
02.03.2023 Aufrufe

-024We investigate the relationshipbetween the human scale, moreprecisely a unit (hall-house-roomcolumn-wall-window-porch...)and itslinking to the complex structure of alarge-scale programme. We seek outthe tension between communalityand intimacy, between interior andurbanity, between mass and space.In doing so, we strive to combine thepoetics and logic of building.


We investigate the relationship

between the human scale, more

precisely a unit (hall-house-roomcolumn-wall-window-porch...)

and its

linking to the complex structure of a

large-scale programme. We seek out

the tension between communality

and intimacy, between interior and

urbanity, between mass and space.

In doing so, we strive to combine the

poetics and logic of building.

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