnt, die von Frauen regiert wurden; haben ihre

Körper tätowiert, sich für den Kampf ausgezogen und

ihre Mütter geheiratet!

Anfang 208 hatte Eburacum sehr unerwartete

Besucher: den mächtigen römischen Cäsar, seine

Frau und 2 Söhne!!




und Sohn


Caesars Familie bestand aus seiner Frau Julia Domna und ihren beiden Söhnen Bassianus

Antoninus (Caracalla) und Publius Septimius Geta.



Severus (145–

Severus war als „afrikanischer Kaiser“

bekannt, da er ein karthagischer Kanaaniter


Die Karthager waren jahrhundertelang die

Todfeinde und Rivalen der Roma.

Femme fatale Julia Augusta war auch eine

Kanaaniterin und Isebel auf Steroiden!




Kaiser von 193

bis 211.



Kaiser Severus war damals 63 und seine Frau 34 Jahre alt. Der Kaiser litt an Gicht und

musste auf einer Trage getragen werden. Die Anwesenheit des Kaisers würde jedem Baby,

das seiner Frau während ihres dreijährigen Aufenthalts in Britannia geboren wurde,

Legitimität verleihen.

Bassianus (Caracalla) war ein Jahr älter als sein

Bruder Geta. Als ihr Vater Anfang 211 vergiftet

wurde, wurden beide Jungen Kaiser der Roma.





Während er gegen "Barbaren" kämpfte, hatte der

verdorbene Caracalla Sex mit seiner eigenen Mutter.

Inzest war auf der mysteriösen Insel Britannia weit






Der heilige Paulus hat genau diese Situation 150 Jahre vorhergesagt, bevor sie eintrat.

In der Versammlung in Korinth schlief ein BÖSER Mann mit seiner Mutter, und der

heilige Paulus tadelte die Christen scharf dafür, dass sie eine solche BÖSE Praxis

fortbestehen ließen:

Es wird tatsächlich berichtet, dass es unter euch Unzucht gibt, und solche Unzucht, die unter

den Nationen nicht einmal genannt wird, dass man Sex mit der Frau seines Vaters haben

sollte (1. Korinther 5:1).

Zu dieser Zeit hatte Saint Paul oder sonst jemand kaum Kenntnis darüber, was auf dieser

mysteriösen, geheimnisvollen Insel namens Britannia vor sich ging. Der heilige Paulus

forderte die Kongregation auf, die BÖSE Person zu exkommunizieren:


Aber diejenigen, die außerhalb von Elohim sind, richten. Darum entfernt diesen Bösewicht

aus eurer Mitte

(1. Korinther 5,13).

Dieser BÖSE Mann war ein Vorläufer oder Typus des Antichristen, der vor dem Ende der

Zeit offenbart werden sollte:

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom JEHOVAH shall consume with the spirit of

his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming (II Thessalonians 2:8).

In early 211, the monster Caracalla killed his own father and then the 2 boys became

Caesars. In May 211, Domna and the 2 Emperors left Eburacum and returned to Roma . . .

without the son that was born to Domna in Britannia!!

Caracalla, Geta, and Julia Augusta arrived back in Roma in 211

The remaining family arrived back in Rome without the twins that Domna had concieved

by her son Caracalla. The monster Caracalla wasted no time in murdering his own brother

while he clung to his mother for protection....Then Caracalla married his own mother:

It is of interest to know the way in which they say he married his stepmother Julia. She was

a very beautiful woman, and once when she displayed a considerable part of her person, as it

were in carelessness, Antoninus said, "I should like to, if I might," whereupon, they relate,

she replied, "If you wish, you may; are you not aware that you are the emperor and that you

make the laws and do not receive them?" By these words his violent passion was

strengthened for the perpetration of a crime, and he contracted a marriage, which, were he in

truth aware that he made the laws, it were his sole duty to forbid. For he took to wife his

mother (by no other name should she be called), and to fratricide he added incest, for he

joined to himself in marriage the woman whose son he had recently slain. (Dio

Cassius, Roman History).

Emperor Nero was also suspected of having sex with his mother Agrippina, but there is no

record that he actually married her.

Caracalla wasted no time in murdering his

own brother Geta.

Then he married his mother.

Bust of Julia


Together, they established a dynasty that

lasted until 235.

In 212, Caracalla gave Roman citizenship to

all free men and women in the Empire.

Bust of



Before that time, Roman citizenship was a highly coveted honor, mostly confined to

Italians, and very difficult to obtain for a non-Roman. Roman citizenship meant that you

had the right to appeal to Caesar personally if you were accused of a crime.

Saint Paul was a Roman citizen by birth, and he used that citizenship to appeal to Caesar,

and thus escaped from the hands of murderous Jews in Jerusalem (Acts 22:28).

Caracalla is most famous for the Baths of Caracalla. Plans for the baths were drawn up by

Septimius Severus and completed by his son. The baths took 6 years to complete and were

open to the public.

Emperor Caracalla is mostly known for

the monumental Baths of Caracalla

which took 6 years to complete.

The ruins of the

Baths of


The Baths of

Caracalla were


on a



Today, the baths are in ruins and a

reminder of the past glory of Roma BC

(Before Constantine)!

While on a military expedition against the Parthians, Caracalla was assassinated by one of

his own soldiers. He was succeeded by a man named Macrinus, but his reign only last for

one year.

The depraved Elagabalus was also a son

of Julia Domna.

In depravity he equaled Nero, Caligula,

and his own father.

Bust of


(c. 203–222).

Emperor from

218 to 222).

Alexander Severus was another son of

Domna and the last of the Severn dynasty.

Bust of



(c. 205–235).

Emperor from

222 to 235.

By the end of the reign of Alexander Severus the mighty Roman Empire was ruined. The

following era was called the Crisis of the Third Century—50 years of civil wars, foreign

invasion, and the collapse of the monetary system.

Caracalla and Julia established the Constantinian dynasty in Britannia!!


A son was born to Domna during her stay in Eburucum. The boy's father was his mother's

son Caracalla. The baby was adopted by a Roman tribune named Constantinus. From that

time onward, gold began to flow from Roma to Britannia, and that remote outpost in the

wilderness became a significant player in Roman politics.

The baby born to Domna in Eburucum

became the founder of the Constantinian





Around 274, Tribune Esus Constantinus

Chlorus married Druidess Helena.



(c. 245–


They had one son together, the future

Emperor Jesus Constantine.

The future Emperor Constantine (the first "Christian" Emperor) was in reality the

grandson of Caracalla and Domna.

Emperor Jesus Constantine was the

grandson of Caracalla and Julia Domna.

His claim to the throne rested on his

descent from Emperor Caracalla.




Emperor from

306 to 337.

At age 24, he left Britannia and joined the

court of the infamous persecutor Diocletian

at Nicomedia.

Statue of


in York,


Growing up in Britannia, Constantine would have seen crosses everywhere as it was a

ubiquitous Druid sun worship symbol:

The cross, as a symbol, was known to and revered by the Druids, and their mode of

consecrating an oak tree was first to fasten a cross beam upon it if the two horizontal arms

were not sufficiently prominent. Upon this right branch they cut in the bark, in fair

characters, the word "Hesus", upon the middle or upright stem the word "Taramis," and

upon the left branch the word "Belenus." (Wright, Druidism: the Ancient Faith of Britain, p.



In 312 AD, Constantine led a huge army of 90,000 of his naked, tattooed countrymen

across the Alps and laid siege to Roma.

Emperor Jesus Constantine founded the Papacy in 313

Emperor Constantine had his spies in Roma and they persuaded Maxentius to leave the

safety of the city confront Constantine outside the walls. It was a disastrous decision, as

the his army was defeated and the Emperor was drowned in the Tiber River.

The Battle of

Milvian Bridge.

In 312 AD, Emperor Jesus Constantine led

his huge army across the Alps and laid siege

to Roma.

After conquering Roma, he founded the rival

city of Constantinople.

This split the Roman Empire in half.

Colossal head

of Constantine

in Rome.

The year 313 AD can be considered the official beginning of the Papal occupation of the

city of Rome.

The removal of the

capital began when


conquered the East.

Emperor Constantine's removal of the

capital from the imperial city left the

bishop of Roma free to vault into the

seat of the Caesars.

Occupation by the Papacy led to

the ruin of Roma!




on 3 sides by


Saint Paul warned the Christians that Antichrist would be revealed before the end of the

world, but something mysterious was hindering or restraining his appearance:


Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of Joshua the Christ, and by our gathering

together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor

by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive

you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and

that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself above

all that is called Elohim, or that is worshipped; so that he as Elohim sitteth in the temple

of Elohim, showing himself that he is Elohim. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with

you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth (restrains) that he might

be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now

letteth will let (restrain), until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that WICKED

ONE be revealed, whom JEHOVAH shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall

destroy with the brightness of his coming (II Thessalonians 2:1-12).

After the removal of the capital, the Greeks continued to call themselves ROMANS (Gk.

Romaioi), while the people in the western part of the Empire became known as LATINS.

When the bishop of Roma assumed the purple, he also assumed the title PONTIFEX

MAXIMUS, which was the official title of the Caesars as head of the pagan Roman


The West v. East conflict is still raging as intensely as ever!!

After Constantine established his capital in the East, he bribed the Roman senators to

move to New Roma. Old Roma gradually was abandoned and fell into ruin. Of course the

pagans blamed the "Christians" for the Fall of Roma.

Terrible Turks

about to

breach the




on May 29,


The siege of Constantinople was

the Alamo of the East.

The heroic defenders held out for 2 months

against overwhelming odds, (200,000 v.

10,000), choosing an honorable death

rather than surrender and live as slaves

under Islam!!


is now called


When Constantinople fell to the Terrible Turks in 1453, the Greek Orthodox Church

moved to Russia, and Moscow became known as the Third Roma.

That is the reason why Napollyon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler invaded Russia.

Vital links


May 29 is Fall of Constantinople Day!! September 20 is Rome Liberation Day!!


Birley, Anthony R. Septimius Severus: the African Emperor. Yale University Press. New

Haven, 1988.

Dio Cassius. Roman History. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MASS, 1927.

Freisenbruch. Annelise. Caesars' Wives: Sex, Power, and Politics in the Roman Empire.

Free Press, New York, 2010.

Levick, Barbara. Julia Domna: Syrian Empress. Routledge, London & New York, 2007.

Wright, Dudley. Druidism: The Ancient Faith of Britain. E. P. Publishing Limited,

Yorkshire, England.








Emperor Constantine and his mother/wife Helena were the founders of the Latin Papacy

and the city of Constantinople. Jesus Constantine was the grandson of Roman Emperor

Caracalla and his mother/wife Julia Domna.

Emperor Septimius Severus was the husband of Julia Domna. Septimius means SEVEN

and Severus means SEVERE. A literal rendering of the name would be "Severe Seven."

The Emperor was indeed severe as he waded through rivers of blood in order to mount

the throne of the Caesars.






In 187 AD, Carthiginian Septimius Severus married

fellow Canaanite Julia Domna while on a trip to his

hometown in Africa.

He was 42 and she was 13.

In 193, he was proclaimed Emperor of Roma, and

Julia became Julia Augusta.





from 193 to



Julia Augusta quickly gave birth to 2 boys: Bassianus Antoninus (Caracalla) and Publius

Septimius Geta. In 208, the entire family set out for Britannia. At that time the main

outpost of the Roman Empire in the West was in Londinium (London) and not in the

Caledonian wilderness.

Emperor Severus was 63 at the time and his wife was 34. The Emperor was suffering from

gout and had to be carried on a litter. Having the Emperor along would lend legitimacy to

any baby born to his wife during their 3-year stay in Britannia.





Bassianus (Caracalla) was a year older than his

brother Geta. When their father was poisoned in early

211, they became co-Emperors.

While fighting "barbarians," the depraved Caracalla

was having sex with his own mother.

Britannia was shrouded in secrecy before the advent

of the Romans and incest was quite common.




Strangely, absolutely nothing is known about Britannia before the Roman invasion of 43

AD. It is certain that the Druids did not want the world to know anything of the WICKED

doings of their country.

In the Congregation at Corinth, there was a WICKED man sleeping with his mother, and

Saint Paul rebuked the Christians sharply for allowing such a WICKED practice to


It is actually reported that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so

much as named among the nations, that one should have sex with his father's wife (I

Corinthians 5:1).


Saint Paul told them to excommunicate that WICKED man:

But those who are outside Elohim judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that

wicked person (I Corinthians 5:13).

That WICKED man was a forerunner or type of the Antichrist who was to be revealed

before the end of time:

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom JEHOVAH shall consume with the spirit of

his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming (II Thessalonians 2:8).

The very thing that Saint Paul predicted began to come to pass in 208 AD with the visit of

Septimus Severus to Britannia.




(c. 245–


The baby born to Domna in Eburucum was

adopted by a Roman Tribune named Esus


Constantinus was the father of Esus

Constantinius Chorus.

In 212, Caracalla gave Roman citizenship to

all free men and women in the Empire.

Around 274, Constantinus Chlorus married

Druidess Helena.

A mosaic of

Helena in Trier,


Thanks to the new law enacted by Caracalla, Druidess Helena was now a Roman citizen.

Although Constantine was born at Eburucum (York) he claimed to be in the direct line of

succession from Severus and Caracalla. That was his claim to the throne of the Caesars.

Later English historians claimed that Helena Augusta was the daughter of King Coel of

Colchester. Nothing could be further from the truth as British kings had no claim to the

throne of the Caesars.

The future Emperor Jesus Constantine was born in Eburacum in 274. His father was

Constantinus Chlorus "Paleface" and his mother was a British Druidess named Helena.






Misruled from

306 to 337.

Constantinus Chlorus divorced Helena

around 285 AD, so his son Jesus

Constantine could marry his own mother


On her coins Helena is called Augusta

which was a title given to the wives of

Roman Emperors.

Together, Jesus Constantine and Helena

founded the Papacy and the city of


Coin of Helena

with her title of

AUG (Augusta).

It is also possible that the first "Christian" Emperor had at least 3 children by Helena.

Constantine destroyed so much of ancient history—both pagan and Christian—in order to

hide his marriage to his mother . . . and the true genealogy of his sons.

Nimrod and Semiramis, the Old Covenant counterpart of Constantine and Helena, were

also notorious for incest!

Esus was worshipped by the Druids in Britannia!!

Druidism in Britannia had much in common with the diabolical Canaanite religion. When

Joshua the son of Nun drove the Canaanite giants from the Promised Land, many of them

escaped to Britannia. They were the builders of Stonehenge and the progenitors of


The cross and crescent moon were the revered symbols of the Druid sorcerers....Along

with Belenus and Teutates, one of the three chief false gods of these sons of darkness was

named Esus.

The Druid priests were the most powerful

sorcerers in the ancient world.

They were notorious for bloody human sacrifices

to their tree god Esus . . . and for their secrecy.


Cannibalism and eating the SACRED HEART

was a vital part of their diabolical religion.


inscription in



The Druids were the original terrorists and their big night was October 31—the eve of

Samhain—which was the beginning of the Druid's New Year. Human sacrifices were made

to their demon god Esus by hanging the victims on trees.

The deadly Druid

Men of Oak


Britannia for 1500


The cross and crescent moon were the

revered symbols of the deadly Druid


Sacrifices were made to Esus by

hanging the victims on trees!

The "holy"

Druid tree.

Constantine borrowed the cross symbol from his fellow Druids in Britannia:

The cross, as a symbol, was known to and revered by the Druids, and their mode of

consecrating an oak tree was first to fasten a cross beam upon it if the two horizontal arms

were not sufficiently prominent. Upon this right branch they cut in the bark, in fair

characters, the word "Hesus", upon the middle or upright stem the word "Taramis," and

upon the left branch the word "Belenus." (Wright, Druidism: the Ancient Faith of Britain, p.


The Druids ruled the kings of Britannia and the common people with fear. The story of

Merlin the wizard and Camelot are all based on Druidism.

The Druid priests did not allow the

Britons to have a written language.

Everything was passed down

orally from generation to


It took 20 years to be fully initiated

into all their diabolical arts.

Druid human

sacrifice wicker


The wicked

Druids delighted in


humans alive in a

giant wicker man.

Nobody knows what language the Britons spoke before the arrival of the Romans because

everything was TOP SECRET.




Constantine the Canaanite and Helena the

Druidess made a deadly duo.

Latin was Constantine's native language.

At age 24, he left Britannia and joined the

court of the infamous persecutor Diocletian

at Nicomedia

Statue of


(274– 337).

Emperor from

306 to 337.

the Briton

in York,


Growing up in Britain, Constantine would have seen crosses everywhere as it was a

ubiquitous Druid sun worship symbol.









Constantine claimed to have seen a cross in

the sky with the words: IN HOC SIGNO



The cross and the words IN HOC SIGNO

VINCES or IHS became the battle standard of

the Papal Roman Empire.

The cross is

the one



of the divided



As a Carthaginian and a Briton, Constantine inherited a dual hatred for Roman rule. He

only visited the imperial city twice, and then built a new capital at Byzantium, which he

renamed Constantinople.

This was the beginning of the great harlot as predicted in the Book of Revelation:

And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE


This was also the beginning of the division of the Roman Empire into the 2 legs of iron

according to the great prophecy of Daniel Chapter 2.


The fiction of finding the true cross!!

In 326, Constantine promoted his Druidess mother to Empress or Augusta, and sent her

to the Holy Land to "discover" the location of the "true cross" which he had already

foreseen in a vision!

She claimed to have found 3 crosses at the present site of the "holy sepulchre" which had

not rotted after 300 years.

Mount of Olives



Helena's "miraculous discovery" of the "true

cross" occurred in the year 326.

Constantine and Helena changed the location

of the Resurrection of Christ from the Mount

of Olives to the former Temple of Venus.

Church of

the "Holy


former site

of the

Temple of


The Mount of Olives was the location of the Resurrection, BC–before Constantine:

Believers in JOSHUA all congregate from all parts of the world....that they may worship at

the MOUNT OF OLIVES opposite the city....TO THE CAVE that is shown there.

(Eusebius, Proof of the Gospel, Bk. VI. ch. 18).

Writing in code that only true Christians could understand, Eusebius referred to this new

Constantinian religion as "madness and folly," but the only way he could preserve his

writings was by lauding or flattering Emperor Constantine.

Druidess Helena had already "discovered" the site of the resurrection, and her son

ordered the site to be dug up:

This also was accomplished without delay. But as soon as the original surface of the ground,

beneath the covering of earth appeared, immediately and contrary to all expectations, the

venerable and hallowed monument of our Saviour's resurrection was discovered. Then

indeed did this most holy cave present a faithful similitude of his return to life, in that, after

lying in darkness, it again emerged to light and afforded to all who came to witness the

sight, a clear and visible proof of the wonders of which that spot had once been the scene, a

testimony to the resurrection of the Saviour clearer than any voice could give,

(Eusebius, Life of Constantine, Book XXVIII.)

The real site of the Resurrection on the Mount of Olives was never hidden, as it was

visited for centuries by people from all over the world.


The Donation of Constantine forgery!

The Donation of Constantine was one of the greatest forgeries of the Dark Ages.

This Donation was based on the legend that Pope Sylvester cured Emperor Constantine of

leprosy and then baptized him. As a "thank you" to the Pope, Constantine gave him

dominion over the entire world!!

According to Constantine's biographer Eusebius of Caesarea, Constantine was not

baptized until shortly before his death in 337.


monks forging

the missive

from "St. Peter"

up in heaven.

The temporal power of the Papal

Pontiffs was based upon the forgery

called the Donation of Constantine.

Italian author Lorenzo Valla was the

first to expose it.

King Pepin was

astonished that

"St. Peter"

even knew about


This forgery seems to have been created at the time of Pope Stephen II (752-757) who was

desperate to get the help of the Franks in expelling the Lombards from Italy. Here is an

excerpt from that forgery:

And we ordain and decree that he shall have the supremacy as well over the four chief seats

Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople and Jerusalem, as also over all the churches of God in

the whole world. And he who for the time being shall be pontiff of that holy Roman church

shall be more exalted than, and chief over, all the priests of the whole world; and, according

to his judgment, everything which is to be provided for the service of God or the stability of

the faith of the Christians is to be administered. (Medieval Sourcebook, The Donation of


This forgery was also used to donate the entire New World to Spain after the return of

fake "discoverer" Portuguese Salvador Fernandes Zarco a.k.a. Christopher Columbus:

And on these churches for the endowing of divine services we have conferred estates, and

have enriched them with different objects; and, through our sacred imperial decrees, we

have granted them our gift of land in the East as well as in the West; and even on the

northern and southern coast;-namely in Judea, Greece, Asia, Thrace, Africa and Italy and

the various islands: under this condition indeed, that all shall be administered by the hand of

our most blessed father the pontiff Sylvester and his successors. (Medieval Sourcebook, The

Donation of Constantine).

The infamous Rodrigo Borgia became Pope in August 1492; the following month,

Portuguese "Christopher Columbus" left Spain for the New World.






Pope from



Rodrigo Borgia became Pope

Alexander VI in 1492.

Pope Alexander VI used the forged

Donation of Constantine to give the

entire New World to Spain.

It was the greatest double cross in

the entire history of the world.


rtuguese Salvador

Fernandes Zarco a.k.a.

Christopher Columbus.

Rodrigo Borgia became Pope in August 1492, and the following year fake "discoverer"

Portuguese Christopher Columbus arrived back in Spain. At that time, Pope

Alexander donated the entire New World to Spain:

Furthermore, under penalty of excommunication late sententie to be incurred ipso facto,

should anyone thus contravene, we strictly forbid all persons of whatsoever rank, even

imperial and royal, or of whatsoever estate, degree, order, or condition, to dare, without your

special permit or that of your aforesaid heirs and successors, to go for the purpose of trade

or any other reason to the islands or mainlands, found and to be found, discovered and to be

discovered, towards the west and south, by drawing and establishing a line from the Arctic

pole to the Antarctic pole, no matter whether the mainlands and islands, found and to be

found, lie in the direction of India or toward any other quarter whatsoever, the said line to be

distant one hundred leagues towards the west and south, as is aforesaid, from any of the

islands commonly known as the Azores and Cape Verde; apostolic constitutions and

ordinances and other decrees whatsoever to the contrary notwithstanding. (Inter Caetera

Bull of 1493).

By this decree, the very British nation that co-founded Papal Druidism was excluded from

the New World....It was the dirtiest double cross in the entire history of the world.

Constantine was the father of Jerome's Latin Vulgate Version!!

Constantine—with a lot of help from his Druidess mother Helena—was the father of the

perverted Latin Vulgate Version. Constantine's native language was Latin, but he ordered

Eusebius to make 50 copies of the Greek Septuagint and send them to his palace at

Constantinople for his inspection:



It happens, through the favoring providence of God our Saviour, that great numbers have

united themselves to the most holy church in the city which is called by my name. It seems,

therefore, highly requisite, since that city is rapidly advancing in prosperity in all other

respects, that the number of churches should also be increased. Do you, therefore, receive

with all readiness my determination on this behalf. I have thought it expedient to instruct

your Prudence to order fifty copies of the sacred Scriptures, the provision and use of which

you know to be most needful for the instruction of the Church, to be written on prepared

parchment in a legible manner, and in a convenient, portable form, by professional

transcribers thoroughly practiced in their art. The catholicus of the diocese has also received

instructions by letter from our Clemency to be careful to furnish all things necessary for the

preparation of the copies; and it will be for you to take special care that they be completed

with as little delay as possible. You have authority also, in virtue of this letter to use two of

the public carriages for their conveyance, by which arrangement the copies when fairly

written will most easily be forwarded for my personal inspection; and one of the deacons of

your church may be entrusted with this service, who, on their arrival here, shall experience

my liberality. (Eusebius Life of Constantine, Book XXXVI).

That was like sending copies of the Scriptures to Apollyon himself for his inspection.

It was typical of Constantine to try and bribe everybody with his liberality. That was how

he made converts to his church.

This perversion eventually evolved into Jewrome's Latin Vulgate, with JEHOVAH

changed to Dominus, Joshua changed to Jesus, and Miriam changed to Maria.

The true Messiah promises complete victory over Satan!

As there is a counterfeit "Christianity" with headquarters at the Vatican, that just proves

that real Christianity exists because nobody can counterfeit something that has no


The Holy Bible, correctly translated, is the Christians' sharp sword....It promises complete

victory over Satan, his perverted translations of Scripture, his Papal Pontiffs, his British

Druids . . . and over ALL the power of the enemy:

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against

thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of JEHOVAH, and

their righteousness is of me, saith JEHOVAH(Isaiah 54:17).

JEHOVAH also promises us that no Druid sorcery or divination would work against the

New Covenant Israel:

Surely there is no sorcery against Jacob, neither is there any divination against ISRAEL:

according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God

wrought! (Numbers 23:23).


Joshua the Messiah said:

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of

the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Saint (Luke 10:19).

Vital Links

Zeus is another name for


The Abomination of Desolation Has Been



Camden, William. Britannia (1607).

Dio Cassius. Roman History. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MASS, 1927.

Green, Miranda J. The World of the Druids. Thames and Hudson, London, 1997.

Geoffrey of Monmouth, The History of the Kings of Britain, Penguin Books, London,


Grant, Michael. Constantine the Great: The Man and His Times. History Book Club, New

York, 1993.

Hutton, Ronald. Blood and Mistletoe. The History of the Druids in Britain. Yale

University Press, New Haven & London, 2009.

MacCulloch, J. A. The Religion of the Ancient Celts. T & T. Clark, Edinburgh, UK, 1911.

Nichols, Ross. The Book of Druidry. HarperCollins Publishers, London, 1975.

Solway, Peter. The Oxford Illustrated History of Roman Britain. Oxford University Press,

Oxford & New York, 1993. (Professor Solway refers to Helena as the unofficial wife of

Constantinus but does not state her birthplace).

Valla Lorenzo. The Treatise of Lorenzo Valla on the Donation of Constantine. Yale

University Press, New Haven, 1922.

Vergil, Polydore, Anglia Historia, The Camden Society, London, 1846.

Wright, Dudley. Druidism: The Ancient Faith of Britain. E. P. Publishing Limited,

Yorkshire, England.

Waugh, Evelyn, Helena, Loyola Press, Chicago, 1950.







The Jewish Messiah said:

And to the angel of the congregation in Pergamos write; these things saith he which hath the

sharp sword with two edges; I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's

throne is: and thou holdest fast my name, and you did not deny your faith in me, even in

those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan

dwelleth (Apocalypse 2:12-13).

The city of Pergamos in present day Turkey had a massive temple of Zeus.

The ruins of


Pergamos in present day Turkey

was the capital city of


The city featured a massive altar

of Zeus where bloody sacrifices

were offered to Zeus/Satan.

Christian martyr Antipas was

roasted alive in a huge bronze



pictorial representation of

the massive altar of


Antipas was appointed by Saint John as the first bishop of Pergamos. All hell literally

broke loose when he began to make converts in the very capital city of the Wicked One.

Antipas was arrested and compelled to offer a sacrifice to the Emperor. When he refused,

he was placed in a huge bronze bull, and roasted alive! To the astonishment of the devil

worshippers, he sang and praised Christ the Lord during his slow and agonizing death!






In 1878, German railway engineer

Carl Humann began excavating the

ruins of Pergamos.

With permission from the Terrible

Turks he removed the artifacts to


The Pergamon

Museum was

opened in 1910

to exhibit the artifacts of


A museum to exhibit the artifacts was

opened in 1910.

The prize possession of the Peramon Museum is the altar of Zeus.

A frieze of

Zeus and

Athena in




Friezes of various scenes in the life

of Zeus/Satan were carefully

shipped back to Berlin and restored

to their original condition.

The work continued from 1910 to

1930, when the present day

Pergamon Museum was opened.

Pergamon Museum altar

of Zeus.

By using the Sword of the Spirit, Saint Martin Luther gave Thor and Ju-piter a mighty

blow. However, by the beginning of the 20th century it was Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm

II who were the heroes of the people.

Thor is the


equivalent of


Thor is the German equivalent of Zeus.

Satan is the HAMMER of the whole earth

(Jer. 50:23) so it is apt that he should be

represented holding a hammer.

Hitler brainwashed every Nazis into believing

that he was a miniature Thor!


is the


equivalent of


Architect Albert Speer designed a vast complex in Nuremberg as the Nazi party rally

grounds. One of the fields was called Zeppelinfeld (Zeppelin Field in English) and was

modeled after the Zeus altar.


Zeppelinifeld was


on the Zeus altar!

Architect Albert Speer

designed a vast complex

so that the deceived

multitudes could listen to

Hitler's harangues.

One of the fields was

modeled after the Zeus


Hitler was the 20th century

reincarnation of Napoleon

"Apollyon," and both men

failed to conquer Mother


Hitler haranguing his Nazi


at "Zeppelin Field."

Nothing happens in the political realm by chance. The reason why men like Washington,

Napoleon, and Hitler emerged from obscurity was the fact that the unholy trinity were


Do you want to spend eternity with Christ in heaven . . . or

Zeus/Satan in hell???

The conclusion of the Apocalypse contains a vision of the doom of Zeus/Satan at the end

of time:

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the

beast and false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever

(Apocalypse 20:10).

Only those whose names are written in the Book of Life can escape spending eternity in

hell with Zeus/Satan:

And death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And

whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire

(Apocalypse. (20:14-15).


Victoria's Secret—Adolf Hitler Was Her Grandson!




The Abomination of Desolation Has Been Revealed!!

ZEUS substituted for JEHOVAH . . . JESUS substituted for JEHOSHUA. . .

MARY or MARIA substituted for MIRIAM!!

Joshua the Son of elohim gave this warning about the Abomination of Desolation as an

unmistakable sign to his followers that the end of the world was near:

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet,

stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand) (Matthew 24:15).

Joshua told his followers to read the 11th chapter of the Book of Daniel in order to see the

sign that would immediately precede His Coming. At that time, most of the Jews used the

marvelous translation called the Greek Septuagint. Here is that reference from the Book

of Daniel:

And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall

take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh

desolate. (Daniel 11:31).

Daniel chapter 11 is a continuation of the terrifying dream seen by King Nebuchadnezzar

of Babylon of a colossal image representing 4 world empires who would rule the world

until the end of time.

Nobody could interpret the dream for the king, so at last Daniel (whose name was

changed to the pagan Belteshazzar) told the king the dream.

Daniel (Belteshazzar) told the king that the horrifying image represented 4 world empires.

These empires were: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.

4 world

empires of

Daniel Chapter


Daniel Chapter 2 is the plainest of all the great

prophecies of the Bible.

At the First Coming of the Messiah, the

Jews ignored it because it left no place for a

political kingdom of Israel ruling over the nations.

Their ignorance caused them to reject their

Messiah–Joshua of Nazareth–and all the

unbelievers ended up in Sheol or Hades.

4 metals

statue of





With a name like JEHOSHUA, the Jews fully expected the miracle-working Messiah to

conquer the Romans like Joshua the son of Nun conquered the Canaanites in the

Promised Land....To their great disappointment, he came as a spiritual conqueror only to

defeat Sheol or Hades. . . and save the Romans . . . and the Jews . . . from their sins!

Daniel Chapter 11 continues the vision of Daniel Chapter 2 but the starting point is the

mighty clash between Persia and Greece under Alexander the Great:

And now will I shew thee the truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia;

and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and by his strength through his riches he shall

stir up all against the realm of Grecia.

And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to

his will.

And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the

four winds of heaven; and not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion which he

ruled: for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others beside those. (Daniel 11:2-4).

World conqueror Alexander died at the young age of 33 leaving no heirs. His empire was

divided up among his 4 generals who became the founders of Greek dynasties.

Xerxes led a

huge invasion

of Greece.

Alexander was the mighty king

who defeated the Persian Empire.

He left no heirs so his empire was

divided up among his 4 generals.

Alexander the Great

(356–323 BC.).

The Ptolemies reigned in Egypt

and the Seleucids reigned in Syria.

The 4 generals of Alexander the Great became founders of Greek dynasties which ruled

until the coming of the Romans.

Greek became the lingua franca of this 3rd universal empire represented by the thighs of

brass in the image of King Nebuchadnezzar.


Ptolemy II




Under the auspices of Ptolemy II Philadelphus, the

Hebrew Scriptures were translated into Koine


The translation was called the Septuagint and the

effect was as revolutionary as the German

translation of Saint Martin Luther, or the English

translation of Saint William Tyndale.


Book of

Isaiah in


If ever a translation was divinely inspired . . . it was the Septuagint....The impact of the

translation on the Hellenic World was incalculable.

Persians could now read about the exploits of their hero Cyrus the Great written 200

years before he was born.

Greeks could now read of the marvelous exploits of Alexander the Great written before he

was even born.

It also prepared the world for the coming of the divine Redeemer and showed plainly how

to translate the Names of the true God into Greek.

Here is the Greek Septuagint translation of 3 of the most important names in the Hebrew

Old Covenant. The words are in lower case Koine Greek.

JEHOSHUA in Greek. Miriam in Greek. Messiah or Anointed in


Joshua the son of Nun's original name was Hoshea, meaning SALVATION....Moses

changed his name to JEHOSHUA meaning JEHOVAH is salvation.(Numbers 13:16).

Naturally, Satan was not content to allow this great translation to go unchallenged.

His champion to wipe out the Scriptures was a man by the name of Antiochus Epiphanes.

Antiochus substituted Zeus for JEHOVAH!!

Antiochus prohibited the worship of JEHOVAH in the great Temple in Jerusalem and put

a statue of Zeus in the Temple. That was the Abomination of Desolation.



Epiphanes (215–

163 BC).

King from 175 to


Like Haman in the Book of Esther,

Antiochus Epiphanes sought to destroy

all the Jews.

Antiochus put a DUMB IDOL in the holy

Temple in Jerusalem.

He began a ruthless persecution and

tried to destroy all copies of the


Coin of

Antiochus IV


Antiochus was a type of the Antichrist predicted in the New Covenant. He put a statue of

Zeus in the Temple. Here is a quote from the noncannonical Book of Maccabees:

On the fifteenth day of the month, Casleu, in the hundred and forty-fifth year, king

Antiochus set up the abominable idol of desolation upon the altar of JEHOVAH, and they

built altars throughout all the cities of Juda round about. ( I Maccabees 1:57).

Mount Olympus was the site of the main temple of Zeus–one of the 7 Wonders of the

Ancient World... Zeus was a wrathful god always ready to hurl his thunderbolts at his

deluded devotees who called him "Father."

The statue of Zeus

on Mount Olympus.

Zeus was the head god of the Greek


His statue was one of the 7 Wonders

of the Ancient World.

Antiochus put a statue of this

abominable idol in the Temple in


Bust of Zeus.

Zeus was a wrathful god always ready to hurl his thunderbolts at his deluded devotees.

During his reign, Antiochus Ebegan a systematic destruction of the Septuagint:

And [the officials of Antiochus] rent in pieces the books of the law which they found, and

set them on fire. And wheresoever was found with any a book of the covenant, and if any

consented to the law, the king’s sentence delivered him to death. (I Maccabees 1:56-57).

Here is a quote from the great Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus:


And if there were any sacred book of the law found, it was destroyed, and those [Jews] with

whom they were found miserably perished also. (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews 12.5.4).

The persecuting career of Antiochus Epiphanes ended when JEHOVAH struck him with a

disease and he died miserably at the age of 52.

Emperor Diocletian continued the persecution of Antiochus

For 250 years after the Resurrection of Christ, Christianity was making remarkable

progress against paganism. The New Covenant Scriptures were finished about 100 A.D.,

and added to the Septuagint to complete the Christian Bible.

Around 150 A.D., this completed Bible was translated into Latin. The effect of this

translation for the Latin speaking world was electrifying.

Naturally, Satan was not content to allow this great translation to go unchallenged.

His champion to wipe out the New Covenant Scriptures was a man by the name of Gaius

Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus called Diocletian in English.




Reigned from

284 to 305.

Emperor Diocletian resumed the

persecution and destruction of Scripture

begun by Antiochus.

Most of the early history of Christianity was

completely destroyed.

Coin of



Diocletian began the persecution by sacrificing to Jupiter (Zeus) to make his war against

the Christians a success:

. . . In the first, while Diocletian was sacrificing in public, the chief interpreter of the

victims' organs reported that he could not read the future in them because of the hostile

influence of Christians standing around. Diocletian burst into a rage, insisting that all in his

court should offer sacrifice, and sent out orders to his army to follow suit. (Ramsey

MacMullen, Constantine, p. 24).

The terrible persecution that followed lasted 10 years and the only places that the

Christian Scriptures survived were North Africa, Britannia, and outside the Roman


Even the pagan books opposing Christianity were destroyed because they would give away

the real name of the Messiah.

Emperor Constantine put his idol in the Christian Temple!!

In the Holy Scriptures, St. Paul frequently speaks of the true Christians as the Temple of

the Lord; the Israel of elohim, or the House of JEHOVAH:


Know ye not that ye are the temple of Elohim, and that the Spirit of Elohim dwelleth in

you? (I Corinthians 3:16).

When the persecution ended, Emperor Constantine (a worshipper of Apollo) changed the

time and place of the Resurrection of Christ. A new "Christ" emerged which looked a lot

like ZEUS with the effeminate long hair.

Statue of Jesus/Zeus at the


This Jesus looks a lot like ZEUS.

The Greek pantheon consisted of

12 gods and Zeus also had a

"miraculous" escape from death

at his birth!

Paganism always tries to

substitute its false gods for the

true Elohim of Israel.

Bust of


Paganism has always sought to substitute its false gods for the true God of Israel. When

Paul and Barnabas were preaching the Gospel, the pagans mistook them for Zeus and


Now when the people saw what Paul had done, they raised their voices, saying in the

Lycaonian language, “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!” And

Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul, Hermes, because he was the chief speaker. Then the

priest of Zeus, whose temple was in front of their city, brought oxen and garlands to the

gates, intending to sacrifice with the multitudes. (Acts 14:11-14).

The Greek pantheon consisted of 12 main gods and Christ had 12 disciples. There are

many other amazing similarities between paganism and Christianity. Satan knows the

Scriptures and he knew that Joshua (a type of the Messiah) chose 12 disciples and each

disciple was represented by a STONE. (Joshua 4:4).

Jerome changed JEHOSHUA to Jesus!!

Incredible as it may seem to some, the Messiah's name was not Jesus of Nazareth but

JOSHUA of Nazareth. After Constantine changed the time and place of the Resurrection,

Jerome, under orders from Pope DAMNASUS, completed the Great Apostasy by changing

the Saviour's name.



Damasus I


Pope from

366 to 384.

Pagan Pontiff Damnasus ordered Jerome to make a

new translation of the Bible and eliminate all

the names of the Elohim of Israel.

He also changed the name of the mother of the

Messiah, Miriam, to Mary or Maria!!

JEHOSHUA became JESUS and Miriam became

Maria or Mary.






Names DO NOT translate from language to language but almost always sound the same in

every language.

For instance, Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi is not called Joseph Green in English; nor

is Italian Hero Giuseppe Garibaldi called Joseph Garibaldi. Julius Caesar is still

called Julius Caesar as William Shakespeare is called William Shakespeare throughout

the world.

The Hebrew names JEHOSHUA and Miriam were translated as JESUS and MARY by


Translated as Jesus Translated as Mary or Maria Translated as Christ

The only name Jerome did not change was CHRIST, but CHRIST is not a name but a title

meaning Messiah in Hebrew. Cyrus the Great–a type of the Messiah–is also called

CHRIST or ANOINTED in the Old Covenant

Thus saith JEHOVAH to his anointed (Christ), to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to

subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two

leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut (Isaiah 45:1).

Cyrus the Persian, a type of the Messiah, was NAMED 200 years before he was born . . . so

it is beyond belief that the real Messiah's name was not givenbeforehand!!


JEHOVAH is the most frequently used name of God in the Old Covenant. Translated into

English it means THE ETERNAL or I AM THAT I AM:


And JEHOVAH said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto

the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.And ELOHIM said moreover unto

Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the JEHOVAH Elohim of your

fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohimof Jacob, hath sent me

unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. (Exodus


JEHOSHUA means JEHOVAH is SALVATION. That was the name given to Joseph by the


And she (Miriam) shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JEHOSHUA: for he

shall save his people from their sins. (Matthew 1:21).

The Messiah's birthplace of Bethlehem was predicted by the prophet Micah (Micah 5:2).

The time of his birth was predicted by Daniel the Prophet (Daniel 9:27); so it is absolutely

incredible that His name was not given also.

At that time, every Jewish father wanted to name is son Joshua because they knew that

the Messiah's name would be Joshua. Most Jewish women knew also that the mother of

the Messiah would be named MIRIAM because we meet so many women named MIRIAM

during the ministry of Christ.

City of Nazareth.

He shall be called a Nazarene (Matthew


Nazareth means BRANCH and that is the

title given to Joshua the High Priest in

Zechariah 6:12.

Jerome tried to conceal this by changing

BRANCH to flower or Orient.

House where

Joshua grew


JEHOSHUA grew up in Nazareth with his mother Miriam, his stepfather Joseph, 4

brothers and at least 2 sisters.

Matthew says that the prophets predicted that the Messiah would be called a Nazarene:

And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken

by the prophets, “He shall be called a Nazarene.”(Matthew 2:23).

Nowhere does it say directly in the Old Covenant that the Messiah would be from

Nazareth but plenty of hints are given. Isaiah the Prophet said:


There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,

And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.

The Spirit of JEHOVAH shall rest upon Him,

The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,

The Spirit of counsel and might,

The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of JEHOVAH (Isaiah 11:1-2).

All scholars know that Nazareth means BRANCH. Even the "Catholic" Encyclopedia

admits it:

The etymology of Nazara is neser, which means "a shoot". The Vulgate renders this word by

flos, "flower", in the Prophecy of Isaias (11:1), which is applied to the Saviour. St. Jerome

(Epist., xlvi, "Ad Marcellam") gives the same interpretation to the name of the

town. ("Catholic" Encyclopedia article Nazareth).

Here is how Jerome translated Isaiah 11:1:

And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up out of his

root (Isaiah 11:1, Latin Vulgate Version).

JEHOVAH gave the name of our great HIGH PRIEST in advance:

Take of them of the captivity, even of Heldai, of Tobijah, and of Jedaiah, which are come

from Babylon, and come thou the same day, and go into the house of Josiah the son of


Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Joshua the son

of Josedech, the high priest;

And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh JEHOVAH of hosts, saying, Behold the man

whose name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the

temple of JEHOVAH:

Even he shall build the temple of JEHOVAH; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and

rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall

be between them both. (Zechariah 6:10-13).

Here is how Jerome tried to hide the name of the Messiah:

And thou shalt speak to him, saying: Thus saith the Lord of hosts, saying: BEHOLD A

MAN, THE ORIENT IS HIS NAME: and under him shall he spring up, and shall build a

temple to the Lord (Zechariah 6:12, Latin Vulgate Version).

St. Paul devotes the entire Book of Hebrews to teaching about our great HIGH PRIEST,

Joshua the Son of God.

Jerome changed Miriam to Mary or Maria!

In the Book of Acts–the only surviving history of the first years of Christianity–Miriam,

the humble mother of Joshua of Nazareth—is only mentioned once....All of her

subsequent history was also destroyed by Emperor Diocletian.


At the time of Christ, all the world worshipped the great female goddess under different

names. The Greeks called her Artemis and the Romans called her Diana or Venus:

So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the

great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom

all Asia and the world worshippeth. (Acts 19:27).

Money–what St. Peter calls filthy lucre– was a big motivation in the worship of Artemis (I

St. Peter 5:2).

Statue of

Diana of the


with her




Artemis (Roman Diana) was the daughter of Zeus.

Her temple was also one of the 7 Wonders of the

Ancient World.

Jerome called her MARY or MARIA, corrupting the

word MIRIAM, which was the New Covenant name

for the mother of Joshua of Nazareth.

Statue of

Mary and


Mary or Maria is actually Diana of the Ephesians whose image fell down from Zeus:

And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is

there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great

goddess Diana (Artemis), and of her image which fell down from Zeus. (Acts 19:35).

There is a very good possibility that the image was a meteorite stone and is now

worshipped at the Kaaba in Mecca!!

Zeus was the wrathful god always ready to hurl his thunderbolts at his devotees but Diana

was the caring, compassionate one.

As well as the brisk trade in images, filthy rites were performed at the temple of Diana.

Thousands of male and female prostitutes were on hand to help the people worship the


The talking idol in the Christian Temple today!!

Antiochus put a DUMB IDOL in the holy Temple of JEHOVAH in Jerusalem. The statue

itself was harmless because it neither could see nor hear nor talk.

For the past 1600 years, a series of pagan Pontiffs or vicars of Zeus have reigned in Rome

as vicars of CHRIST . . . and all claim to be the mouthpiece of the Almighty:

And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before

whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes (See of Rome), and a mouth that spake very

great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. (Daniel 7:20).


That was a quote about the talking idol named the Pontiff or Pope from handwriting on

the wall Daniel the Prophet.

And he Satan had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast

should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the

beast should be killed. (Revelation 13:15).

The Book of Revelation is just a continuation of the Old Covenant Book of Daniel.

The White

Pope and the

Black Pope.

The pagan Pontiff claims to be the

mouthpiece of the Almighty.

When he speaks . . . the world listens!!

He tries to rule the world with the help of

his Society of Zeus, his millions of

followers, and his Muslims.

Statue of

Jupiter/Zeus at

the Vatican.

Jupiter is the Roman name for the Greek Zeus....The statue of Jupiter was renamed St.

Peter . . . and the statue of Venus was renamed Mary or Maria . . . and thus paganism

continued to flourish at Rome under the guise of Christianity.

Islam eliminated the Divine Names completely!!

The substitution of the Divine Names begun by Jerome was completed by their

complete elimination by Islam....Hebrew and Arabic are very similar languages so

JEHOVAH should sound the same in both languages.

After the Apostle Paul met JOSHUA of Nazareth on the Damascus Road, he immediately

went to preach Christ to the Arabs:

Neither went I (Paul) up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went

into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus.(Galatians 1:17).

The Arabs knew the JEHOVAH was the name of the one true God but Muhammad and his

followers eliminated the Name completely from the unholy Koran.

The Vatican used the Muslims to destroy the Christians and their Bibles in the Middle

East and North Africa. Islam's destruction of Christians and their Bibles also extended to

Persia, India, and China. Until now, Islam's advance into Western Europe was stopped

by Polish King Jan III Sobieski.

The image of Diana of the Ephesians was a meteorite stone and both religions are so

similar that it could be the very same stone that is now worshipped at the Kaaba in





Meteorites were a common part of pagan

worship and the image that fell from Zeus was

a meteorite.

The Black Stone in the Kaaba at Mecca could be

the very same stone!!

Only the pagan Pontiffs who started that religion

know for sure!!

The Black


You won't find the name Joshua mentioned once in the unholy Koran. As a matter of fact,

the name Alah means CURSING in Hebrew:

His mouth is full of cursing (Alah) and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and

vanity.(Psalm 10:7). (Strong's #H423).

For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride:

and for cursing (Alah) and lying which they speak. (Psalm 59:12). (Strong's #H423).


Jerome's List of Changes to the Divine Names


Green, Jay P. The Interlinear Greek-English New Testament. Hendrickson Publishers,

Peabody, Massachusetts, 1985.

MacMullen, Ramsey. Constantine. The Dial Press, New York, 1969.

Sir Lancelot C. L. Brenton, The Septuagint with Apocrypha: Greek and

English. Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, Massachusetts, 2009. Originally published in

Great Britain in 1851.



May 29, 2015, is Fall of Constantinople Day!!


May 29, 1453 – May 29, 2015

The kingdom (Roman Empire) SHALL be divided (Daniel 2:41).

May 29 (New Style) and June 11 (Old Style) is the 562th anniversary of a day that will live

in infamy....That day commemorates the Fall of Constantinople–the New Rome and

Queen of Cities–to the Muslim Turks.

Constantinople or New Rome was founded by Roman Emperor Constantine in 330.

The divistion of the Roman Empire into East and West began in 380 with an edict of mad

Emperor Theodosius commanding everbody in the Empire to believe in the myth of St.

Peter at Rome.


Theodosius I



from 378 to


The real division between West and East began

when mad Emperor Theodosius lied and said that

Saint Peter was at Rome.

History would have been very different if Pope

Damasus had told the truth that Saint Paul was at

Rome . . and not Saint Peter!!

Saint Peter would never dare set foot in Rome

because Emperor Claudius would arrest him

for tomb robbing!!


Damasus I


Pope from

366 to 384.

Here is a copy of that edict :

It is our desire that all the various nations which are subject to our Clemency and

Moderation, should continue in the profession of that religion which was delivered to the

Romans by the divine Apostle Peter, as it hath been preserved by faithful tradition; and

which is now professed by the Pontiff Damasus and by Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, a man

of apostolic holiness. According to the apostolic teaching and the doctrine of the Gospel, let

us believe the one deity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in equal majesty and in a

holy Trinity. We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title of Catholic

Christians; but as for the others, since, in our judgement, they are foolish madmen, we

decree that they shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics, and shall not

presume to give to their conventicles the name of churches. They will suffer in the first

place the chastisement of the divine condemnation, and in the second the punishment which

our authority, in accordance with the will of Heaven, shall decide to inflict. (Theodosian

Code, Book XVI, The Catholic Faith).

In 381, Theodosius and Gregory of Nazianzus presided over the First Council of

Constantinople (2nd Ecumenical Council).


The bishop of Constantinople knew perfectly well that this St. Peter at Rome edict was a

myth. Constantinople could not claim an Apostle of Christ as its founder, but the bishop

was not about to accept Old Rome's hegemony based on this fable.

The 150 bishops in attendance refused to acknowledge his Peter in Rome edict and ruled

that Old Rome had precedence only because it was the imperial city:

As for the bishop of Constantinople, let him have the prerogatives of honor after the bishop

of Rome, seeing that this city is the new Rome. (Council of Constantinople, Canon 3).

The Coucil of Chalcedon in 451 (attended by 600 bishops) reinforced Canon 3 in Canon

28 which made Old Rome first of equals only because it was the imperial city. Nothing

was said at that Council about apostolic succession or the presence of St. Peter at Rome:

Following in every detail all the decrees of the holy fathers and knowing about the canon,

just read, of the 150 bishops dearly beloved of God, gathered together under Theodosius the

Great, emperor of pious memory in the imperial city of Constantinople, New Rome, we

ourselves have also decreed and voted the same things about the prerogatives of the very

holy Church of this same Constantinople, New Rome. The fathers in fact have correctly

attributed the prerogatives [which belong] to the see of the most ancient Rome because it

was the imperial city. And thus moved by the same reasoning, the 150 bishops beloved of

God have accorded equal prerogatives to the very holy see of New Rome, justly considering

that the city that is honored by the imperial power and the senate and enjoying [within the

civil order] the prerogatives equal to those of Rome, the most ancient imperial city, ought to

be as elevated as Old Rome in the affairs of the Church, being in the second place after

it. (Council of Chalcedon, Canon 28).

This was the beginning of the division of the Roman Empire into the 2 legs of iron as

prophesied in Daniel Chapter 2.

After the fall of New Rome, the Orthodox Church moved to Moscow and Moscow became

known as the 3rd Rome. Russia now became the target of the Vatican's attempt to end

what they call the Great Schism.

Lord Kitchener's campaign to conquer Constantinople in 1915

As bizarre as it may seem, "Mr. British Empire," Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, led a

campaign to take Constantinople from the Terrible Turks. The ostensible purple of the

Gallipoli Campaign (April 1915–January 1916) was to relieve German pressure on the

Western Front!!






To break the stalemate on the Western Front

during World War I, Secretary of State for War Lord

Kitchener decided to conquer Constantinople.

The pretext for this invasion was the fact that the

Terrible Turks were allies of Germany.

Scottish Sir Ian Hamilton led the Mediterranean

Expeditionary Force comprised mostly of the

Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC).

Sir Ian



The cannon fodder for the attempted invasion of Constantinople consisted mostly of

Australians and New Zealanders. Kitchener knew that the Galipoli Campaign was just

a sideshow and would take away British troops from the beseiged Western Front. Since

1453, the Tsars of Russia claimed Constantinople as their city. A British conquest of that

city was considered by them as worse than its occupation by the Terrible Turks.



charging an



Contrary to all expectations, the Terrible

Turks fought bravely to defend


The attempted invasion turned out to be

another disaster, and all the British Empire

troops were withdrawn by January 1916.

New Zealand

soldiers at


Total British Empire casualties amounted to 187,000 dead, wounded, or missing. Turkish

casualties amounted to 174,000 dead, wounded, or missing. Heads did roll in London and

the first casualty was First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill.

Prime Minister




Prime Minister

from '08 to


Prime Minister Asquith's "Liberal"

Government barely survived the Gallipoli


Some heads had to roll and Winston

Churchill was the first casualty of Kitchener's

Gallipoli Campaign.


Churchill. 1st

Lord of the

Admiralty from

1911 to 1915.


It just so happened that Russia was desperately short of munitions and Britain could not

meet the demand. As a result, Russia was also interested in purchasing munitions from

the United States. A perfect solution was found: send Kitchener to Russia with munitions .

. . and gold.

As bait, King George V received a telegram from "Tsar Nicholas II" urging him to send

Kitchener to Russia. This bizarre scheme to get rid of one man was extremely costly in

lives and gold . . . but Winston Churchill would rather see the gold at the bottom of the sea

than in the United States!!

HMS Hampshire: a huge battle

cruiser to take Lord Kitchener on

a "secret" diplomatic mission to


Kitchener's real mission

was to take munitions and

gold to hard pressed


On June 5, 1916,

Kitchener's ship,

HMS Hampshire exploded;

650 souls were lost, and

none of the munitions or

gold reached Russia!!




"farewell" to


Kitchener on

HMS Iron


Secretary of State for War Kitchener was HATED by many people in the British

government–not for starting the war–but for underestimating the length of the conflict.

By 1916, it was bankrupting the British Empire and the Bank of England had to appeal to

the United States for loans to continue the war.



Farnden was

one of only

12 survivors.

A court-martial to remove Secretary

of State for War Kitchener was out

of the question.

A "car accident" or poison was too

obvious, so 650 men had to die to

get rid of ONE man!!

Additionally, $10,000,000 in gold

bullion went down with the ship!!

HMS Hampshire went


stern up like the Titanic.

Only 12 men survived the massive explosion that sent the ship to the bottom in 15

minutes. Many people in the British government rejoiced at the timely demise of the

inflexible Kitchener, considering him an anachronism. Kitchener was the quintessential,

vengeful, grab 'em by the throat "bulldog" Briton, and he would never have countenanced

an indirect "Communist" Revolution as a way of getting Russia out of the war.


The West v. East conflict is still raging as intensely as ever!!

The Vatican instigated West versus East conflict is still raging as intensely as ever....The

only thing that has changed since 1453 is that the Vatican has a new strategic partner in

the New World called the Pentagon!!

Freedom-loving and progressive pro-Russian countries in the Mideast like Iraq, Libya,

and Syria are facing regime change from the Hudson's Bay controlled Pentagon and the

neo-Nazis called NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization).

Terrible Turks

about to breach the

walls of

Constantinople on

May 29, 1453.

The siege of Constantinople was

the Alamo of the East.

The heroic defenders held out for 2

months against overwhelming

odds, (200,000 v. 10,000), choosing an

honorable death rather than surrender

and live as slaves under Islam!!


is now called


The Turkish army numbered over 200,000 men and the Greek defenders (latter day

Spartans) barely numbered 7,000, augmented by about 3,000 Geneose and Venetians.

Even with the overwhelming Turkish superiority in numbers, the key to the Fall of

Constantinople was the newly invented gunpowder cannon, which demolished the

massive walls of the city!




at work on

the walls.

In 1453, gunpowder cannon

were state of the art weaponry

and equivalent to today's

nuclear weapons.

Massive Hungarian cannon.

The Hungarian cannon, named after the Hungarian engineer Orban, who cast the gun for

the Ottoman besiegers of Constantinople. Today it belongs to the British Royal Armouries


Emperor Constantine XI died defending his beloved city and his body was never

recovered for the usual beheading and exhibiting as a trophy.

Vital links


The Terrible Turks

Turkish Admiral Exposes Christopher Columbus!!

The Fall of Constantinople to the Muslim Turks in 1453

Sobieski Saved Germany from the Terrible Turks!!

"Good" Muslims versus "Bad" Muslims!!

Rome versus Constantinople

The Real End Of The Romanovs Revealed At Last!!


Crowley, Roger. 1453: The Holy War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and the

West. Hyperion, New York, 2005.

Casser George H. Kitchener's War: British Strategy from 1914 to 1916. Potomac Books,

Washington City, 2004.

McCormick, Donald, The Mystery of Lord Kitchener's Death. Putman, London, 1959.

Royle, Trevor, The Kitchener Enigma. Michael Joseph, London, 1985.











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