09.03.2023 Aufrufe

Kindle (DonlinePDF)The Mature Student's Guide to Writing (Palgrave Study Guides)

COPY LINK: https://ke-pontangpanteng.blogspot.com/?pow=1403989958 *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ Book synopsis: Students more familiar with failure than success can carry inhibiting levels of fear, and mature students are twice as likely to drop out of Higher Education in their first year than younger students. Through its use of conversational and supportive tones, The Mature Student's Guide to Writing puts readers at ease assisting the transition to academic study. The author ma

COPY LINK: https://ke-pontangpanteng.blogspot.com/?pow=1403989958

Book synopsis:
Students more familiar with failure than success can carry inhibiting levels of fear, and mature students are twice as likely to drop out of Higher Education in their first year than younger students. Through its use of conversational and supportive tones, The Mature Student's Guide to Writing puts readers at ease assisting the transition to academic study. The author ma

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Students more familiar with failure than success can carry inhibiting levels of fear, and mature

students are twice as likely to drop out of Higher Education in their first year than younger

students. Through its use of conversational and supportive tones, The Mature Student's Guide to

Writing puts readers at ease assisting the transition to academic study. The author makes no

assumptions in terms of readers' prior knowledge--explanations are full, and each chapter

contains an introduction and a summary. There are also exercises and many examples of

students' writing. This accessible book will be an invaluable companion for the mature student,

guiding them through what they need to know in order to write clear English.

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