10.03.2023 Aufrufe

[PDF DOWNLOAD] Race Cars (A True Book: Behind the Scenes)

Link >> https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/0531241459 =============================== Learn the history of auto racing, what it is like to be a race car driver, and much more.Race car technology has come a long way from the early days of auto racing. Today's cars rely on sleek, aerodynamic shapes and powerful engines to give drivers more speed and control than ever before. In this book, readers (Grades 3-5) will find out how engineers and other creative, forward-thinking people work to push rac

Link >> https://greatfull.fileoz.club/yupu/0531241459

Learn the history of auto racing, what it is like to be a race car driver, and much more.Race car technology has come a long way from the early days of auto racing. Today's cars rely on sleek, aerodynamic shapes and powerful engines to give drivers more speed and control than ever before. In this book, readers (Grades 3-5) will find out how engineers and other creative, forward-thinking people work to push rac

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Race Cars (A True Book: Behind the Scenes)

Sinopsis :

Learn the history of auto racing, what it is like to be a race car

driver, and much more.Race car technology has come a long

way from the early days of auto racing. Today's cars rely on

sleek, aerodynamic shapes and powerful engines to give

drivers more speed and control than ever before. In this book,

readers (Grades 3-5) will find out how engineers and other

creative, forward-thinking people work to push race car

technology to the limit.

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