16.04.2023 Aufrufe

⚡️[EBOOK]❤️ The Middle East: Sixty-Four Years of Dramatic Journeys from Morocco to Pakistan

COPY LINK: https://reader.ebookexprees.com/yum/B0989M53W7 ********************************************* BOOK SYNOPSIS: The Middle East is a fuzzy-edged concept, but it certainly includes the heartlands of Islam. It is a controversial, indeed a baleful region. The Arab-Israeli Wars flared up again the week I write this. The American-Iranian clash may continue for decades. Muslim terrorists are here to stay. But the first two thousand years of civilization evolved in the Middle East, and their re

COPY LINK: https://reader.ebookexprees.com/yum/B0989M53W7

The Middle East is a fuzzy-edged concept, but it certainly includes the heartlands of Islam. It is a controversial, indeed a baleful region. The Arab-Israeli Wars flared up again the week I write this. The American-Iranian clash may continue for decades. Muslim terrorists are here to stay. But the first two thousand years of civilization evolved in the Middle East, and their re

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The Middle East is a fuzzy-edged concept, but it certainly includes the heartlands of Islam. It is a

controversial, indeed a baleful region. The Arab-Israeli Wars flared up again the week I write this.

The American-Iranian clash may continue for decades. Muslim terrorists are here to stay. But the

first two thousand years of civilization evolved in the Middle East, and their remains survive there.

And, Of the ten most beautiful buildings in the world, twelve are mosques. To see such glories was

worth risking thirst in the Sahara and frost in the Karakorum, terrorist guns and bombs in Israel,

Egypt and Iraq, travel through an active civil war in Eastern Turkey and a brief capture by

Hezbollah kids in the Lebanon. For any insights that my extensive travels in the Middle East might

bring, and my will to be complex and equable, read the following chapters.

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