11.03.2023 Aufrufe

READ (EPUB) Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained

COPY LINK: https://iam-needoxigen.blogspot.com/?bumi=B0BGNPC8H1 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Book synopsis: Many books and websites have aggressive programming challenges for top coders. However, this book is for the rest of us. We want challenges that improve our coding skills, not leave us confused and discouraged. Other tutorials and books have taught you the basics of Python, but the 42 programming exercises in this book let you practice what you've learned. Selected for the

COPY LINK: https://iam-needoxigen.blogspot.com/?bumi=B0BGNPC8H1

Book synopsis:
Many books and websites have aggressive programming challenges for top coders. However, this book is for the rest of us. We want challenges that improve our coding skills, not leave us confused and discouraged. Other tutorials and books have taught you the basics of Python, but the 42 programming exercises in this book let you practice what you've learned. Selected for the

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Python Programming Exercises, Gently Explained




Many books and websites have aggressive programming challenges for top coders. However, this

book is for the rest of us. We want challenges that improve our coding skills, not leave us

confused and discouraged. Other tutorials and books have taught you the basics of Python, but

the 42 programming exercises in this book let you practice what you've learned. Selected for their

simplicity, these programming problems include gentle explanations of the problem, the

prerequisite coding concepts you&#8217llneed to understand the solution, and helpful templates

to put together the programs if you have trouble starting from scratch.This is the perfect book for

beginner and intermediate programmers who want to test their Python skills but aren&#8217tready

to begin professional-level software development. You don&#8217tneed the frustration of being

expected to create complex algorithms and computer science theory you need a large set of

programming challenges that meet you at your level, with gentle explanations.The coding

exercises in this book include:&#8226Temperature conversion&#8226Fizz buzz&#8226Reading

and writing files&#8226Find and replace text&#8226Calculating average, median, and

mode&#8226Random dice rolling&#8226Password generation&#8226Date

validation&#8226Rock, paper, scissors&#8226ASCII art&#8226Collatz sequence&#8226Bubble


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