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⚡️[EBOOK]❤️ Department of the Army Field Manual - Communication in Infantry and Airborne Divisions FM 7-24

COPY LINK: https://isbooktoday.com/yum/B0BQ9NF12Y ********************************************* BOOK SYNOPSIS: WARNING Authority for release of this document to a foreign government must be secured from the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2. When this document is released to a foreign government, it is released subject to the following conditions: This information is furnished with the understanding that it will not be released to another nation without specific approval of the United States of Ame

COPY LINK: https://isbooktoday.com/yum/B0BQ9NF12Y

WARNING Authority for release of this document to a foreign government must be secured from the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2. When this document is released to a foreign government, it is released subject to the following conditions: This information is furnished with the understanding that it will not be released to another nation without specific approval of the United States of Ame

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Department of the Army Field Manual - Communication in Infantry

and Airborne Divisions FM 7-24 (October 1950): (U.S Army

Unabridged Handbook)




WARNING Authority for release of this document to a foreign government must be secured from

the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2. When this document is released to a foreign government, it is

released subject to the following conditions: This information is furnished with the understanding

that it will not be released to another nation without specific approval of the United States of

America, Department of the Army that it will not be used for other than military purposes that

individual or corporation rights originating in the information whether patented or not will be

respected and that the information will be afforded substantially the same degree of security as

afforded by the United States of America, Deportment of the Army1. PURPOSE AND SCOPEThis

manual is a guide for the tactical employment of the personnel and equipment required to provide

signal communication in infantry and airborne divisions. It describes the signal communication

available to these divisions and tells how it is used in different types 6f tactical operations. Chapter

1 contains general information of interest to all units in infantry and airborne divisions. The term

signal communication is abbreviated to communication in this manual, except where

misunderstanding might result2. PERSONNELEach unit in the infantry and airborne divisions is

provided with personnel whose primary duties are to install, operate, and maintain communication

systems. Others concerned with communication include commanders and their staffs, those who

operate signal equipment for which no communication personnel are provided (such as tank

crews), and anyone else who is designated and trained to assist or take the place of

communication personnel. For details on this communication personnel, see appropriate tables of

organization and equipment.

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